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  1. Definitely a case of overreach. The EU is clearly trying to impose its tyrannical rule on the Ukrainians. Membership in the EU is extremely unpopular in Ukraine. At least in the Ukraine located in Oppositeworld.
  2. And health harming abreactions to vaccines are very rare. Does this justify banning them?
  3. The sentiment is unremarkable and commonplace. The only thing I can see that makes it stand out is that Ronald Reagan said it.
  4. Not to mention that it was taken out of context. Here's the entire relevant quote: "(Addressing an audience member.) You got to say hi to me. (Laughter.) We go back a long way. She was 12; I was 30. But anyway — (laughter) — this woman helped me get an awful lot done. Anyway. (Applause.)" https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/09/23/remarks-by-president-biden-at-a-democratic-national-committee-event/
  5. I guess it's simply out of the question that he was joking?
  6. Yes everyone lies. But not anyone does it close to the frequency of Donald Trump. And not just that. Many of Trump's lies are particularly nasty inslults.. Not a common practice among most people including politicians.
  7. It's you who decided to invoke the words of Ronald Reagan, not me. Apparently, you believed he was some kind of authority on the issue. Otherwise, why invoke his words?
  8. First off, you're distorting the fact that surgical procedures are very rare. Overwhelmingly, it's medication that's offered. And, as has been posted in this thread. the rates of suicide among transgender youth are much lower when they are allowed access to treatment. Are you against the use of medication for minors? Or do you prefer the higher suicide rate where it's not allowed?
  9. And another conspiracy theory about science. Why am I not surprised?
  10. I have no clear idea what you are referring to? Are you blaming transgenderism for the rise in suicide rates in the USA?
  11. It's a good thing that cultures based on the big 3 religions that got their start in the Middle East, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, haven't historically taken a repressive attitude towards homesexuality and transgenderiism. And you can throw Hinduism, Confucianism, and Communism into the that mix as well. Whereas in intolerant cultures like Thailand's...oh, wait a minute... Sorry, I was reporting from Opposite World. As for reality on this planet...
  12. "I don't know if you're referring to work being done to try to prove there is a "transgender brain" due to unusual conditions in utero, but my understanding is they haven't got very far yet." But there is some evidence to support the hypothesis that brain structure is a significant factor. Despite that you offer such statements as: "Transgenderism" requires complete rejection of physical biological reality over a sustained period of time, which certainly qualifies as a mental health disorder."
  13. Trump reposted this X (formerly Twitter) post on Truth Social https://nypost.com/2023/10/03/trump-shares-court-sketch-of-him-sitting-next-to-jesus
  14. A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants As the nation's attention turns back to the fractured debate over immigration, it might be helpful to remember that in 1986, Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law. It was sold as a crackdown: There would be tighter security at the Mexican border, and employers would face strict penalties for hiring undocumented workers. But the bill also made any immigrant who'd entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty -- a word not usually associated with the father of modern conservatism. https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=128303672 So, I guess you'd have no problem with another amnesty?
  15. False, It's about indictment, not convictions. That said, the House could ignore the rules. "Each party adopts its own set of rules at the start of each Congressional session. The GOP’s conference rule, House Rule 26(a), and the Democratic party’s caucus rule, Rule 4, each have the same rules about holding a leadership position while under indictment. They both say a member who has been indicted for a felony that could carry a sentence of two or more years imprisonment needs to vacate their position." https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/verify/donald-trump/what-house-rules-say-trump-serving-speaker-and-why-they-might-not-matter/536-91f5295b-abb7-4d9a-8084-1e11170437cb That said, the House could ignore the rules
  16. Did they make this up too? "Freedom Caucus member Troy Nehls was one of the first to suggest the former president as a candidate for speaker. His call was soon taken up by other far-right Republicans, such as Greg Steube and Marjorie Taylor Greene."
  17. You think that's ridiculous? Wait till you read this: Guess Who Far-Right Republicans Want to be the Next House Speaker? For the first time in U.S. history, the House voted Tuesday night to vacate the speakership. Most Republicans, including the ones who voted to kick McCarthy out, quickly made it clear that they have no idea what actually happens next. But a candidate soon began to emerge: Donald Trump. https://news.yahoo.com/ll-never-guess-far-wants-141130260.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9uZXdzLmdvb2dsZS5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABAhEfkLQgfQUTTFBeuTdUqrnf9rM3p7j6H7Q4nPA_wK0K_NWsBEX4yiCvcVqR20bC-QkRKTOVJc8UrB8yrSKhPNlJ2ecMjs6J0F1XPhId0vjnHEfWwF6AgCBmt6urZUn12KjMYNydI9MCEfYc1xfdRhHFUnrPAieVZp9W9Fjcdz I think Trump will have enough sense to avoid that entanglement. After all, to be good Speaker, you have to be a good negotiator. And Trump is notoriously bad at that.
  18. Whether that's true or not, the discussion isn't about most mental health disorders. (And given the wide use of pharmaceuticals in treating the mentally ill, your assertion is certainly open to doubt.) It's about transgenderism. Are you familiar at all with the research on the neurological research?
  19. Not so smart. The time to raise that issue would be before the trial. I haven't seen any evidence that Trump's lawyers raised the issue. Appeals courts tend to be very sceptical when lawyers raise an appeal on issues that they should have previously addressed. More likely, though it's only my opinion, given Trump's often stated belief that he couldn't get a fair jury trial, his lawyers were acting at Trump's direction.
  20. I unreservedly apologize. You are correct in your statement about that statute. That said, Trump's lawyers made no attempt to appeal the use of the statute which is odd, gi given the propensity of Trump's lawyers to litigate everything... "“It’s not entirely clear whether Trump would have been entitled to a jury trial under New York law – that would depend on nuanced legal determinations about the nature of the remedy sought by the attorney general,” said Elie Honig, a CNN senior legal analyst and former federal and New Jersey prosecutor. “But Trump’s legal team absolutely could have requested a jury, litigated the issue, and then appealed had they lost.” https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/04/politics/trump-new-york-case-no-jury/index.html
  21. You really do have a penchant for making things up, don't you? For instance that the poverty statistics are skewed by blue cities Here's a datum from Mississippi, the poorest state: Child Poverty Heavily Concentrated in Rural Mississippi, Even More So Than Before the Great Recession The share of children living in poverty in the U.S. remains higher than it was before the Great Recession. According to estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS), nearly 20 percent of children were living in poverty in 2016, compared with 18 percent in 2007. Also, the number of children in poverty increased over this period by 1 million, from 13,097,100 to 14,115,713. Child poverty rates continue to be highest in the South and Southwest, particularly in counties with concentrations of Native Americans and along the Mississippi Delta. Children in poverty tend to live in rural (nonmetro) counties—many with persistently high poverty—that were hard hit by the recession https://www..ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2018/july/child-poverty-heavily-concentrated-in-rural-mississippi-even-more-so-than-before-the-great-recession/
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