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  1. Such a foolish comment. Yeah, that Beau Biden. Served honorably in the military and had a very distinguished career. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beau_Biden And what have you got on Biden's daughters? And Biden is somehow responsible for the problems of his niece? You've plumbed new and clueless depths.
  2. Your remark is utterly clueless. As the graphs I posted show, Trump's policies made no discernible difference to the economic trends that preceded his Presidency. Exactly how do you construe that to mean I endorse Trump's record or the reactionary and fact-free babbling of Mike Rowe?
  3. More empty generalizations and right wing cant. You've got nothing.
  4. What make you think I am offering support for his alleged accomplishments?
  5. Please share with us that people who enganged in gender studies constitute a significant percentage of those who are still paying off their student loans. Just another flagrantly ridiculous claim.
  6. "commingling fund"? Really? This is a legal term in cases where some administrator who has fiduciary responsiblity for someone's funds, uses those funds in some other account. Typically their own. What does this have to do with the Bidens? And the nonsense about Biden being a willing beneficiary? Another use of legalistic sounding language that has no bearing on criminality. His son contributes fairly modest sums to the upkeep of a property somehow makes a Biden a somehow criminally responsible for how those monies were earned? More nonsense.
  7. Also, while this is good news for the supply of lithium, there are other batteries in the works that won't use lithium at all. It's likely that ultimately lithium will just prove to be a bridge to other lithium free batteries. One such battery that may one day replace lithium is the aluminum sulfur battery. https://news.mit.edu/2022/aluminum-sulfur-battery-0824
  8. It's also a matter of comparative harm. What does more harm? Extracting lithium or extracting fossil fuels? Fossil fuels do harm twice. First in their extraction and then in their combustion. And their combustion is harmful both to human health and in it's contribution to climate change. Lithium for EVs is now recyclable. What's more, the quality of recycled lithium carbonate is actually superior to the chemical when used for the first time. In addition to which, new less harmful ways of extracting lithium are being developed.
  9. That will be an interesting argument to bring into court? And what about Beau Biden? Who served honorably in the military and had a distinguished career? And what of Biden's daughters? Or do you believe that the virtues or vices of a father are only passed on to male offspring? But thanks for the ridiculous comment.
  10. What evidence is there on that laptop? As for Hunter Biden receiving payments from the wife of a Russian mayor. When that payment was made, this wife of a deceased ex-Russian mayor had been living in the UK for years. And the reason for that is she and her husband were on the outs with Putin and the Russian govt. In fact, the Russian govt. has issued an arrest warrant for her. As for Hunter Biden not being prosecuted on gun charges. Historically, these charges have rarely been pursued by the govt.
  11. Because oil production went up that means that Trump was responsible? https://www.macrotrends.net/2562/us-crude-oil-production-historical-chart oil production was going up well before Trump took office.
  12. What have I said that shows hatred of Trump? What's more you accused me of having my rationality affected by my hatred of Trump. I guess if you have little respect for rationality, that would explain why you think it's no big deal. Since you have indulged so much in speculation, although you don't acknowledge it as such, let me speculate that the person actually acting out of emotion is you. How else to explain an irrational personal attack from you except as stemming from an emotional reaction on your part?
  13. Fukushima: China's anger at Japan is fuelled by disinformation A report by a UK-based data analysis company called Logically, which aims to fight misinformation, claims that since January, the Chinese government and state media have been running a coordinated disinformation campaign targeting the release of the waste water. As part of this, mainstream news outlets in China have continually questioned the science behind the nuclear waste water discharge. The rhetoric has only increased since the water was released on 24 August, stoking public anger https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-66667291
  14. Fukushima: China's anger at Japan is fuelled by disinformation A report by a UK-based data analysis company called Logically, which aims to fight misinformation, claims that since January, the Chinese government and state media have been running a coordinated disinformation campaign targeting the release of the waste water. As part of this, mainstream news outlets in China have continually questioned the science behind the nuclear waste water discharge. The rhetoric has only increased since the water was released on 24 August, stoking public anger https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-66667291
  15. The only radioactive substance in the water that's being released is tritium. It actually is found in higher concentrations in water released by Chinese nuclear power plants. Japan Faces Criticism Over Fukushima Wastewater Release "Despite its criticism of Japan's actions at Fukushima, at least four Chinese nuclear power plants also release water containing tritium into the ocean, all of them at significantly greater concentrations than in Fukushima... Other countries with nuclear power plants that release tritium include South Korea, France, Russia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. There is no clear evidence that tritium-containing water has caused environmental damage or posed a danger to humans or wildlife in the areas where it has been released, in some cases for decades." https://www.voanews.com/a/japan-faces-criticism-over-fukushima-wastewater-release/7259367.html#:~:text=Other countries release tritium&text=Despite its criticism of Japan's,greater concentrations than in Fukushima.
  16. I think most likely it would be impossible to make a legal case of corruption against Kushner and Mnuchin. Certainly, it's ethically corrupt. And such arrangements ought to be made illegal.
  17. The same nonsense from you again. The only radioactive substance in the water that's being released is tritium. It actually is found in higher concentrations in water released by Chinese nuclear power plants. Japan Faces Criticism Over Fukushima Wastewater Release "Despite its criticism of Japan's actions at Fukushima, at least four Chinese nuclear power plants also release water containing tritium into the ocean, all of them at significantly greater concentrations than in Fukushima... Other countries with nuclear power plants that release tritium include South Korea, France, Russia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. There is no clear evidence that tritium-containing water has caused environmental damage or posed a danger to humans or wildlife in the areas where it has been released, in some cases for decades." https://www.voanews.com/a/japan-faces-criticism-over-fukushima-wastewater-release/7259367.html#:~:text=Other countries release tritium&text=Despite its criticism of Japan's,greater concentrations than in Fukushima.
  18. Keep in mind that Jared Kushner, unlike Hunter Biden, was an actual government official whose special purview was the Middle East where he was in close communication, with MBS, the defacto leader of Saudi Arabia. Kushner consistently defended MbS conduct. In addition, Kushner's family was nearly bankrupted by a terrible investment made by Kushner. They were bailed out at least in part (most of the details of the deal are hidden) by a major investment from the government of Qatar. A deal which made absolutely no business sense. Kusher also had extensive official dealings with the government of Qatar. And despite Kushner's disastrous investment history, he received 2 billion dollars from the Saudis, even though the Saudi investment advisors recommended against it. The Saudis only gave 1 billion to Peter Mnuchin, the former Secretary Treasurer, even though he's an experienced investor with a long record of successful investments.
  19. Here ya go: The Trump-era opinion that might stymie the Biden impeachment inquiry "A Trump-era opinion issued by the Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel is being highlighted as a possible barrier for House Republicans in their impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden... "The Constitution vests the 'sole Power of Impeachment' in the House of Representatives ... For precisely that reason, the House itself must authorize an impeachment inquiry, as it has done in virtually every prior impeachment investigation in our Nation's history, including every one involving a President," Steve Engel, a top lawyer for the department, wrote in the opinion. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/mccarthy-opened-biden-impeachment-inquiry-house-vote-matter/story?id=103149958
  20. More deflection from you. You're the one who wrote this: " But, I get it, you are more hatred towards Trump, but that is clouding your reasoning and not necessarily gone of kilter yourself.? That is what is called making it personal. You make my alleged emotional state a reason to disqualify my arguments instead of addressing the argument itself. And that class of cheap shot is the last resort of someone who has no better argument to muster.
  21. I pointed out that you claimed that the current 4.3% was an increase in the annual rate when actually it was a decline. Now, if you've got evidence that the 4.3% rate was actually an increase, by all means, share that with us. Are you seriously denying that inflation in the US has taken a sharp turn downwards and, in fact, that it leads all the other major fully developed economies and most of the rest of the smaller ones, in reducing inflation? You got evidence to support that? And are you blaming Biden for the worldwide inflation that followed the pandemic? It's his fault that most of the world experienced a sharp rise in inflation? A rational person would look for a common cause for that worldwide inflation. A blindly partisan one, not so much. A blindly partisan person would claim that the vicissitudes the US economy experienced due to Covid was not one President's but was the fault of his successor.
  22. Another case of I-don't-like-Trump-but... Can you share with us what accomplishments of Trump changed the economic trends that he inherited? To make this easy for you to prove, I've posted these 2 graphs. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/UNRATE https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDP
  23. Please. It's not like you don't have a record here. Your concerns the possible fraudulence of the 2020 elections. Your claim that Biden and Trump are equally dishonest. And now you're descending to a very low tactic by claiming that "my hatred towards Trump" is clouding my reasoning. Making it personal is the last resort of the resourceless. The bias that fuels your argument is blatantly apparent.
  24. In his first 2 years he achieved major accomplishments despite having the narrowest of majorities in the Senate. That you think you can judge his "degradation" from video clips says a lot about you but nothing about him.
  25. Given your clear adulation of Trump, it's no surprise that you regard his critics like this. Hero worshipping much?
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