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  1. I guess the proof to back up your claim that "it wasn't a genuine letter by our top 50 intel experts after they did their research, it was political." must have dropped out of your post. Or maybe you think that repeating an assertion over and over again makes it true. In fact, as has been pointed out, there were plenty of reason to suspect the laptop. One was the timing. Shortly before an election. The second was that there was no independent vetting of the data before it was published by the NY Post. As I've pointed out to you many times, the experienced journalist assigned to write up the article refused to do so precisely on those grounds. There is also the fact the Giuliani refused to share the metadata with the news media. You've got no answer to these facts so instead you just resort to repeating your beliefs without anything to back them up.
  2. Actually, your comment should rightly be directed at Skipalongcassidy, He's the one who raised the issue of Trump vs. Biden But I guess that would mean you would have to characterize a fellow right winger as obsessed. Double standards much? Actually, the topic isn't about Hunter Biden's tax returns but about omitting his comings and goings from the White House log. It rather looks like it's you are obsessed with an irrelevancy.
  3. As you clearly are not aware, the war in Ukraine poses a grave threat supplies of grain in Africa Africa Needs Grain Imports, Key Countries Say Ahead of Putin Talks ey African countries stressed the need for grain imports to tackle food insecurity as Russian President Vladimir Putin prepares to discuss with the continent's leaders the fate of a deal allowing the safe Black Sea export of food and fertilizer from Ukraine. Putin said on Tuesday that Russia was considering quitting the Black Sea Grain Initiative - brokered by the United Nations and Turkey last July - because its own grain and fertilizer shipments still face obstacles. The pact could expire on July 17. A delegation of African leaders is due to visit both Ukraine and Russia soon in a push to end Russia's 16-month-long war, and Putin has said he plans to raise the Black Sea grain deal. https://www.voanews.com/a/africa-needs-grain-imports-key-countries-say-ahead-of-putin-talks/7139197.html
  4. I don't know what events you are referring to. I do know that Putin has begun to crack down on Progozhin's allies. Which is what you would expect to happen. That includes hardliners such as General Surovkin. Putin seems to have doubled down on his support for the incompetents who have so far led the war effort. The hardliners look like they're out. How any of this proves that Putin is preparing for a major escalation is beyond me. Especially as Putin doesn't have the means to escalate. Russian industry resources currently can't keep up with demands for materiel andis already suffering from labor shortages. .
  5. God knows what you mean by "you guys". Are yoy saying that the press and or private citizens should face some kind of prosecution or government backed persecution? If you're referring to the Justice Dept, you don't seem to have gotten the memo about the utter failure of John Durham to prove that there was any kind of plotting or conspiracy against Trump in that agency. And God knows he tried.
  6. First of all, your contentions all depend on believing that the allegations of Shapley are true. Yet, for some reason, Shapley refuses to testify before the Senate Finance Committee which is run by Democrats. This hardly seems like the behavior of someone who has nothing to hide. kAnd even if it was proved that Biden was in the same location as his son, it would not prove that he had any knowledge of the communication. And your repeated attempts to characterize that letter signed by 50 intelligence agents as disinformation has been rebutted time and time again as well as the nonsense about an FBI warning being some kind of disinformation attempt. What don't you understand about the fact that William Barr appointed John Durham in order to prove that there was some kind of plotting against Trump going on in the Justice Dept? What don't you understand about the fact the Durham came up with nothing?
  7. Joe Biden has been noted for making gaffes for his entire political career. Gaffes are not an indication of dementia. Here's a link to a list from the AARP of of 10 early warning signs of dementia. Nothing in there about these slips of the tongue. 10 Early Warning Signs of Dementia You Shouldn’t Ignore https://www.aarp.org/caregiving/health/info-2019/dementia-warning-signs.html
  8. Your attempt to portray yourself as fair-minded is blatantly deceptive.. What makes it so blatantly obvious is that you compare Trump's personality to Bidens alleged criminal misdeeds jApples to oranges much? .Joe Biden released 22 years of income tax returns during the 2020 election. presumably by now that up to 24 or 25 years. Maybe you think it's unlikely that right wing researchers haven't scoured his records for evidence of corruption. An impartial observer, one grounded in reality, would, based on actual evidence, draw a different conclusion As for Trump, there's plenty of public evidence of his defective personality. There is also plenty of public evidence of his financial dishonesty. You're not fooling anybody.
  9. Biden withdrew the briefings because of Trump's erratic behavior. I don't think there is automatic access to classified documents for ex-Presidents, but if there were, do you think the Biden administration was going to entrust that information to someone displaying erratic behavior?
  10. Actually, some time ago, Joe Biden did hear about his brother's activity in using his name and shut him down. He knew about it because his brother did it publicly. Why wouldn't Hunter Biden want to keep his invocation of his father's name from his father if he was using it as a con? Was he publicly broadcasting his business dealings?
  11. I don't care about any other member of the Biden family's business connections to Hunter Biden except for one: Joseph Biden. Why do you think it's significant that Hunter Biden was working with other Biden family members apart from the President?
  12. Not necessarily: Biden Bars Trump From Receiving Intelligence Briefings, Citing ‘Erratic Behavior’ President Biden said there was “no need” for former President Donald J. Trump to get the briefings, traditionally given to ex-presidents as a courtesy and to keep them informed if their advice is needed. https://archive.ph/Z7KGY This was reported on Feb 5, 2021. 2 weeks after Biden was inaugurated.
  13. More statements from Hunter Biden who when he isn't being reviled as a drug addict of low character by you, his words are treated as gospel.
  14. What don't you understand about the fact that the Biden White House made it clear from the start the family members would not be listed in the White House log? Do you have some evidence that this was done for Hunter Biden's benefit? I think Fox News was counting on its readers' limited attention span not to go down far enough in the article to see that this policy of omitting all family members was reported in the article. It certainly shows how misleading the headline is. It could just as truthfully been written White House Omits Joe Biden's Daughter From Visitors' Logs. Or Joe Biden's nephews and nieces. Or his grandchildren. As for the transparency issue, if the White House Visitors Log was the only or most important factor in transparency, you'd have a better point. I don't know if a complete tally of transparency issues would show which administration was the most transparent. Do you?
  15. First you offer diagnoses of Biden and now you're applying your no doubt well earned medical skills to diagnosing members.
  16. Where did Hunter Biden discuss "giving half his salary to his father, the Big Man?" Where was Hunter Biden shown to be "threateening foreign business colleagues with the wrath of his father's 'friends" Looks like you also need to be doubly reminded with this from the World Forum's landing page: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
  17. False. The topic isn't "Anything Having To Do With Hunter Biden". The topic is this: "Hunter Biden investigation 'integrity' undermined if just half of IRS whistleblowers' claims are true: Turley" I wasn't aware that the whistleblowers addressed the issue you raised. If you can show me where I'm wrong about that, I would be most grateful.
  18. Well, I've thought about Hanuguma's comments and does the White House log policy all by itself mean that the Administration isn't the most transparent administration? Is the White House log the be-all and end-all when it comes to transparency?
  19. Please. Once again you revive old falsehoods. It was not Joe Biden's decision to push for the removal of Victor Shokin from office. It was the decision of the Obama administration and the impetus came from the State Dept. The decision was also enthusiastically endorsed by the EU. He was removed from office for failing to investigate oligarchs. He claimed that he was removed for investigating Burisma. His staff said that this is false. He was not investigating Burisma. Why do you keep on promoting these falsehoods? Why do you never respond to specific challenges to the falsehoods like this one that you continually promote?
  20. While, "There's a shocker" was sarcasm, explain how the separate sentence "Covering up for a wayward son." works as sarcasm. And given your follow-up comments, you're going to have to do some exceptionally gymnastic wriggling to get out of this one.
  21. This has been investigated very thoroughly. No favors have been shown to have been granted to Burisma by the govt when Biden was VP.
  22. So, you have proof that Biden knew his son was actually making money from China? Because to be a lie, the person telling a falsehood has to know it wasn't true. And what does this question mean? "What part of Burisma is conspiracy?" If you're claiming that there was no conspiracy involving Hunter Biden's working for Burisma, then you're on solid ground. But, if, like other right wingers you're claiming that there was something nefarious about Biden's employment involving Joe Biden's actions in Ukraine, and there has been some kind of cover-up, then you've got nothing.
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