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  1. Prove it. And good luck with that. It's clear that either you're making this up or you got this information from some garbage dump of a website. "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/ Trump Gripes It’s ‘Unfair’ He Doesn’t Have A Jury—But He Never Asked For One In N.Y. Fraud Case "Trump’s attorneys, acting on his behalf, waived his right to a jury trial earlier this year, according to online court records. Trump also falsely said on Monday “we’re not entitled to a jury, which is pretty unusual in the United States of America.” Trump was entitled to a jury, but his lawyers chose to have a bench trial, meaning the judge will make the final determination" .https://www.forbes.com/sites/willskipworth/2023/10/02/trump-gripes-its-unfair-he-doesnt-have-a-jury-but-he-never-asked-for-one-in-ny-fraud-case/?sh=15e44b415172
  2. Yours is the kind of statement that comes from living in a fact-free bubble. "In 2014, three Allies spent 2% of GDP or more on defence; this increased to seven Allies in 2022. Moreover, 2022 was the eighth consecutive year of rising defence spending across European Allies and Canada, amounting to a rise of 2.2% in real terms compared to 2021." https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_67655.htm?#:~:text=In 2014%2C three Allies spent,real terms compared to 2021.
  3. How does that work? I'm assuming that I'm going to have to provide some proof of means to pay for medical care since I suspect the Thai govt doesn't want to end up being stuck with the burden of medical expenses.
  4. Trump ran his father's highly successful real estate business into the ground. NY Banks stopped lending to him. He way overpaid for the Plaza Hotel and ultimately that ended in a ruinous bankruptcy He way overpaid for what became for Trump airlines and ultimately that failed. He's a terrible negotiator. What saved Trump was the huge success of "The Apprentice" in which he masqueraded as a super-successful businessman.
  5. I got some news for you. The subject of the article here is "Transgenderism 'a mental health disorder'" Where does actual neurological research stand on that issue? And I take it that you are not opposed to surgical procedures on consenting adults? Or do you consider them mentally ill and therefore unable to make a competent decision?
  6. What I haven't seen from you or other anti-trans posters is any reference to the science. There's a joke among sexologists that goes like this: What the biggest sex organ in your body? Your brain. So what does actual research on the brain tell us about people who claim that they are transgender? That said, I'm sure you've looked into this issue had have just forgotten integrate that information into your views on transgenderism.
  7. Actually, Hanaguma was damning Nancy Pelosi by apparently praising her. What in Pelosi's record confirms that "And also credit where credit is due. If you are in the Democratic party and you cross her, she will cut your Jacobs off..."?
  8. I am looking at, or rather, attempting to look at, how Nancy Pelosi "cowed" The Squad. Care to share with us some evidence for that?
  9. Cherry picking much? 82% of electric power in New Zealand comes from renewable sources.
  10. What's that got to do with the fact that the temperature of 60 degrees Kelvin would be compatible with life, which, after all, depends on chemical reactions.
  11. There are still people who deny evolution and who believe that the Earth is 5000 years old. I guess that means that evolution and the age of the earth are still subjects of legitimate debate. At least by your way of reckoning.
  12. Apparently, you don't recall or don't even know that Trump employed teams of lawyers to delay investigations. If Trump had simply complied with investigators requests, instead of going to absurd length to resist them, the trials would already be over.
  13. There's plenty of strong evidence against Trump. Nothing like that against Biden
  14. Could you please share with us the information you clearly have about "their lifestyle." And while you're at it, some actual evidence of what motivates them?
  15. It's clear you don't differentiate between between denouncing and whining. Whine: "complain in a feeble or petulant way." https://www.google.com/search?q=whine+definition&oq=whine+definition&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDQzOTJqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Whine: "publicly declare to be wrong or evil." https://www.google.com/search?q=denounce&oq=denounce&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRhB0gEIMTY4MGowajmoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  16. Given that the claim was that Nancy Pelosi failed in impeachment proceedings, when in fact the House did impeach Trump, your notion of what is nonsense is seriously suspect.
  17. So you disagree with countries like Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Poland that actually share borders with Russia. Odd as it may seem, I will trust their IMO's over yours.
  18. It's clear that you are utterly with recent history. Biden and McCarthy engaged in extensive negotiations and reached an agreement on raising the debt limit. As part of that agreement, McCarthyi pledged no more shutdowns. He reneged.
  19. What's your point? The stratosphere is the coldest part of the atmosphere. At its coldest, it's about 190 degrees Kelvin. That's a far cry from 60 degrees Kelvin.
  20. Nonsense. When the pelosi LED impeachment hearings were held. They already had the evidence they needed. The current impeachment effort is actually looking for evidence it currently doesn't have.
  21. Really? They're all equally responsible? Please. It's very clear where the responsibility lies. When McCarthy negotiated an agreement with Biden about the debt limit, he promised no more threats of shutdowns. How are all politicians responsible when one side breaks its word? In addition, threatening the pay of members of Congress, will only further encourage the trend of having extremely wealthy people in the house and said it as representatives.
  22. Climate scientists, whom you childishly call doomsday cultists, have a great record of success in their predictions. But that's because they rely on evidence. Believers such as yourself, just like religious fanatics, have an unbroken record of denial of the evidence and getting it wrong. Whether it's about anthropogenic climate change or Joe Biden's alleged criminality.
  23. You made a prediction based on tenuous evidence that Biden is guilty. That you even offered such a prediction is a good indicator of how strong your belief must be. Much like those deluded religious fanatics who, basing their claims on tenuous evidence, preach that Jesus' return is imminent.
  24. Or maybe scientists understand that there's not a lot of chemistry going on when the temperature is about 60 degrees Kelvin.
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