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  1. Actually, it's far less creditable to the Republicans than that. The Democrats in the legislature actually pushed for mail-in ballots to be counted in advance, as is done in some states. They anticipated that Republicans would use the disparity between mail-in ballots and voting machine ballots to question the credibility of the former. The Republicans refused. But as turned out to be the case, the Democrats had no reason to be concerned because not even the Republicans would sink that low...............just kidding.
  2. No, MSM didn't claimithat the laptop was disinformation. What was claimed is that the laptops weren't sufficiently vetted before that report in the NY Post was published. In fact, the seasoned NY Post reporter assigned to the case, refused to accept the assignment because he wasn't allowed to investigate it first. Obviously basic journalist ethical practice would require ascertaining whether or not the information was genuine before publishing the story. In addition, the question could be asked why didn't the right wingers who had the data give it to some organization like Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal which does an excellent job of investigative reporting Why did they hold onto it for so long and only release it in October. Maybe because they weren't sure it was genuine either and didn't want to allow for enough time for a proper investigation before the November election?
  3. I wonder how long the people of the Eastern and Southern Russian Confederation states, which have provided the bulk of draftees, are going to continue to put up with this war?
  4. Right. If it keeps on retreating it might get as low as it did for most of the previous adminstration.
  5. Oh, c'mon. Just because he said this? “I wish in a circumstance like this I were able to concede to a worthy opponent, but I do not have a worthy opponent to which I can concede, this was the most deeply deceitful, dishonorable, despicable campaign I have ever seen run for the courts," says Kelly. Kelly accused her of being a serial liar. “She disregarded judicial ethics, she has demeaned the judiciary with her behavior, this is the future that we have to look forward to in Wisconsin," says Kelly. https://fox11online.com/news/local/dan-kelly-has-been-defeated-in-wisconsin-supreme-court-race-vote-election-republican-democratic-green-lake-janet-protasiewicz-wisconsin-court For a right winger like Kelly, he's practically blowing kisses.
  6. You failed to mention that the weakening came from a very high level. In fact, far higher than any enjoyed by the dollar in the previous administration: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DEXTHUS
  7. Some people would rather wonder than find ound as you have failed to note, unemployment is near a record low. So at least there's no shortage of jobs.t. What relevance does your comment have to whether the rate of inflation is increasing or decreasing? And in fact transportation costs have actually declined from 2022 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, prices for transportation are 2.83% lower in 2023 versus 2022 (a $0.57 difference in value). Between 2022 and 2023: Transportation experienced an average inflation rate of -2.83% per year. This rate of change indicates significant deflation. In other words, transportation costing $20 in the year 2022 would cost $19.43 in 2023 for an equivalent purchase. https://www.officialdata.org/Transportation/price-inflation/2022-to-2023?amount=20
  8. Ya think it was just supporters watching his arraignment? And thousands from the streets? Just not many of them on the streets near the courthouse. And given that the population of the US is over 325 million, this factoids that you offered are significant why exactly?
  9. Your B..S. about irregularity isn't fooling anyone. Why did you even bring up the issue of "rregularities" if they weren't significant? Why even note that there was a lower ratio of rejected ballots to accepted ballots if the reason for that has no bearing on the validity of the election results? Should we classify such factoids as interestingly insignificant?
  10. High taxation is, in fact, deflationary. And you somehow managed to forget the war in Ukraine. And also the fact that the covid pandemic created worldwide shortages of crucial items such as chips with a resulting rise in prices. . And where did you ever come up with the notion that the Fed has little to do with subduing inflation? Paul Volcker is widely credited with stopping inflation in the Carter and Reagan years by imposing very high interest rates. What don't you understand about the fact that high interest rates tend to discourage the borrowing that fuels demand via business expansion and mortgages? That's very basic.
  11. If it does, as the article points out, the odds are good that 2024 will be a year of record breaking temperatures. One of the lies told by denialists in the early 21st century is that because the sea and air (troposphere actually) weren't as warm as they were in 1998, that means that global warming was over. It was clearly a lie because as any honorable researcher would tell you, you don't set your baseline with an anomalous year; 1997-98 saw an enormous El Nino which temporarily boosted temperatures way above the trend line. But the trend was still there. And in 2005, the year of a mild El Nino, the record was broken. At it was again in 2010, another mild el nino year. And in 2016, the year of a very strong El Nino. The thing is, that 1997-98 no longer even figures in the top 10. In fact, average temperatures in several years of La Nina, which exerts a cooling effect on the atmosphere, have exceeded the average temperature for 1997-98. Of course, now there are denialists who claim falsely, just as those in the early 20th century did, that because no temperatures subsequent to 2016 have broken its record, therefore global warming is over. They disregard the fact that the last 8 years have been the hottest on record. And they don't seem to have a clue about trendlines.
  12. Looks like you've been drinking the Koolaid.. Why So Few Absentee Ballots Were Rejected In 2020 "Election-administration experts cite several factors, but a big one was that voters submitted their absentee ballots early. That’s important because, in a normal election, the number-one reason that absentee ballots are not counted is that they arrive too late. But in 2020, several states reported steep dropoffs in the share of absentees received after the deadline." https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-so-few-absentee-ballots-were-rejected-in-2020/
  13. Actually, inverted yield rates can also mean that expectations are that inflation will continue to decline significantly.
  14. The problem with this case is that from what I've seen, the charges against Trump would ordinarily be described as misdemeanors. If convicted of them they prove that he's a lowlife. But does any rational person need more proof of that. His mouth convicts him virtually every day. But the legal theory that the D.A. is following is that because these misdemeanors were done in service of a felony, namely election fraud, then that's a felony. The thing is that the election fraud is a federal crime. So it's not at all clear that linking a state criminal charge to a federal crime is legitimate. A far stronger case will be made for his alleged obstruction of justice at Mar a Lago. And I suspect, if his White House staff and Pence are ultimately compelled to testify, he could be in trouble for the Jan 6 events and attempting election fraud as well.
  15. “Energy-efficient windows can help you save an average of 12% on your energy bills. This means you’ll save between $100 and $600 per year on your utility bills,” Mehta says. “Your exact savings will depend on your climate and how many windows you have.” https://realestate.usnews.com/real-estate/articles/how-much-do-energy-efficient-windows-cost#:~:text=“Energy-efficient windows can help,how many windows you have.” Solar windows and related transparent solar technologies could provide around 40% of energy demand in the United States, the MSU team believes. Combined with rooftop solar units, this could rise to almost 100%. There’s so much glass in the world, the potential is huge. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/09/transparent-solar-panel-windows/
  16. Please share with us those readings and the names of the books and the school libraries they were taken from. I'm sure you wouldn't make such a claim without being able to provide links. "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." Moreover what you and your fellow book banners don't seem to understand is that the law in question doesn't just refer to sexual conduct but any top that is potentiall divisive. Like the book about Rosa Parks which a parent objected to.
  17. Another reflexively nonsensical comment, actually. Clearly you don't get it. First of all, whether under Trump or Biden, core inflation as always been the preferred measure of inflation to strip out volatility. Prices of fossil fuels and food typically jump around a lot. As for rents. Unlike other items rental contracts usually come due once a year. So if prices rose sharply over for the months of january through june and then and then rose from july to december would mean inflation has slowed down markedly in those last 6 months. And if the slowdown continued into the following january, then it would finally show up in the statistics even though price increases had already slowed down markedly.
  18. You clearly are unfamiliar with the bill that was passed in Florida. You could remedy that by actually reading the article. Or continue to demonstrate your lack of knowledge. Can you please share with us which books located in school libraries in Florida were "promoting felching and chopping things off for 10 year olds schoolkids too?" As per usual, you've got nothing.
  19. This is for residential solar which always costs far more per KWH than does industrial solar.
  20. This has got to be one of the sillier comments. What don't you understand about the fact that most people would agree that buildings have to have windows to make them a reasonably tolerable place to work? So it isn't like there's a choice between windows and no windows.. So it's a big deal if buildings can cut energy consumption by 30% thanks to coating a window with a cheap film. And your position was "Unless perovskites PVs will work perpendicular to the sun, how spraying it on windows even work, much less reduce costs? Solar panels already cheaper than a good window." At least you know now that it will work. And given that one doesn'tt have much of a choice about using windows. how is it even valid to compare the cost of a solar window to the cost of a solar panel?
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