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  1. Yes, Hamas is barbarically violating international law. That doesn't mean that Israel hasn't made violating international law its constant and enduring practice as well.
  2. Here's a link to a source that is a strong supporter of Netanyahu. https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-724214
  3. Acquisition of territory by means of war is illegal under international law.
  4. I never said or implied that you did. Just expanded on what you wrote. 20 years ago, this current government would have been considered extreme right. The Israeli political center of gravity has shifted far to the right.
  5. You don't seem to have a problem with one-side comments coming from the other direction.
  6. A typical dodge of the denialist is the claim that scientists are only doing it for the money. But if personal gain is the motivation, you might want to consider how much RFK Jr gets paid for heading his organization, which for him is only a part-time job. "The details came in a financial disclosure form filed Friday with the Federal Election Commission. It shows that Mr. Kennedy earned $5 million at his environmental law firm, Kennedy & Madonna, and a $516,000 salary and bonus as chairman and chief legal counsel of Children’s Health Defense, a nonprofit group he formed that has campaigned against vaccines." https://archive.ph/3ugUa https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/30/us/politics/robert-f-kennedy-jr-money.html#:~:text=It shows that Mr.,that has campaigned against vaccines. "Then there’s the Children’s Health Defense, a nonprofit Kennedy founded to “fight corruption, mass surveillance and censorship that put profits before people.” Kennedy profited plenty from it, earning more than $500,000 in salary and bonuses." https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2023/07/01/how-rfk-jr-brought-in-more-than-9-million-over-the-past-18-months/?sh=423846287760
  7. Yes they do. Now. Cacao, (Theobroma cacao), also called cocoa, tropical evergreen tree (family Malvaceae) grown for its edible seeds, whose scientific name means “food of the gods” in Greek. Native to lowland rainforests of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins, cacao is grown commercially in the New World tropics as well as western Africa and tropical Asia. https://www.britannica.com/plant/cacao
  8. Human beings didn't evolve on the seashore, and as the article pointed out, even if your point about catching animals is valid, paleolithic people also ate insects.
  9. One has to be willfully naive not to acknowledge the role that Israel has played in fostering such enmity.
  10. I don't think the head rolling will stop with the IDF. Clearly, Netanyahu is in peril. If the coalition survives, someone more extreme will most likely replace him. Moving further and further to the right has been a consistent trend in Israeli politics.
  11. False Paleolithic Diet It is clear that "Stone Age" humans did eat a variety of high-quality foods that were rich in nutrients and fiber. Compared to this diet, modern diets provide much less variety and are loaded with artificial sugars and salt. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482457/
  12. Given the fact that Thorgal makes it his practice not to provide links, your doubts were entirely reasonable.
  13. So human beings, unlike other animals, evolved to be nutritionally deficient? You really want to run with that? Domesticated animals tend to live a lot longer than their wild counterparts. Is their diet healthier? You don't think it possible that other factors might be the cause? It's ludicrous to claim that stone ages peoples lived shorter lives because they didn't have access to magnesium tablets.
  14. Exactly how am I trying to stifle criticism? Do you believe that engaging in criticism is somehow an attempt to stifle criticicism?
  15. Humans came from Africa which doesn't actually feature Cacao trees. I don't know how the species survived without it.
  16. There's an excellent article here that discusses covid and more generally the nature of viruses and vaccines with David Mina, an epidemiologist and virologist. This is precisely the long transition from emergency to normality that the immunologist and epidemiologist Michael Mina has predicted since almost the beginning of the pandemic. Beginning in 2020, Mina took pains to describe Covid-19 as a “textbook virus,” with features that may have startled lay people — long Covid and post-acute sequelae, waning immunity and reinfection — but were, in his view, simply what could be expected from a new pathogen spreading through a global population with no immunity. I spoke to Mina about what seeing Covid as a textbook virus tells us about the nature of the pandemic off-ramp — and about everything else we should’ve known about the disease from the outset. https://archive.ph/JLwSH https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/05/opinion/covid-pandemic-michael-mina.html
  17. All these extremists who tout the value of eating wholesome natural foods ignore the fact that in the past, there wasn't much in the way of junk food around. No pesticides, no plastics, etc. Most people had no choice but to eat wholesome foods. Despite which, millions were killed by smallpox. tuberculosis, typhus, and the plague.
  18. For destroying small targets, modern conventional munitions were found to be just as effective as nuclear weapons. The only advantage of nuclear weapons in a tactical situation is that one warhead can be used in place of many conventional explosives https://www.britannica.com/technology/tactical-nuclear-weapon
  19. You might want to brush up on your knowledge of the local geography.
  20. Why is it too late? Just asking. There is this which doesn't really offer any insight into whether Hezbollah will participate. Hezbollah supports Hamas amid Israeli assault, but 'assesses' situation for now Lebanese pro-Iran militia Hezbollah congratulated Palestinian group Hamas on its massive surprise attack in southern Israel on Saturday but stopped short of declaring military support for the group, saying it was "assessing" the situation while in direct contact with Hamas leadership. It also warned the government of Israel to "learn lessons from the Palestinian resistance" and said the Hamas operation attack was a "decisive response to the continuing crimes of the occupation." https://www.newarab.com/news/hezbollah-assesses-situation-amid-hamas-attack-israel It could be that Hezbollah is awaiting further developments.
  21. You got a link for that claim about those Ukrainian soldiers? From the landing page of this forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/ The Russians may or may not be superior people. But as their fiasco in the Ukraine demonstrates, they are certainly not superior soldiers.
  22. You might want to ask yourself why Chinese citizens aren't protesting.
  23. What is your point? That if there is no penalty it's OK to break the law?
  24. You may or may not be a Trump supporter, but your posts elsewhere tell us where you stand politically. Let's just say it's extremely unlikely that you're a Democrat.
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