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  1. Keeping his options open? Really? What optons would those be? He didn't criticize Israel for counterattacking Gaza. He criticized Israel for letting its guard down. Keep in mind that it was Trump who approved moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem? What did the Great Negotiator get in return for that?
  2. Before I read the following article, I was pretty dismissive of the case against Biden. But if this doesn't do it, then you are just a confirmed radical leftist: Notorious mobster Salvatore ‘Sammy the Bull’ Gravano stunned by latest bombshell Hunter Biden allegations: ‘Mind-blowing’ https://nypost.com/2023/12/02/news/notorious-mobster-salvatore-sammy-the-bull-gravano-stunned-by-latest-bombshell-hunter-biden-allegations-mind-blowing/ Noted authority on crime, self-confessed murder, and ex-Mafioso Sonny "The Bull" Gravano was interviewed by Jesse Watters of Fox News.
  3. Right. That's why the 3 opening witnesses, all of them anti-Biden, called to testify before the House Committee all said there wasn't enough evidence. GOP witness says ‘current evidence’ doesn’t support Biden impeachment https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4228663-gop-witness-says-current-evidence-doesnt-support-biden-impeachment/
  4. As far as it concerns Netanyahu, I would call it a collateral benefit.
  5. And here's a link to a report in Israel Hayom, which is not exactly a left wing source of information. It's tied in very closely to Netanyahu and company. https://www.israelhayom.com/2023/12/03/will-israel-actively-encourage-migration-of-gazans-the-hot-potato-that-is-dividing-the-government/
  6. What's apparent is that you didn't read the article. It was about the state punishing people for their opinions, not about the validity of them.
  7. Musk disagrees with you. Musk apologizes for endorsing antisemitic post, curses advertisers boycotting X for it Elon Musk called his recent endorsement of an antisemitic conspiracy theory “foolish” and said he was “sorry for that post” on X, the social media platform he owns and renamed from Twitter. https://www.timesofisrael.com/musk-uses-expletive-to-dismiss-concerns-of-advertisers-that-fled-x-over-hate-speech/
  8. Well, I guess that explains why Trump's mostly properties took such a hit when he was President.
  9. And just to make it clear, how many of those reserve pilots have actually refused to serve? As they explicitly noted during their protests, if an emergency arose, they would return to service immediately. And that's what, overwhelmingly, they have done. Given their mass resturn to service, one is inclined to wonder how sincere were their protests about being made vulnerable to the judgement of the ICC and how much that argument was contrived to support their opposition to the threat posed by Netanyahu's shenanigans to the Supreme Court.
  10. Well, my opinion is one that's shared by some very knowledgeable people. As they have pointed out, Biden has kind of backed himself into a corner with his over-the-top embrace of the Israeli response. After investing all this political capital in support of Israel, is it politically palatable for Biden to break with Netanyahu? White House pressed Israel during bombing pause to change its strategy As fighting starts up again, it is unclear whether White House actions made a difference Despite this notable change in message and tone, outside advisers and Middle East experts said it remains unclear whether Biden would be willing to distance himself or break with Israel if it does not heed the American exhortations and undertakes another broadly devastating aerial campaign. “There’s a rhetorical change in how they’re talking about it, but it doesn’t seem substantive,” said Steven Cook, senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. “If Israel pursues its military operations in a similar fashion, then you know the administration really hasn’t had an effect.” https://archive.ph/FqD0S https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/12/02/white-house-pressed-israel-strategy-gaza/ As the article goes on to note, experts say they see no indication that Israel has changed its tactics in its prosecution of the war. An Israeli spokesperson quoted in the article says Israel sees no need to change its approach to the war. (Although, I suppose we would expect him to say that even if Israel had changed its tactics.) The quoted comments of Bruce Riedel, a very savvy scholar of US policy in the Mideast, about the paralyzing predicament Biden finds himself in, are also telling. As long as Biden doesn't explicitly draw a specific red line, why should Israel care what the rest of the world thinks? Essentially, as far as Israel's foreign concerns goes, it's down to a constituency of one person. As for the Israeli government's domestic support, is there any politically influential concern among Jewish Israelis, who constitute roughly 80% of the population, about the fate of the Palestinian civilians in Gaza? Apart maybe from those voiced by a few leftists? I think the order of the day for Jewish Israelis is vengeance and return of the hostages. Palestinian welfare doesn't figure in the political calculus.
  11. No, it's not largely do to the real estate collapse. The real estate collapse is just a symptom of the Chinese governments intrusive policies. This is not like the US real estate collapse of 2008 which came from a quarter which nobody was closely looking at except a few very savvy investors. The Chinese real estate sector obviously occupied way too much of the economy and only kept going because of government subsidies to local economies. They were repeatedly warned by competent economists. The private sector's share of the Chinese economy is shrinking. Xi's obsession with security now trumps economic considerations. Information that could once be freely exchanged now may subject businesses to fines and even prison sentences. Entrepreneurs are fleeing China. Actually, Biden has taken a far harsher a tions against the Chinese economy then did Trump.
  12. I guess I'll have to take your word for that since you don't bother to explain it.
  13. You're right about Russia and China. That's why they signed onto the Obama administrations agreement to impede Iran's development of nuclear weapons in exchange for economic access to the West. An amazing achievement. Guess who withdrew first from that agreement. And not just that, he made it impossible for Iran to do serious business with the West. So no incentive to stick to the agreement.
  14. Whatever his moral failings were, and it was Kissinger who, among other things, gave the Indonesian the go-ahead to invade East Timor, what's worse is his utter inability to understand that ultimately it's economics that drives world affairs. He was blindsided by the collapse of the Soviet Empire. When he did try to grapple with economics he got it wrong. He believed that private enterprise would inevitably turn China into a democracy.
  15. You're way behind the times. It's China whose economy is now in decline thanks to the newest incarnation of Chairman Mao namely Chairman Xi. The Chinese Communist party has inserted its apparatchiks throughout the private sector. Profitable private businesses are now being forced to subsidize the unprofitable state sector. Workers are now obliged to study Chairman Xi's thought. Chinese citizens with money are fleeing. China is a experience a net currency outflow. And the unfortunate demographic situation is already affecting their enterprises.
  16. B.S. from James Cohen. Before Biden even took office, Putin was very popular among the Republicans' religious base because of the effort he has been devoting to criminalizing homosexuality. They consider him to be a champion of the culture wars.
  17. And Huckabee was perpetuating this lie by claiming that Biden has "ties to the Chinese Communist party." Even if it were found that Biden got money from Hunter's deals, and there's no good evidence that he did, the money to Hunter Biden came from a Chinese company. A company that later went bankrupt and whose boss is now in detention for fraud. If dealing with Chinese businesses is the same thing as dealing with the Chinese Communist party, then a huge portion of America's business are guilty through dealing with America's second largest trading partner.
  18. Yes. Endorsing a blatantly anti-Semitic post was a brilliant move on Musk's part. It looks like you've been shedding crocodile tears about the rise in anti-Semitism.
  19. I don't suppose you would consider financially setting me up so I can experience the disappointment, too?
  20. Both its outreach to Iran and to the U.S. are based on the fear of Iran rousing the masses against government seen to be too lenient towards Israel. For most of the period following the establishment of Israel, Saudi Arabia was a major sponsor of not just anti-Israeli propaganda but overtly anti-Semitic propaganda as well. The Saudis even went so far as to promote a revised version of the Koran with anti-Semitic commentary. So their people are not, to say the least, very favorably disposed towards the Israelis. The recent Saudi moves towards a rapprochement with Israel probably weren't very popular with Saudis before the Gaza War. They're almost certainly looking a lot worse now.
  21. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-11-29/bloomberg-evening-briefing-saudi-arabia-tries-its-hand-at-reining-in-iran
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