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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Or...I didn't know that most of the people in the world have basically pale skin and apply some kind of lotion or cream to darken it. Silly me.
  2. Wow, I didn't know that Trump was born with orange skin and there's nothing he can do about it. I had assumed that he was applying some kind of bronzing lotion. Thanks for clearing that up.
  3. More nonsense from you. Russian troops or proxies are occupying the land of their neighbors. Their governments certainly feel lthreatened by Russia. Russia troops helped to perpetuate the subjugation of Byelorus with the stated goal of making it part of Russia. Ya think Finland, after years of staying out of NATO, joined on a whim?
  4. "Could push?" What does the even mean? The article itself closes with noting that any plan for a common currency is a long way off. And considering that China doesn't let its currency float freely, it's a very long way off. Is this all you've got?
  5. Chinese scientists discover new way to mine rare earth metals that is faster, and causes less pollution A team of Chinese scientists has developed a new process they say significantly reduces the time needed to extract rare earths from ore, and it could also cut industry pollution. Extracting the trace metal elements is difficult and takes days to complete, but researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Fuzhou say they have found a way to shorten the process to minutes. https://www.scmp.com/yp/discover/news/asia/article/3055491/chinese-scientists-discover-new-way-mine-rare-earth-metals And there are lots of western companies developing methods to safely extract rare earths from ore https://www.reuters.com/sustainability/climate-energy/western-start-ups-seek-break-chinas-grip-rare-earths-refining-2023-12-04/#:~:text=Startup Aether is developing nanotechnology,be operational by late 2024.
  6. And BRICS is tied to Ukraine how? And for that matter how is BRICS doing?
  7. Russia or its proxies occupy parts of Moldova and Georgia. With its troops, it helped the detested Byelorussian govt remain in power. It has routinely provoke border incidents with Estonia and Latvia. Part of what is now Russia used to be Finland in the 20th century.
  8. He kind of tried that during his first time out. They mostly didn't last long. The long list of Trump administration officials turned critics Having overseen the highest turnover rate in presidential history, President Donald Trump was bound to have a few disgruntled ex-aides. Instead, a steady succession of ex-administration advisers – including some of his highest-ranking Cabinet officials who spoke or met with him regularly – have spoken out against his leadership and character, a remarkable break in precedent for a norm-shattering president. While there are many administration officials who resigned or were fired and still remain loyal to their former boss, there are also several who have become vocal in their dissent of the current commander-in-chief. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/04/politics/officials-who-criticized-donald-trump/index.html
  9. Exactly how has Ukraine been a disaster for the US?
  10. Tell that to the Moldovans, the Georgians, and the Byelorussians. And the Estonians, the Latvians, and the Finns.
  11. Which is why no one ever dies of cancer once the tumor has been removed.
  12. In Israel, the number of dead Gazans, or, for that matter, dead Palestinians, that would be politically acceptable is not even an issue for most Israelis. 'The only constituency whose backing the Israeli govt is concerned about is Joe Biden. And he seems to have painted himself into a corner with his enthusiastic embrace of the Israeli govt's response.
  13. As I recall, Musk opted out of using Lidar. That met with a lot of criticism.
  14. You got a kind of obsession with names? What was mostly the Soviet Union was Russia. The threat is still there. An ogre by any other name...
  15. Someone should tell the Israeli intelligence services that the Afrikaners lost quite a while ago.
  16. Now, maybe you tlhink that North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed as a kind of organization for beachcombers. As I recall, and maybe I've got this wrong, it was created to counter the threat from the Soviet Union. You remember the Soviet Union? What Putin mourns as his lost Russian empire. It was called NATO because at that time it was pretty much Western Europe that fell under its aegis so defining it by the Atlantic coastline made sense. Guess what? The situation has changed. The portion of Europe that is threatened by what remains of the Russian empire has moved east. And so has the threat.
  17. Here's a graph showing how much Europe has already reduced it's imports of Russian gas: Russia gas imports have already been reduced to a relative trickle. As for your suggestion about nuclear power...because nuclear power plants can be built practically overnight? As for your comments about the military ... remember those assessments about Ukraine's chances against Russia before the invasion? And the Russian collapse in eastern Ukraine? Such categorical pronouncements that you indulge in aren't to be taken seriously. Lots of variables involved in this war.
  18. Let's see if longwood now tries to defend Trump by blaming the attorneys. That's not a valid defense. Trump is legally responsible for what his attorneys claim. And, of course, what is the likelihood that an attorney would submit such a document without the approval of his client?
  19. Actually, just the opposite is more likely if consumption of domesticated animals were to be significantly reduced. For example, almost 80% of soybeans are grown for livestock consumption. Lower demand = lower prices. Is our appetite for soy driving deforestation in the Amazon? "More than three-quarters (77%) of global soy is fed to livestock for meat and dairy production." https://ourworldindata.org/soy And in a time when global freshwater resources are growing increasingly strained, water usage would be dramatically reduced were the cultivation of feed crops for animals lessened.
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