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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. No, let's stop calling it an unborn human person and start calling it what it is: a fetus. My comment is no more less dispositive than yours.But, like so many others, you equate taking responsibility with giving birth rather than having an abortion. What's more, your doublethink is readily apparent. Because a woman has been raped, that gives her the right to kill an "unborn human person"? So, sometimes, murdering babies to your way of thinking is permissible?
  2. Do you expect us to just take your word for it? "When the Dutch East India Company arrived in Taiwan in 1624, they found no traces of any administration by the Ming Dynasty, which ruled China from 1368 through 1644. In fact, the Dutch – who had established a small fortress in the Pescadores in 1622 – were told by the Ming Tianqi Emperor that they should “go beyond our territory,” so the Dutch moved to what was then called Formosa, and ruled the island for 38 years, establishing the first administrative structure on Taiwan. Thus, it certainly was never part of the Ming Dynasty." https://thediplomat.com/2020/12/has-taiwan-always-been-part-of-china/
  3. No, your comments don't answer why getting an abortion isn't taking responsibility. It just answers why you think abortion is wrong. There's a difference.
  4. This is not about what Fox News reports. This is about lying in a court of law. You don't see the difference? And it was a mistake was it? Like "oops"? Not a deliberate lie?
  5. Funny. It was you who claimed that Fetterman's interview on CBS proved he was a vegetable. I found that interview and that was clearly and overwhelmingly an untruth told by you. Recently 2009 referred to a speech by Joe Biden in which he claimed that Biden had made illegitmate threats against Trump. Not only wasn't it true but Biden was alert, making jokes, and speaking in long sentences. Maybe this corresponds to your idea of dementia. But was we know, your judgement is defective.
  6. Well, if you believe in the infallibility of Sweden you might have a point. There was what I thought was a fascinating article about what it would take to have a 100% renewable energy system. Without a battery that costs no more than US$20 per KWh to build, it was reckoned not to be feasible. It was also the widely held belief that such a battery wouldn't make an appearance before 2030. But the fact is that a company called Form Energy, has gotten financing to build a $765 million plant to manufacture batteries that cost that or less. And, actually, if you want to get to just 95% of the way, the cost of the battery can be much higher. Actually higher than lithium batteries currently cost to build per kwh.. So where you see nuclear power plants, I see stranded assets. Here's the article. It's from 2019 https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2019/8/9/20767886/renewable-energy-storage-cost-electricity And here's the research on which it is based: https://www.cell.com/joule/fulltext/S2542-4351(19)30300-9
  7. And why isn't getting an abortion taking responsibility for your actions? Not punitive enough?
  8. Japan invaded Thailand and instead of Thailand fighting a hopeless battle against the Japanese, it defacto surrendered. What makes you think that China would invade Thailand? Why would Thailand cut itself off from so much trade with the West? How exactly would this "feigned neutrality" manifest itself? Kicking out Westerners? More melodrama from you.
  9. His first 2 years saw extraordinary legislative accomplishments despite having the narrowest of majorities in the Senate. Not only did he manage to raise taxes on the rich, but he also provided powerful funding to the IRS which will enable the govt to severely hinder the tax evasions of the wealthy. And now there is a NLRB, the labor board, is on side of workers. One of his biggest achievements will disallow the use of non-compete agreements which enable businesses to keep working people from selling their labor for what it is worth. And there is a huge push toward renewables which is overwhelmingly popular with the American people. He accomplished far mar in 2 his first 2 years than his predecessor did. And as for the nonsense about his mental condition, just lots of silly gotchas. Biden has always made gaffes. When he stops making gaffes, that the time to be concerned.
  10. Right. Fox's lawyers mistakenly thought that they could get away with it.
  11. The Swedish government disagrees with your source: Swedes use a lot of energy – yet, emissions are low. The key? Renewable energy. The share of renewable energy used in Sweden keeps growing. Already in 2012 the country reached the government’s 2020 target of 50 per cent. For the power sector, the target is 100 per cent renewable electricity production by 2040... Wind power has been the fastest growing source of renewable energy around the world in recent years, and capacity is expanding in Sweden. In 2000 Swedish production totalled 0.5 TWh, for 2021 that figure was 27.4 TWh. Today, there are more than 4,300 wind turbines in Sweden. https://sweden.se/climate/sustainability/energy-use-in-sweden Hmmm.... Whom to believe? BP or Sweden?
  12. The economy is certainly performing better than it was when Trump left.
  13. How did you construe that I said "get rid of them and bring back the population of the planet to a more manageable 2 billion"? Stop making things up. I got some good news for you. Norway currently gets 98.5% of its power from renewables. Finland currently gets 31% Sweden currently gets 60% Denmark currently gets 67% And they are all working towards increasing their reliance on it.
  14. What I have noticed so far is that the polls have underpredicted Democratic turnout after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
  15. Really, you don't think there's been a huge change. On renewables On environmental issues. On tax issues. On worker protection. You gotta get out more.
  16. Because there are a few oddballs out there who vote on the basis of issues.
  17. I guess most people who get a rabies shot haven't been previously vaccinated. Anyway, your misfortune has given me the impetus I need to get myself vaccinated.
  18. You know what happened but you won't share it with the rest of us? That tells me you're getting it from some right wing conspiracy source. Does that right-wing conspiracy source believe Perry's statement that he got lost and rammed into the crowd by accident? Does it talk about his desire to kill a protester? Did it address the racist memes that litter his exchanges with fellow right wingers? His claim that the victim was pointing the gun towards him not being confirmed by anyone?
  19. You're right. It turns out that, like Kyle rittenhouse, he was a weird loner obsessed with guns.
  20. The thing is, when Matthew asked that question Roe v Wade was still in effect. Although, in fact it had been pretty much vitiated by the conservative members of the supreme Court already. But thanks to the three extreme right wingers that Trump appointed to the court, they couldn't resist going all the way. One of them, Amy Barrett Browning, is actually a member of a religious cult. A cult in which she was raised, and when she went to college, instead of staying in a dorm, she stayed in the home of the founder of the cult. And then she married someone else who also had been raised in the cult.
  21. So not so many compared to the roughly 8 billion who live elsewhere.
  22. Wind turbines have gotten so large and efficient that they will easily make up the difference.
  23. You've already demonstrated in your initial invalid comments about renewables that you know very, very little about the renewable situation. Actually, if anything, wind speed will slow down a bit as the difference in temperatures between the polar regions and warmer climes actually lessens. And there actually is also a lot of progress being made to have wind turbines make hydrogen via electrolysis when their output is not needed at the time their turbines are spinning.
  24. Such batteries already exist: https://batteriesnews.com/lithium-sulfur-battery-soaring-next-gen-battery/ And even if they didn't exist, who cares? If nuclear is needed for such a niche market, that's okay.
  25. This article is actually more valuable than the first one in that it's not about what Republicans say on and off the record, but rather a careful analysis of how the abortion issue has affected elections and presumably will affect elections. It's been a great vote getter outer for younger generations who have been voting strongly Democratic. Anyway, it will be fun to see Trump try to run away from the abortion decisions made by judges that he chose.
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