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  1. Once again, a crucial sentence was left out of that video.
  2. Whatever the merits of Al-Jazeera may be, thaibeacher's belief that Al-Jazeera is superior because it does not depend on advertisers, is clearly ludicrous.
  3. "Conclusion We document that the ACA’s Medicaid expansions for low-income adults improved parents’ self-rated health and children’s BMI. Given the health disparities that persist across the socioeconomic spectrum and the compounding nature of health improvements in childhood, the Medicaid program likely serves to shrink these gaps within states that expanded their Medicaid programs. These findings also indicate that there is the potential to reduce similar health disparities in states that have not yet" And this data comes before Biden's massive expansion of the program.
  4. Certainly possible. But given that they must have known that this would invite massive retaliation from the Israelis, I believe that this was basically directed at Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar and whatever other Arab nations are considering a rapprochement with Israel.
  5. Really? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1570677X21001234
  6. No. He made no such claim. What he did claiim was that the Egyptian troops overwhelmed the Israelis. And in the early stage of the war that was true.
  7. He expanded Medicaid for kids https://www.cbpp.org/research/health/medicaid-works-for-children#:~:text=Medicaid provides children with essential,comprehensive and preventive health services.
  8. Actually, at the outset of the 73 war, the Egyptians made deep inroads into the Sinai before being stopped.
  9. More nonsense. Black voters are far more concerned with issues than with the race of the candidate. Republicans actually performed slightly worse in the recall election with Larry Elder a black Californian being the leading opponent to Newsom, than they did in the subsequent regularly scheduled election. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_California_gubernatorial_recall_election https://archive.ph/cRpNQ
  10. Maybe not so much among the rising generation: How Israeli youth helped usher in the farthest right-wing government ever Over the past month, tens of thousands of Israelis have come out to protest their new government’s proposed judicial reforms, which could weaken the country’s democracy and separation of powers. The crowds are diverse in age, but unlike popular liberal or democratic protests in many countries, attendees say the audience skews older. Recent polling backs that surprising observation: A joint poll published by the Israel Democracy Institute last month found that 73 percent of Jewish Israelis between ages 18 and 24 identify as right-wing, compared with only 46 percent of Jewish Israelis over 65. https://www.vox.com/world-politics/2023/2/23/23609584/israel-right-wing-young-voters-palestine
  11. And is it quite acceptable to agree with him?
  12. Given the provocation of the statement being responded to: "Time for forgiveness is over. We must take Gaza and keep it. Eradicate the bloodthirsty factions. And transform the place as Haussmann did for Paris. Being able to shoot the canon at mad dogs crowds helps." I think his comment is understandable. Or maybe you have no problem with Ben Zioner's statement?
  13. Well, for one thing, it should at least delay the warming of relations between Israel and various Arab nations
  14. "In response to the apparent mobilization of its Arab neighbours, early on the morning of June 5, Israel staged a sudden preemptive air assault that destroyed more than 90 percent Egypt’s air force on the tarmac. A similar air assault incapacitated the Syrian air force. Without cover from the air, the Egyptian army was left vulnerable to attack." https://www.britannica.com/event/Six-Day-War
  15. Actually, a huge part of the problem lies with the for profit nature of the US medical industry and the insistence of right wingers that the government not interfere with health care decisions. Antibiotics, for example, are still way overprescribed, and as we now know, do immense damage to the human biome. Yet if government were to intervene and sharply restrict antibiotic prescriptions, right wingers would howl about the violation of individual rights. The same goes for the massive overuse of steroids.
  16. Or maybe if Judaism really was a religion of peace, there would have been more peace and security. In fact, blaming the nature of both religions for the conflict is just reflexive nonsense.
  17. Clearly you have a profound understanding of how California's agriculture industry didn't indulge in a massive waste of water resources. Which doesn't continue until this day. Oh...wait a minute https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/op-ed/article251019169.html
  18. For that matter, when will Israel be held accountable for its violations?
  19. And as is usual for your comments, no way of proving what you wrote. Maybe you consider Ronald Reagan, the guy who claimed that tax cuts pay for themselves and launched America's massive adventure into major debt, but a knowledgeable person would think otherwise.
  20. Yet all other economically developed nations are ahead of the USA in terms of life expectancy. Even those like Germany and the UK which also have a dismal record. The US approach to health is to apply bandaids. Very costly bandaids.
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