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  1. I think your points about Israel trending towards fascism are on point. And requests that you offer your own opinion as opposed to those who are highly qualified Israelis clearly not motivated by antisemitism are clearly evasive. Obviously, their opinions are more valuable than yours. On the other hand, to suggest that Israel is heading towards Nazism is not legitimate. Unless you have some kind of evidence to offer that Israel is going to be engaged in mass extermination of Palestinians.
  2. You don't seem to understand that there are 2 kinds of opinions: Informed opinions backed by verifiable evidence. Or the kind you mostly engage in.
  3. 2 problems: it's Mark Levin making the claim. And the video takes over 16 minutes. A transcript could eastly be provided by Fox. But that would invite the kind of close scrutiny that Levin's allegations might not withstand. Get back to us when you can offer something in writing. You know, something that's easily fact-checked.
  4. More than 8,000 years ago, as the planet thawed following the end of the last ice age, Northern Europe abruptly cooled. New research reveals that Arctic ice melt weakened a critical ocean current, leaving Europe in the cold, a finding with important implications for future climate change. For a roughly 200-year stretch, scientists believe, temperatures in Europe and the North Atlantic fell by as much as 9 degrees F (5 degrees C), spurring more rainfall in Europe and drought in parts of Africa. https://e360.yale.edu/digest/ice-age-europe-cooling-ice-melt-atlantic-current-climate-change
  5. More likely that Trump is fantasizing about a future threesome.
  6. Why would anyone ever hate the kind of person who calls critics who happen to be fellow Republicans "human scum"? You're being so unfair.
  7. Really? A fight about impeachment isn't about either of them? Against whom is the current impeachment investigation proceeding?
  8. Once again you blame the Biden administration for the current rise in prices. Your argument makes no sense. Petroleum sources aren't developed overnight. But somehow you believe that current curtailments of future sources affect present prices. In addition, you don't acknowledge that switching from petrol/gasoline powered vehicles to electric vehicles is ultimately going to have a strong effect on demand. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/does-ev-revolution-pose-serious-143302670.html Also, you fail to note that there isn't a free market in oil. OPEC+ anyone? Finally, investors in oil companies have imposed sharp discipline on oil companies spending extravagantly on exploration and development on costly sources of petroleium. Big Oil Is Not Dancing To Government Tunes. Period. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Big-Oil-Is-Not-Dancing-To-Government-Tunes-Period.html
  9. Really, because Black Americans don't tend to vote Democratic? You really want to go with that? Do you understand that the laws in the South that were legislated after the Civil War outlawed felons from ever being able to vote again were directed at Black citizens? https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/racism-felony-disenfranchisement-intertwined-history
  10. Nice try. You criticized Mitt Romney's comments on the grounds that he was unpopular. Not on the validity of what he said.
  11. Still, deflecting, aren't you? Once again, you challenge Joe Biden's morality on the basis of Hunter Biden's conduct. You claimed that "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". Yet even now you failed to note that Joe Biden has three other children. Not only that, you also cited the conduct of Joe Biden's brother and even his niece as some sort of evidence about his character. I look forward to watching your comments sink even lower.
  12. Do you seriously believe that unpopularity = corruption? Or are you just throwing this in as a deflection?
  13. This: Racial Disparity In Marijuana Arrests "African Americans are arrested for violating marijuana possession laws at nearly four times the rates of whites, yet both ethnicities consume marijuana at roughly the same rates. A 2022 Washington Post analysis determined, “While marijuana arrests overall dropped in the year since Virginia became the first state in the South to legalize, Black adults accounted for nearly 60 percent of marijuana-related cases before the state’s general district and circuit courts, an analysis of marijuana-related code citations in the state’s court system concluded, despite Black people accounting for about 20 percent of the state population.” Washington Post, After Virginia legalized pot, majority of defendants are still Black A 2022 analysis of marijuana possession arrests in Texas for the years 2017 to 2019 reported that African Americans comprised 30.2 percent of all possession arrests, yet Black people comprised only 12.9 percent of the state’s population. A 2021 analysis from the Milwaukee County, Wisconsin District Attorney’s Office reported that Black Wisconsinites were 4.3 times more likely than their white counterparts to be convicted for having marijuana. The worst disparities in Wisconsin are in Ozaukee County, where Black people are 34.9 times more likely to be arrested and Manitowoc County, where Black people are 29.9 times more likely to be arrested.” https://norml.org/marijuana/fact-sheets/racial-disparity-in-marijuana-arrests/
  14. Another deflection. You've got no defense for singling out Hunter Biden as the proof of some moral flaw in Joe Biden. He has 3 other children, 2 of them still living. And you sunk even lower when you invoked Biden's brother and niece as some kind of evidence of moral turpitude on Joe Biden's part. Bottom feeding much?
  15. What skipalongcassidy clearly doesn't know is that banks and other sources of finance have been casting a dubious eye on the oil companies past overinvestment in searching for new sources of oil no matter what the cost. Financial discipline has been imposed. So oil companies are much more cautious now. Despite which, production is growing. And this in the face of the fact that much of the rest of the world economy is not doing so well. When Trump was President, the world economy was in much better shape. Until the advent of the Covid pandemic.
  16. But lies like this while self glorifying are basically harmless. But lies about elections, about health care, lies that slander others, lies to criminal investigators, are far more serious offenses.
  17. Even if your assertion wasn't simplistic and simple-minded, how would that account for his son Beau and his 2 daughters? And, as you clearly don't recall, you also tarred Biden with the behavior of his brother and his niece.
  18. Nice try at deflection. You are vilifying Joe Biden because of the behavior of one of his four children and a few relatives. That stinks.
  19. The funny thing is, that Biden has long had a propensity to make gaffes. And yet, now, this propensity is being used to diagnose him as suffering from dementia. The hallmark of dementia is a major change in personality. Yet Biden is being consistent with his past behavior.
  20. I don't use nasty, invalid methods to tarnish someone the way you do.. And who said I've defended Hunter Biden? Even now, you can't help but engage in falsehoods. And as proof of your moral bankruptcy, you have no answer for the way Joe Biden's other kids turned out or why their lives don't reflect favorably upon him.
  21. More nonsense from you. Can you specify exactly what illegal thing Biden did when he told the Ukranian govt that if it didn't fire a blatantly corrupt prosecutor it would receive no money? What don't you understand that Biden was acting as an emissary of the United States and the decision to pressure Ukraine to fire Shokin had the backing of the State Dept, the President and the EU? And, to date, there has been absolutely no valid evidence that Joe Biden received a nickel via participation in Hunter Biden's activities.
  22. I wouldn't tar your family even though the comments you make are indicative of a certain lack of moral decency.. Apparently, Joe Biden is guilty of something because of the conduct of some other members of his family. I see you have nothing to offer to contravene that Biden has 3 other children against whom on taint of scandal has surfaced. So why is Hunter's conduct proof of some flaw and/or criminality in Joe Biden's case?
  23. More nonsense from you. Trump was already clearly in violation of the law once he refused the National Archives call to return the documents. Yet they negotiated with him for months and months. In fact, the National Archives only called on the Justice Dept when they learned that Trump was in possession of classified materials. What kind of misguided arrogance does it take would refuse such a request? What's more... Lawyer's notes show Trump was warned FBI could search Mar-a-Lago: report https://www.axios.com/2023/09/06/trump-classified-documents-mar-a-lago-fbi-search
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