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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Your nastiness and dispostion to share falsehoods hasn't abated. Ya think neurologists would agree with your diagnosis? His thinking processes are affected. You think hearing aids disqualify someone from public service? That's a genuinely weird form of bigotry you're sharing with us. And how is this candidate going to get around the abortion issue? You think someone like Sununu even has a shot at it given his moderate stance on the issue?
  2. So why did you keep on invoking France? And I'm sure this is a graph of something. But some text on it might help.
  3. But what makes you think that counting ballots by hand is going to settle the issue. This stuff is created by conspiracy theorist trolls and subscribed to by true believers. Tens of millions of them. You don't think they can create other lies which will be believed by these same people?
  4. First off, you're the one who keeps on invoking France. Not me. Maybe no such a good choice, huh? There's one huge problem with this statistic. There are about 500 million people in the EU. They don't count as international travelers within the EU. There are about 65 million people in the UK
  5. Transpirational cooling via forests is nothing new. But clearly it's not enough. And given that the Brazilians, especially under Bolsanaro, were hellbent on destroying the Amazon, it's doing less now.
  6. You think the British and Thai tourism markets are comparable? How about comparing the performance of the UK to one of its neighbors. Since you seem so find of citing France in your comments: France Tourism Spending Hit Record €58 Billion In 2022 https://www.forbes.com/sites/chrisobrien/2023/02/28/france-tourism-spending-hit-record-58-billion-in-2022/?sh=544ed4efe0ae ?
  7. Voting machines have been in widescale use since the 60's. And since this social issue is based on falsities, why dignify it with what would be a costly effort. And why would claims of fraud be lessened if they were adopted? To believe that, you'd have to believe that those who falsely instigated these claims were acting sincerely despite the huge amount of evidence against them. As for you voting twice. No. There are codes on ballots. And even if they were from different states, is this a significant problem?
  8. Apparently, neither can you. And apparently you believe that a partisan in the thick of things is a reliable source. And could you please get back on topic?
  9. And all you've got for a reply is to make it personal. You've got nothing.
  10. Actually, you're wrong. It is the UK's problem. And we know that because it couldn't have been a problem before Brexit.. And once again you make a B.S. speculation about the reason for why it takes 6 months for a passport to be issued. Or maybe you can link to some source that supports you in that regard? You don't seem to be able to resist posting empty calumnies. There's a word for that kind of practice.
  11. I'm sure we can count on a dispassionate evaluation of the situation from one of the leaders of the management side.
  12. The thing is, no matter whether or not your evaluation of Biden is accurate (and, as I recall, you once likened John Fetterman to a vegetable), it's not just a question of what Biden does, but who he's running against. If it turns out to be Trump, negative motivation is a powerful thing. And, of course, there are issues like abortion which are seriously damaging the Republicans' appeal. How to defend oneself for supporting judges like Matthew Kaczmaryk? And demographic trends don't look good for them. Republicans are not popular with the rising generations of voters. And the demographic that does support them is dying off.
  13. Thank you for sharing your conspiracy theory with us. There is another thread about whether or not those who create conspiracy theories actually believe in them. Whether they do or not, they will continue to prosper as long as miillions share your gullibility.
  14. Wrecked How the American Automobile Industry Destroyed Its Capacity to Compete “It’s almost a truism to lay the decline of the American auto industry at the feet of the trade union movement—for demanding too much, not working hard enough, and in so doing, reducing the competitiveness of the Big Three automakers. But in this brilliant book, Josh Murray and Michael Schwartz place the blame back where it belongs—on the managers and owners and their investment decisions. Whereas Japanese competitor firms based their production model on increasing labor productivity, the Big Three turned increasingly to a low-wage, low-cost model—which quickly lost ground to rival producers. https://www.russellsage.org/publications/wrecked
  15. Given that there is virtually no evidence to support his previous claims, why would the next time be any different? Because there will be less than 0 evidence to support his allegations?
  16. Tell that to the British enterprises which are severely affected by the loss. Another dubious but convenient assumption from you.
  17. Are you seriously claiming that automobiles manufactured by American companies didn't suffer a big quality deficit compared to the Japanese? Not at all a matter of research. More not paying attention to major industrial thinkers like Deming. The Japanese didn't neglect him. And claiming that overall costs didn't fall is like saying that because aspirin doesn't make a fever entirely go away, therefore it's ineffective. It's a misleading statement.
  18. As pointed out above, your claim is nonsense. The counties Biden won had 67 million more people in them than did the counties that Trump won. Biden won far more of large urban centers and large suburbs than did Trump The big factor in Biden's victory was the fact that the suburbs shifted decisively Democratic as compared to the 2016 elections.
  19. But that's not going to happen because the Judge already ruled that there was no factual basis for any claims disparaging Dominion's machines. The case will proceed solely on deciding whether Fox acted with malice.
  20. I don't know what you mean by "overall income and living costs didn't fall". Certainly income for auto workers fell. Particularly for new hires. And while cost of living didn't actually fall, it certainly rose less than it otherwise would have done. And I don't know why unions are to blame for low quality. The Japanese were a lot more forward thinking and paid attention to quality long before the US auto industry. In fact, the US auto industry had a lot to learn from the Japanese.
  21. I see another Brexiter is out. And, as usual, deflecting.
  22. That is an excellent point. Who wants to put up with that?
  23. This also from the article: "The decline is not just down to the issue of passports – Brexit has also battered the perception of Britain as a welcoming nation for tourists. Data from Visit Britain and the Anholt Ipsos Nation Brand Index shows a decline in how French and German people view the UK’s standing compared with other countries. In 2016, Germans ranked the UK as the 7th best place to visit, and French people ranked it 9th. By 2022, the UK had fallen to 16th and 14th respectively."
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