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  1. You don't seem to understand that in countries with huge populations like India and China, even if only 10% of the people can afford to buy an auto, that's a lot of potential customers. For the first 3 quarters of 2021 Tesla sold 204684 vehicles in China https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/14/china-ev-tesla-xpeng-nio-byd-are-best-selling-electric-cars-in-2021-.html It's a pretty safe bet that Tesla will at least double its Chinese sales in 2021 In September alone, Tesla sold 52163 vehicles in China. That's well over a 3rd of what they sold for the entire previous year. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/tesla-sold-56006-china-made-vehicles-september-cpca-2021-10-12/ As for pricing, are you suffering under the delusion that Tesla is the only EV manufacturer out there? The biggest selling electric vehicle in China is The Hongguang Mini (SAIC-GM-Wuling). It had a starting price of $4162 and tops out at $5607 in 2020. So, if a similarly priced auto were available in India who could afford it? "To be in the top 5 percent, your minimum wealth should be $45,909, while you require a minimum of $22,476 to be among the richest 10 percent of Indian adults." https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/earnings/moneycontrol-pro-weekender-where-are-you-on-indias-wealth-ladder-7215981.html After discounting the 40% of non adult Indians, that still leaves 850 million. 10% of that would be 85 million people who could easily afford an EV were one available at the price of the Chinese vehicle. And this affordability calculation is a severe underestimate. In the US the average auto or pickup costs about $37000 per year. Average household income is about $68,000, So the cost of a vehicle comes to over 50% of household income in the US. Whereas in India the price for a chinese vehicle could be less than 20% and tops out at about 25%. And as for your comment about the total number of people in the world who can afford an EV,, doesn't that apply to ICE vehicles as well? You are clearly afflicted with a severe case of doublethink.
  2. False, as usual. PFIZER AND BIONTECH SUBMIT INITIAL DATA TO U.S. FDA FROM PIVOTAL TRIAL OF COVID-19 VACCINE IN CHILDREN 5 TO <12 YEARS OF AGE https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-submit-initial-data-us-fda-pivotal
  3. How much less likely are you to spread covid-19 if you're vaccinated? People who are fully vaccinated against covid-19 are far less likely to infect others, despite the arrival of the delta variant, several studies show. The findings refute the idea, which has become common in some circles, that vaccines no longer do much to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. “They absolutely do reduce transmission,” says Christopher Byron Brooke at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Vaccinated people do transmit the virus in some cases, but the data are super crystal-clear that the risk of transmission for a vaccinated individual is much, much lower than for an unvaccinated individual.” Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2294250-how-much-less-likely-are-you-to-spread-covid-19-if-youre-vaccinated/#ixzz7AbRxrzyG
  4. What utter nonsense. First off, how do you think vaccines created in the past were tested? Do you think that researchers used Barbies? Teddy Bears? Ultimately, they've always been tested on children. Always. There is currently no other way. As for what that person on a 7 second clip was really getting at, who knows? When someone abstracts a tiny quote (7 seconds!) out of what was clearly a larger context, it's pretty safe to assume that they're trying to put one over on us. And whether the people who push such suspect material are con-artists themselves or willing dupes, who cares? If you were running a courtroom, it's mascot would be a kangaroo.
  5. https://www.statista.com/statistics/502208/tesla-quarterly-vehicle-deliveries/ Wait times for new Teslas are as long as 10 months — unless you're willing to splurge for expensive add-ons https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-model-3-y-s-x-delivery-wait-times-months-2021-10
  6. What this anti-vaxxer point really boils down to is this: we don't know about the latent effects of vaccination. The problem with that position is that we do know that no vaccine has ever been show to have latent effects. Whereas several virus do in fact result in seriously painful or fatal latent effects. So if the question is whether covid-19 or vaccines are more likely to have unfortunate latent effects, the odds are that it will be covid-19.
  7. In Thailand there is no meaningful difference between the military and the government.
  8. Japanese <deleted> were shunned when first introduced? Really? Are you being sarcastic? Or just racist? This is from an article published in 1988 from MIT's Sloan Management Review. Manufacturing Innovation: Lessons from the Japanese Auto Industry HE FACT THAT JAPANESE MANUFACTURERS made tremendous inroads on the global automobile market during the 1970s will surprise nobody. What may surprise many is that Toyota’s productivity rates exceeded U.S. manufacturers’ as long ago as the 1960s. Business historian Michael A. Cusumano details the spectacular developments in Japanese productivity, quality, and process flexibility that have occurred over the past thirty years. https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/manufacturing-innovation-lessons-from-the-japanese-auto-industry/
  9. Now I get it. What can I say apart from "Duh"?. And "Thanks."
  10. Over what length of time are these totals per 100k derived from?
  11. Did you actually look at the page you linked to? Asia hardly figures and South America not at all. Basically, it's all about Africa. https://ourworldindata.org/energy-access
  12. And a continent where China has almost 1/3 of the total population of Asia. Also a continent where incomes were increasingly rapid in much of it until Covid hit.
  13. These look like cumulative cases not daily cases. Over what length of time are these numbers derived from?
  14. And what percentage of the world's autos are currently being purchased by people so poor that they haven't got electricity? As for Asia... How China Became The World's Largest Electric Vehicle Market https://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-became-worlds-largest-electric-193843992.html
  15. Well, the real problem is not the tourists but the accompanying relaxation of domestic rules. Thailand clearly doesn't have the vaccination levels high enough to cope with that.
  16. Do you mean that solar is expensive to install in general and of poor quality, or are you referring specifically to Thailand?
  17. I'm sure this has been pointed out before, but the numbers cited above are only numerators. You need the denominator, i.e. the population of each province, to make comparisons meaningful.
  18. Science is all about the odds. The question is how likely is it that the vaccine will have latent effects (long term effects doesn't mean what you think it means)? There's never been an instance where a vaccine is shown to have latent effects. On the other hand Ithere are at least 3 viral diseases that do have latent effects: the polio virus, the varicella (chickenpox) virus, and the human papiloma virus. So if anyone is is more likely to be doubly wrong, it's those who oppose vaccination.
  19. We are witnessing the birth among ivermectin fans of a new psychological syndrome:: fluvoxamine envy.
  20. https://www.power-technology.com/features/featurethe-worlds-longest-power-transmission-lines-4167964/
  21. Probably a good time to dump one's stocks in generic ivermectin manufacturers.
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