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  1. It wasn't Roll Call's forecast was it? As for Roll Call https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roll_Call
  2. Why would any business go to the bother and expense of getting certified to qualify for the UKCA mark if the existing CE mark is sufficient?
  3. What you fail to note is that the Tories took Uxbridge in the previous election by 19,000 votes. This time the margin was 495 votes. In how many ridings did the Tories enjoy such a large majority in the previous election? In how many ridings would a swing of 6.7% towards Labour unseat the current Tory MP?
  4. False. Mueller said there were 10 counts he could have prosecuted Trump for were it not for the fact that the Justice Dept. prohibits bringing criminal cases against a sitting President.
  5. I never claimed that it did. On the other hand: The U.S. will produce about 12.4 million barrels per day in 2023 and 12.8 million in 2024, both surpassing the previous record of 12.3 million set in 2019, according to Energy Information Administration projections. https://rollcall.com/2023/03/20/with-u-s-fossil-fuel-production-up-gop-would-step-on-the-gas/#:~:text=The U.S. will produce about,to Energy Information Administration projections.
  6. Let's start with inflation first. All the G7 countries have experienced it. So why is it Biden's fault? So, under Trump the numbers weren't' cooked but now they are? Private firms support the existence of the shortage of workers. Employers complain they can'torkers. Stop making things up.Where's your evidence to support your claim? From the World News Forum landing page. "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." You've got nothing. As for your nonsense about record exports of fossil fuels. The right wing was complaining that under Biden the fossil fuel industry's production was being strangled. The facts don't support that, do they? Some bank failures happened. Still happening? No evidence that the economy is tanking. And of course yourPavlovian mention of "foreign globalists"
  7. Hand recounts done in states where fraud was alleged. What was the result? Trump campaign hired 2 firms to look for voting fraud? What were their conclusions?
  8. Wow! You're a voter fraud conspiracy theorist? There's a shocker.
  9. And how could I forget the "deep state" conspiracy. So remiss of me.
  10. Well, actually 37% of them did say no, didn't they? And given Trump supporters' inclination to believe all sorts of nutty conspiracy theories, such as the birther conspiracy, climate change conspiracy, & the globalist conspiracy why wouldn't the majority believe the election was stolen? These are largely not people who have much use for facts.
  11. False, She did claim that the Russians ran a massive disinformation campaign. Which is true. She did not claim that the elections were rigged.
  12. Tax Cuts Are Primarily Responsible for the Increasing Debt Ratio Without the Bush and Trump tax cuts, debt as a percentage of the economy would be declining permanently... The nation’s fiscal pictured changed in 1981 when President Ronald Reagan enacted the largest tax cut in U.S. history,9 reducing revenues by the equivalent of $19 trillion over a decade in today’s terms. Although Congress raised taxes10 in many of the subsequent years of the Reagan administration to claw back close to half the revenue loss,11 the equivalent of $10 trillion of the president’s 1981 tax cut remained. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/tax-cuts-are-primarily-responsible-for-the-increasing-debt-ratio/
  13. Did you actually read the article? It ties these extremely high temperatures to high levels of CO2. Anyway, thanks for undermining your own case.
  14. Sure, That's the way the world works. Anything someone asserts, no matter how little evidence there is to back it up, has a 50% chance of being correct? It is to laugh.
  15. This was the results of the latest poll addressing this issue I could find. Virtually all such polls find Republicans overwhelmingly believe that the election was stolen from Trump. Republicans Increasingly Realize There’s No Evidence Of Election Fraud—But Most Still Think 2020 Election Was Stolen Anyway, Poll Finds The CNN poll, conducted March 8-12 among 1,045 Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents, found 63% of respondents believe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election, while 37% believe he did Of that 63%, only 52% say they think there’s “solid evidence” the election was stolen, while 48% say they’re going based on “suspicion only.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/03/14/republicans-increasingly-realize-theres-no-evidence-of-election-fraud-but-most-still-think-2020-election-was-stolen-anyway-poll-finds/
  16. This is what you call evidence? What you construe from the fact that Joe Biden talked over the phone? That would be laughed out of court. The fact is you claiimed that a chap in the article said Joe Biden was hired to speak. Yet you refuse to produce his name.
  17. If it was so obvious, why couldn't the Trump administration find evidence that this was the case?
  18. Maybe he believes he has a better chance of winning than does Desantis?
  19. Mostly the same people who believe that the election was stolen.
  20. There's absolutely no mention of Joe Biden being paid anything in the article. You're just making it all up. When you're called to account you just engage in silly evasions like when asked to name the chap in the article you claimed had said Biden was hired. What you are up to is the essence of trolling.
  21. So Devon Archer volunteers to speak before the committee which desperately wants evidence that Joe Biden was making money out of this and offers them nothing to prove that?
  22. But Joe Biden isn't just someone, is he? This may come as news to you but he's actually Hunter Biden's father. Are you claiming that Joe Biden's love for his son wouldn't explain why he would speak on 20 phone calls over a few years time? You take a very dismal view of parent-child relationships.
  23. You claimed that the chap in the article who said Joe Biden was hired is obvious. Who is that person?
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