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  1. First off, your contention that "The EU was slow to realize/admit that this causes problems in BOTH directions." is utterly false. Time and time again the EU said that Brexit was a lose-lose situation. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-50836365 What you fail to note is that same ft.com article is the utterly predictable damage that Brexit inflicted on UK manufacturing. From the lead paragraph: Trade between Germany and the UK has dropped sharply since 2016 and lags behind overall import and export levels in both countries, in a sign that British manufacturing is facing increased hurdles in its interactions with the EU’s biggest economy. https://archive.ph/b3Xct https://www.ft.com/content/913c7e84-fd2d-4cb5-be0c-8cd865f37462
  2. Actually, Giuffre's accusations against Dershowitz were weak and she ultimately recanted.
  3. As Samuel Johnson once noted: "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1564
  4. Florida is no stranger to extreme weather events, a fact that those living in Sunshine State have always factored in when insuring their homes. But as climate change exacerbates the frequency and severity of events like droughts, floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes in the U.S., the reality Floridians and insurers in the state are working with is quickly changing. Florida, according to several experts, is becoming "uninsurable." And other states, starting from California, might follow suit in the near future. https://www.newsweek.com/florida-california-insurance-uninsurable-climate-change-1817260
  5. Climatologists have said they expect fewer hurricanes in the Atlantic because of an expected increase in vertical wind shear episodes. Wind shear hinders cyclonic motion from gathering momentum. So because of that, at least in the Atlantic, they expect fewer hurricanes but when they do occur, they will be much more powerful since not only will the ocean heat be greater, but more heat will be on tap for those hurricanes that do occur.
  6. And then there's Sandy Berger You sure about that? Fact check: Multiple non-spies have received prison sentences under Espionage Act provision Trump is charged with violating "Facts First: The Espionage Act does not merely target “traitors and spies.” Even during Trump’s own presidency, obscure citizens who kept classified material at their homes, and were never accused of communicating it to anyone or aiding a foreign country, were convicted and sentenced to years in prison under the very same Espionage Act provision Trump is now charged with breaking." The Espionage Act provision under which Trump was indicted by a Florida federal grand jury on 31 counts, Section 793(e), makes it a crime when someone without authorization “willfully retains” national defense information “and fails to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it.” The article goes on to list 4 people who received prison sentences under the law during the Trump administration, not, for spying, but simply for willfully retaining those documents. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/15/politics/fact-check-espionage-act-trump-willful-retention-prison/index.html I think any lawyer for Trump who tried to make the claim that he was uniquely being prosecuted would be laughed out of court. Granted, that's not such an unusual occurrence for Trump's lawyers.
  7. You've been called on this before. "By well before the end of Trump's term the North Koreans were once again execrating the USA. Do I really need include links again to prove this? You've got nothing. And by the way, thanks to Trump, Iran is much closer to having nuclear weapons.
  8. Central Asia is a rich source for raw materials. Not much of a market for exports.
  9. You don't seem to understand how the legislative process works. Bill Clinton couldn't enact the repeal on his own, could he? Are you claiming that Republicans in Congress are innocent of complicity?
  10. I shouldn't have answered this deflection in the first place. Nothing Clinton did compares to the favors consistently showered on the wealthy by Republicans from Ronald Reagan onwards. Or the harms the inflicted and/or tried to inflict on those who aren't wealthy.
  11. I don't know that they loved the fact the he raised taxes on the wealthy.
  12. False, The question is what is more important: feelings or actual issues that affect people's live?. Whatever you believe I may or may not feel about Joseph Biden or Donald Trump as people, that is secondary to what I expect would get accomplished under their respective administrations.
  13. I fail to see the connection between your allegations about Biden and the actual issues that affect peoples financial and physical well-being. If anything, it's just another instance of distraction.
  14. The only way your allegations would work is if there is a massive conspiracy involving tens of thousands of researchers. It's lunacy fueled by ignorance of how science works.
  15. That's precisely what makes it so bizaerre, Instead of issues that have a powerful impact on the quality of their lives that government can effectively address like wages, health care, pollution, worker safety, and Social Security, so many Americans voters are swayed by issues like wokeness to the detriment of their own financial and physical well being.
  16. Yes, Big Green continues it's bullying attacks on Little Oil, Tiny Gas & Petit Coal.
  17. I don't know what you mean by the MSM. But the reports from the IPCC make for pretty grim reading.
  18. False. It was a common trope among the Nazis to blame Jews for Communism/Socialsim. Jewish Bolshevism, also Judeo–Bolshevism, is an antisemitic conspiracy theory that claims that the Russian Revolution of 1917 was a Jewish plot and that Jews controlled the Soviet Union and international communist movements, often in furtherance of a plan to destroy Western civilization. It was one of the main Nazi beliefs that served as an ideological justification for the German invasion of the Soviet Union and the Holocaust.[1]... A During the 1930s, the Nazi Party in Germany and the German American Bund in the United States propagated the antisemitic theory to their followers, sympathisers, and fellow travellers.[2][3][4][5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Bolshevism It's a pity that you have put me on ignore. I have so much to teach you.
  19. It is bizarre how he's seen that way by millions. He ran as a populist who subsequently cut taxes and who appointed pro-corporate anti-worker justices to the Supreme court. Conglomerates, Wall St, Bankers, and polluters rarely, if ever, had a better friend in the White House than they had in Donald Trump.
  20. Because a judge ruled against Trump's attorneys, that makes her biased? Given Trump's attorneys' spectacular level of failure in his various legal ventures, by your criterion most judges would qualify as being biased against Trump.
  21. You're grateful to fossil fuels? I''m sure there were some folk in the 19th century who were grateful to their horses and refused to get on a train. You think sentimentalism is a rational argument. As for hydrogen and nuclear. Right now they're both very expensive, although there is good reason to believe that hydrogen can soon become competitive with natural gas. But nuclear is inherently very costly. And you seem unable to acknowledge the collapse in price of both wind and solar powered energy. So much make no sense here. Solar electricity is cheaper to generate than coal powered electricity. Given that these counties enjoy abundant sunlight, why wouldn't solar panels make sense. As for EV's. The price of EVs is declining rapidly as is invariably the case with new technology. For example A CHINESE COMPANY IS RELEASING AN ULTRA-CHEAP EV THAT COSTS LESS THAN ALMOST ANY NEW CAR IN AMERICA — HERE’S HOW THAT’S POSSIBLE Electric vehicles (EVs) are about to get cheaper and more accessible around the world, as Chinese automotive company BYD has now created the most inexpensive EV in existence. Dubbed the “Seagull,” the car was recently unveiled at the Shanghai auto show, and according to experts, it is expected to become China’s best-selling car, with 23,005 units sold in June alone. And with good reason: the basic Seagull model costs a mere 73,000 yuan (about $10,200 as of late July) and, with two available versions, travel 305 to 405 kilometers (about 190 to 252 miles) per charge, according to Reuters. https://www.thecooldown.com/green-tech/byd-seagull-ev-cheap-electric-car/ In fact, EVs are no longer subsidized in China but their adoption has been increasing exponentially: One in Four Cars Sold in China in 2022 Was an EV With BYD Powering Country’s Outperformance China’s EV sales almost doubled in 2022 with 87% YoY growth. BYD led the market, followed by GM Group, Tesla, Geely Holding and GAC Group. China’s EV sales are expected to exceed 8 million units in 2023. https://www.counterpointresearch.com/china-ev-sales-2022/ And, despite their name, rare earth minerals aren't all that rare. And new deposits of commercially extractable ore are being located. Swedish mining company discovers Europe's largest deposit of rare earth elements https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/01/13/swedish-mining-company-discovers-europes-largest-deposit-of-rare-earth-elements Highest-grade rare earth deposit to date identified in the US https://www.innovationnewsnetwork.com/highest-grade-rare-earth-deposit-to-date-identified-in-the-us/29539/ Rare Earth MRI discovery in Maine https://www.metaltechnews.com/story/2022/11/16/mining-tech/rare-earth-mri-discovery-in-maine/1152.html
  22. I don't see what point you're trying to make in claiming that somehow because humans live on land, the greenhouse gas emissions they generate can't be the cause of the oceans getting warmer. Do you believe that the gases so generated mostly remain over the land? What makes you think that agriculture isn't also responsible for pumping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere? Agriculture and Aquaculture: Food for Thought Researchers have found that 37% of methane emissions from human activity are the direct result of our livestock and agricultural practices. https://www.epa.gov/snep/agriculture-and-aquaculture-food-thought#:~:text=Researchers have found that 37,our livestock and agricultural practices. Emissions due to agriculture https://www.fao.org/3/cb3808en/cb3808en.pdf The issue how much greenhouse gases their activity generates relative to how much gas the atmosphere holds. What has that got to do what percentage of land urban areas cover? Where do you think all the excess CO2 and other greenhouse gas has come from in the last 200 years? Warm beer?
  23. Why so you continue to tell falsehoods? What shell companies connected to Hunter Biden has Joe Biden been receiving millions from? From the landing page of The World Forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
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