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  1. So, you know that when mojorasin wrote "you guys" he believed that he was replying to Jewish members of aseannow? You got any actual evidence to support that? If not, then I guess it's either down to mindreading or you taking a cheap shot.
  2. More vagueness from you. Who are these people who only criticize Israel.? I included strong condemnations of Israeli actions from Amnesty International. Are they guilty of this? You tried that one on with mojorasin and when he pointed out that he had explicitly condemned the Chinese treatment of Uyghurs in this thread, you asked him to prove that he had condemned other human rights violations in other threads. Who is there who keeps track of where they posted comments addressing specific issues? Clearly, you got punked and instead of acknowledging that, made a very lame attempt at deflection.
  3. "Israeli historians can make any claim they like and others can also make any claim they like" This is a partiularly bizarre example of utter negativism. According to you, anyone can make any clams they like. So, if that's the case, should Holocaust deniers should get a free pass, too?. And the rest of this will be addressed to rational thinkers. Israel has recived more than 260 billion current dollars in foreign aid from the US since it's founding. That in not only more per capita than any other country in the world has received from the US but more in absolute terms as well. Has any other major violator of human right received anything like a comparable amount. "In 2016, the U.S. and Israeli governments signed their third 10-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on military aid, covering FY2019 to FY2028. Under the terms of the MOU, the United States pledged to provide—subject to congressional appropriation—$38 billion in military aid ($33 billion in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) grants plus $5 billion in missile defense appropriations) to Israel. Israel is the first international operator of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the Department of Defense’s fifth-generation stealth aircraft, considered to be the most technologically advanced fighter jet ever made. To date, Israel has purchased 50 F-35s in three separate contracts, funded with U.S. assistance, and has taken delivery of 36." https://sgp.fas.org/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf
  4. What don't you understand about the fact that not all Jews are Israelis? By your kind of reckoning, any statement condemning anything reprehensible that Israelis do is antisemitic.
  5. YSE Study Finds Electric Vehicles Provide Lower Carbon Emissions Through Additional Channels With new major spending packages investing billions of dollars in electric vehicles in the U.S., some analysts have raised concerns over how green the electric vehicle industry actually is, focusing particularly on indirect emissions caused within the supply chains of the vehicle components and the fuels used to power electricity that charges the vehicles. But a recent study from the Yale School of the Environment published in Nature Communications found that the total indirect emissions from electric vehicles pale in comparison to the indirect emissions from fossil fuel-powered vehicles. This is in addition to the direct emissions from combusting fossil fuels — either at the tailpipe for conventional vehicles or at the power plant smokestack for electricity generation — showing electric vehicles have a clear advantage emissions-wise over conventional vehicles. https://environment.yale.edu/news/article/yse-study-finds-electric-vehicles-provide-lower-carbon-emissions-through-additional https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-27247-y
  6. Care to share your source for that claim? This isn't the fiction forum. "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/
  7. It's a good thing that fossil fuel extraction and use inflicts so little harm on human health and the environment. Because if that weren't the case, you wouldn't have much of a point, would you? Oh wait a minute...
  8. Record low 2022 Antarctic sea ice led to catastrophic breeding failure of emperor penguins We provide evidence of a regional breeding failure of emperor penguin colonies due to sea ice loss using Sentinel2 satellite imagery. Of the five breeding sites in the region all but one experienced total breeding failure after sea ice break-up before the start of the fledging period of the 2022 breeding season. This is the first recorded incident of a widespread breeding failure of emperor penguins that is clearly linked with large-scale contractions in sea ice extent. https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-023-00927-x
  9. I just looked through all your previous posts in this thread. You wrote nothing of the sort. Kind of weird that you would make up a quote.
  10. A free pass for their very bad treatment of the Palestinians. Israeli historians have given the lie to the claim that Israel did not engage in the mass expulsions of Palestinians during the 47-48 war. Burying the Nakba: How Israel Systematically Hides Evidence of 1948 Expulsion of Arabs Since early last decade, Defense Ministry teams have scoured local archives and removed troves of historic documents to conceal proof of the Nakba https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2019-07-05/ty-article-magazine/.premium/how-israel-systematically-hides-evidence-of-1948-expulsion-of-arabs/0000017f-f303-d487-abff-f3ff69de0000 Then they did not allow them to return. Israel’s refusal to grant Palestinian refugees right to return has fuelled seven decades of suffering There are currently more than 5.2 million registered Palestinian refugees. The vast majority live in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). Israel has failed to recognize their right under international law to return to homes where they or their families once lived in Israel or the OPT. At the same, they have never received compensation for the loss of their land and property. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2019/05/israels-refusal-to-grant-palestinian-refugees-right-to-return-has-fuelled-seven-decades-of-suffering/#:~:text=Israel's failure to respect the,71 years since the Nakba ISRAEL’S OCCUPATION: 50 YEARS OF DISPOSSESSION For half a century, Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip has resulted in systematic human rights violations against Palestinians living there. Since the occupation first began in June 1967, Israel’s ruthless policies of land confiscation, illegal settlement and dispossession, coupled with rampant discrimination, have inflicted immense suffering on Palestinians, depriving them of their basic rights. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/06/israel-occupation-50-years-of-dispossession/ These are clear violations of international law.
  11. This is bizarre coming from someone who so rarely supplies them.
  12. Really? Then why did think it was relevant to characterize Romney as unpopular and link to a video showing him being booed. Here's what you wrote: "Well, we'll see who comes out the most corrupt and compromised. Do you mean this ever popular-Mitt Romney who just gave in?"
  13. Really? And maybe no country with a deeper reason to mitigate what the Nazi did than the Germans. You think that 27 percent of blatantly anti-semitic Germans don't constitute the majority of those likening what Israelis are doing to what the Nazis did? What better way of mitigating Nazi crimes than to liken them to those committed by Israel?
  14. I read it. And the main thesis of this Republican document is that it's a crime to have the last name of Biden. The Burisma charges could only be interesting to someone who has had their head in the sand given the overwhelming evidence that tying Joe Biden to corruption in this case is nonsense. And while the committee calls Yelena Baturina "Russia's richest woman", the fact is that for over 10 years she hasn't lived in Russia but rather in the UK because of a dispute she has with the Russian government. In fact, the Russian govt. has issued an arrest warrant for her. Not worth addressing the misleading way the rest of this extremely weak evidence is presented.
  15. Now it's "idiocy". People do all sorts of stupid things. Most have nothing to do with dishonesty. You just can't bring yourself to acknowledge explicitly that she lied or abandon your claim that somehow the culture of D.C. could somehow be partly responsible.
  16. I can see why you didn't quote the headline "Poll: 1 in 3 Germans say Israel treating Palestinians like Nazis did Jews" And there's this: Study: One in four Germans harbor anti-Semitic thoughts Rebecca Staudenmaier 10/24/2019 October 24, 2019 Out of the 1,300 Germans who took part in the representative survey, 27% agreed with a range of anti-Semitic statements and stereotypes about Jewish people. Some 41% said they agreed with the statement that "Jews talk about the Holocaust too much." The same portion said they believed "Jews are more loyal to Israel than to Germany." Over 20% of respondents said they agreed that Jewish people have "too much power" over the economy, international financial markets and the media. Another 22% agreed that "people hate Jews due to the way they behave." https://www.dw.com/en/one-in-four-germans-hold-anti-semitic-beliefs-study-finds/a-50958589 Hardly an unprejudiced source.
  17. And right wingers on on thin and sordid ground in even making an issue out of this.
  18. Now, you're being evasive and using deflection. Citing Ehud Barak's claim that Israel is heading towards fascism was a valid point. Claiming that Israel is on the road to Nazism not so much.
  19. Again you're mitigating. There are all kinds of mistakes. Some are innocent. What she did was blatantly lie.
  20. When someone makes a claim like this: "Nobody stoops lower than Biden and his lies." it's an open invitation to introduce contrary evidence. So you think that a statement like "Nobody stoops lower than Biden and his lies." is entitled to pass unchallenged? But thanks for reflexively sharing with us that cliche. Proof that Pavlov's insight is pulling your strings.
  21. Mitigating much? "Screwed up"? That could mean she just made an error. Pretty hard to make a case that she engaged in anything but a bald-faced lie. And then you broach a claim that maybe she wasn't like this until she came to Washington Assigning some of that blame elsewhere? For someone so eager to vociferously condemn the behavior of those whose politics you disagree with, you seem remarkably subdued in your evaluation of Boebert's conduct.
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