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  1. Since when does being too old = senility. When people retire from their careers, is it generally because they are senile?
  2. Good God! I saw . It. And what I saw showed Biden making off-he-cuff nuanceda t analysis of the predicament that Xi currently finds himself in. Not in the least consistent with claims offered by such as yourself of mental incapacity.
  3. It's clear that you know little to nothing about the history of the theory of anthropogenic climate change. This theory were not formulated after the fact. Rather they predicted the accelerated rate of warming. And not just predicted it, but the majority predicted it to an astonishing degree of accuracy. In addition the theory also predicted that the poles would warm at a faster rate than the rest of the globe. And, in what was truly remarkable prediction, it predicted that the stratosphere would actually cool while the troposphere warmed.
  4. Apparently, you believe that Patrick Brown's assertions are dispositive. But, as the evidence shows, there was strong pushback from the reviewers concerning the research he submitted. In fact, Patrick Brown fought against the reviewers strongly expressed views that he make his research paper inclusive of other causes. Which makes his claim that research which offers greater inclusiveness is censored a lie. In addition to which, as others have pointed out, in the very same edition of Nature in which his research was published, there were three articles that in various ways argued for greater inclusiveness when referring to causation in relation to extreme weather and disasters. This directly contradicts Brown's claim that such research is censored. Finally, not even Brown argues that human caused climate change is not a real thing. Rather, he claims it is overstressed as a cause of extreme weather and disasters.
  5. More nonsense from you. What justifies a quotation saying everything is Trump's fault as though it came from me? Setting up a straw man much? I addressed a specific issue. You've got nothing.
  6. Biden impeachment inquiry ‘eight months of abject failure’, watchdog report says The Congressional Integrity Project reports on several inconsistencies and untruths in James Comer’s House investigation https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/11/biden-impeachment-inquiry-abject-failure-report
  7. Danderman123 may not. But I do. But before I provide that information, let me point out the cluelessness of you asking for evidence to support an assertion that you categorize as false. Confused much? Anyway, here's the evidence: Key takeaways A UCLA-led study is the first to search for human-caused climate patterns in the middle and upper stratosphere. The research found that temperature decreases in the stratosphere over the past three decades have been caused by humans, not nature. According to the study, cooling in the middle and upper stratosphere is a consequence of human-caused increases in greenhouse gases, which cause heat to be retained more effectively in the troposphere, the lowest level of the atmosphere. https://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/stratospheric-cooling-vertical-fingerprinting
  8. The same hypocrites who claim that Trump shouldn't be blamed for the economic decline in 2020 because of the economic effects of the Covid pandemic, saddle Biden with blame for the economy despite the Covid pandemic. I could go on to address the rest of your nonsense, but I think that says it all.
  9. Did you actually watch it? Biden gave off-the-cuff remarks that were very nuanced about the predicament Xi finds himself in.
  10. Here is the right wing version of virtue-signaling. What does it even mean to say "Bernie, I like. Though I disagree with him a lot". Why should anyone care about your alleged feelings? There's nothing substantive there at all. An even more extreme example is another very clueless poster who used to chortle about how Trump had appointed right wing members to the Supreme Court but claimed he would have voted for Bernie were he running. Same class of nonsense.
  11. Anyone who, like you, offers a counterfactual as evidence, not only has nothing, but doesn't understand what nothing means.
  12. “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter Biden groused to daughter Naomi in January 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.” Pop is Joe Biden. The laptop — infamously abandoned at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019 — does not contain any direct evidence of such money transfers, but does show that Hunter was routinely on the hook for his father’s household expenses while Joe Biden was vice president. The expenses are spelled out in an email to Hunter from business partner Eric Schwerin from June 5, 2010, titled “JRB Bills.” They concerned the upkeep of Joe Biden’s palatial lakefront home in the wealthy Greenville enclave of Wilmington, Del. JRB are President Biden’s initials. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-text-biden-fork-over-half-his-salary-resurfaces-new-democrat-talking-point
  13. If you have no insight into the context, that's only because you actually haven't read the emails. What don't you understand about the fact that Hunter Biden had written that he's been giving half of his income to his father for the last 30 years? That would mean this began when he was 19 or 20 years old. Obviously, taking this literally, not hyperbolically, is ridiculous. And further, what don't you understand that this was said in the context of Hunter Biden complaining about his father asking him to contribute to the upkeep of a home.
  14. That's got to be one of the most ridiculous pieces of "evidence" that anyone has ever offered. In that email, Hunter Biden complained that for the last 30 years he's been giving half of his earning to his father. Given that Hunter Biden wrote this when he was either 49 or 50, that would mean from the time he was 19 or 20 he's been giving half his income to his father. Does this sound remotely believable? Does context mean anything to you? Clearly he's using hyperbole to complain about the fact that he's expected to financially contribute to the upkeep of the second home.
  15. What don't you understand about the fact that the Trump's cancellation of the agreement with Iran, restored the situation to what it was before the agreement? Thanks to Trump, it's a exercise that's much reduced in effectiveness, though.
  16. And what information is the House demanding? If it's information from the ongoing Justice Dept investigation, then it's standard policy not to jeopardize a criminal investigation by sharing information developed in an ongoing investigation.
  17. Except that there is no evidence of criminality on the laptop. And given that it was John Ratcliffe, a notorious extreme right winger who headed the unit that had custody of it, your charge of suppression makes little sense.
  18. Nonsense. It was an off-the-cuff talk that was extremely nuanced.
  19. So you think Biden is bereft of support for this act? You really want to run with that? As for it being his last year in power...is the fix in?
  20. too old = "The guy is frail, stiff, stilted, confused, befuddled…. and this is on a good day."? And now we're crowd-sourcing diagnoses? Or is the United States a nation largely populated by gerontologists?
  21. So that's how you got your medical degree. That explains a lot.
  22. Another amateur gerontologist shares their opinion with us. Maybe you should write it up and have it published in the Journal of Because I Say So.
  23. Even if that's true, what's your point? Does the Biden administration have a record of major legislative accomplishments or not? What makes you think that if he wins and has a majority in the House and Senate there won't be more major accomplishments?
  24. Because he doesn't have a record of huge legislative accomplishments? Really? You want to go with that?
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