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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Thanks for the letter dated September 22nd 2022. In fact, Merrick Garland gave David Weiss complete Independence to pursue the investigation of Hunter Biden. Can you offer some evidence to show that wise says otherwise?
  2. I've got some exciting news for you: being related to an elected official doesn't make you a government official yourself. Hunter Biden has never been a government official. He is a private citizen.
  3. Actually, not a self-confessed criminal. He is pleading to misdemeanours. And nothing dodgy about it at all. His prosecutor was appointed by Donald Trump and allowed to stay on precisely to avoid any empty charges of favoritism. But pointing out the reality of the situation has little effect on minds that are inflamed.
  4. Nor is out of the ordinary for those who share your beliefs of adhering to them no matter how powerfully the evidence contradicts them. Weiss was given full independence to conduct this case as he saw fit. He was appointed by Donald Trump. He was one of the few Federal attorneys allowed to remain precisely because the Biden administration didn't want to be accused of removing him to protect Hunter Biden. You've got nothing.
  5. The establishment? So, Trump appointed him at the behest of the establishment whatever that is. And if summoned, doubtless Weiss will attempt to explain why it is that he took this particular course. And, doubtless, the Republicans will either feign incomprehension of this easily understandable explanation or actually be incapable of processing it.
  6. So now you're suggesting bribery? Or some sort of corruption. I'm sure you wouldn't make such a charge without proof. I look forward to seeing it. And not only have you indulged in an empty generalization, but also the commonapproach and precedents of the Justice Dept to tax evasion. They are reluctant to prosecute if the debt has already been paid off They are also reluctant if they can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there was intent. Given the play that right wingers such as yourself have given to the fact the Hunter Biden was an out-of-control drug addict, you should understand how that charge may not be easy to prove. There is a of case of a federal prosecutor who forgot about that approach and precedents and decided to go ahead and prosecute anyway. His name is John Durham and we know how that turned out
  7. I agree that Trump has every right to continue incriminating himself via his exercise of free speech. But that you identify said exercise as defending himself seems a little bizarre.
  8. The federal attorney in charge of the investigation was appointed by Donald Trump. He was kept on by the Biden administration and promised no interference in the investigation. You've got nothing
  9. You'll note that to date these critics have no answer for the fact that the Biden administration kept on the federal attorney appointed by Donald Trump to investigate Hunter Biden. He was promised no interference.
  10. I'm right here. And what I've been saying you've got nothing about are the accusations that Joe Biden was involved and taking bribes or committing other illegal Acts with foreign governments. And once again I'm saying it here: you've got nothing.
  11. As has been pointed out numerous times, the feds rarely prosecute cases like this except where the gun was used in commission of a crime. Come back when you've got evidence that Biden brandished his gun while robbing a liquor store or mugging someone.
  12. Come to think of it he's probably referring to quack nostrums like ivermectin.
  13. Clearly, you don't engage with all the facts but rather repeat empty rhetoric Prosecutors want to be quite sure that they can get convictions. In neither of these cases was that anything close to that. But do go on repeating your nonsense. Who knows, maybe if you repeat it often enough something magical will happen
  14. More denial of reality. The prosecutor in charge of the case was appointed by Trump. He was one of the few prosecutors the Biden administration kept on. He was promised independence in his investigation. Any proof that promise wasn't kept? Any proof of undue influence? You've both got nothing Except maybe disappointment and chagrin.
  15. Nonsense. Prosecutors know that it's extremely difficult to get a conviction on tax fraud. Not only do they have to prove that it was done knowingly- no so easy when the defendant had an out-of-control crack cocaine addiction - but they also know it's hard to get juries to convict when the government has already been repaid. They're going to ask where's the harm? As for the gun charges, prosecution for that offense are very rare. What would have made it especially difficult for prosecutors is that Biden sought treatment for his addiction. Again, juries, are going to ask where's the harm?
  16. Oh, no. In the face of all that the Justice Dept. has no choice but to indict Hunter and company for all their crimes. It's a lock...oh...wait a minute... "Hunter's criminal counsel, Chris Clark of Clark Smith Villazor, said that "with the announcement of two agreements between my client, Hunter Biden, and the Unites States Attorney's Office for the District of Delaware, it is my understanding that the five-year investigation into Hunter is resolved." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-biden-agrees-plead-guilty-federal-tax-gun-case
  17. Really? This tells us a lot about where you stand and nothing at all about Fox News.
  18. You're setting a very low bar for success. One which the previous occupant of the White House couldn't surmount.
  19. You may not like the results, but can you really be unaware of his legislative accomplishments during his first 2 years? He also successfully unified Western Europe against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, He has led the charge against letting China have access to advanced technology Chip and battery factories are being built in record numbers in the USA thanks to his policies.
  20. So, according to your explanation, it isn't that Trump is a hypocrite, but rather that he hates roughly half of humanity.
  21. I remember when Davis claimed that within 2 years the UK would have concluded so many trade agreements with other countries that they would actually amount to more in value than what the current level of trade with the EU was.
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