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  1. I don't know how to get through to you why your 3.4mm reference doesn't work as a projection. according to that article the rate is increasing. So it won't be 3.4 mm i the future but your projection uses 3.4mm.
  2. Unfortunately, I can't go back and check your original comment because due to an act a moderator, lots of B.S. posts have been deleted. Including yours.
  3. No. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/internet-of-lies/
  4. I didn't know Al Gore was a "Noble Prize winner and scientist" In what peer-reviewed journals did he publish his research?
  5. As the report clearly noted, it CO2 still increased in the atmosphere. Just less than it otherwise would have done. And even if there a decrease, human caused climate change is already baked in. Now the issue is how to limit the rise over the next few hundred years, not reverse it.
  6. The reasoning behind your argument also applies to Social Security. In other words, it's an argument that lost the war a long time ago. And clearly, using moral arguments about the obligation of government to help those in need would be wasted upon you.
  7. Apparently, to your way of thinking, issues like global warming, pollution, and healthcare, among others, all take a backseat to the transgender issue. This is exactly how Republicans exploit emotionalism over rational self interest to gull Americans. Get the voters' support on the hot button issues but on the issue that will truly affect their welfare, protect the rich instead. Sad.
  8. What you still don't note is that the rate if sea level rise is increasing. As for your claim that "as told by Noble Prize winner and scientist, they were supposed to be melted already", I'm calling B.S. on that. And even if there was such a person, and I can find no evidence that he or she exists, that would be an extreme minority position. But please, if you have such evidence, provide a link to it.
  9. This has got to be one of the most blatantly disingenuous comments I've ever seen posted. You compute your average by using 20 thousand years as your denominator. But 90% of the rise occurred over about 7000 years as rising temperatures accelerated the melting of the glaciers. During that time the average rate of increase was 15mm per year or 1.5 centimeters. And from about 3000 years ago until some time after the advent of the industrial revolution, sea levels were quite stable. As was the global temperature average. Only in the last 100 years or so has the rise resumed at a much higher pace. What's more , the rate of increase is getting higher.
  10. It may be too late to stop the rise above 1.5 degrees centigrade. But that doesn't mean it's too late to stop the rise to 2 degrees or to 2.5 degrees. The projected rate of damage increases geometrically the the higher it goes. And your contention about low carbon energy sources being high cost is way way outdated. Renewables are already mostly cheaper than coal, even when coal was cheap before the spike in 2022. And they are now very competitive with natural gas.
  11. What nonsense. Insurance rates are rising for coastal properties, For Many On Coast, Climate Crisis Means Rising Insurance Rates Risk Rating 2.0 does not include future sea-level rise projections, but it does incorporate data from the U.S. Geological Survey, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Army Corps of Engineers, which, in practice, should make the rating system adaptive to future conditions. Premiums are based on the risk at present and will be re-evaluated annually “in order to respond if and when the nature of flood risk changes,” according to Norman. As flood risk increases or decreases in regions across the country, ratings and premiums will adjust. https://ecori.org/2021-9-27-for-many-on-the-coast-climate-crisis-means-rising-insurance-rates/ And maybe you know of property insurers who offer policies that last 20 or 30 years. I haven't seen any evidence of that. What's more, I don't know about the rest of the world, but in the USA flood insurance rates are heavily subsidized by the government: Government-subsidized flood insurance premiums are about half of full-risk price https://publicintegrity.org/environment/government-subsidized-flood-insurance-premiums-are-about-half-of-full-risk-price/
  12. Well, can you please cite what scientific sources qualify as "leftist hysteria" The IPCC has warned of severe consequences if average global temperatures rise higher than 1.5 degrees centigrade above the pre-industrial revolution base. Is that what you call "leftist hysteria"?
  13. As far as what I can find on the internet, there is a risk of the property causing erosion, but not that erosion has occurred yet. And like all such posts singling out such people, what does it matter what rich people do with their money? What's that got to do with science?
  14. And where, in the scienitific literature including the IPCC reports is it claimed that human caused climate change is bringing about the end of the world? First off, what you didn't note was that rate of sea level rise is increasing. "And during this satellite period, 1993 to present, emerging indications suggest the mean (average) rate of global mean sea-level rise has increased – from about 0.1 inches (2.5 millimeters) to 0.13 inches (3.4 millimeters). Further measurements in coming years, by the Sentinel-6/Michael Freilich satellite, the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite, and others, will help establish the rate of increase more precisely." https://sealevel.nasa.gov/faq/8/is-the-rate-of-sea-level-rise-increasing/#:~:text=Yes.,(3.4 millimeters) per year. And you also don't take account of the increasing attrition of the Antarctic ice shelf which is still holding back massive glaciers that dwarf those of Greenland Volume loss from Antarctic ice shelves is accelerating Using 18 years of continuous satellite radar altimeter observations, we have computed decadal-scale changes in ice-shelf thickness around the Antarctic continent. Overall, average ice-shelf volume change accelerated from negligible loss at 25 ± 64 cubic kilometers per year for 1994–2003 to rapid loss of 310 ± 74 cubic kilometers per year for 2003–2012. West Antarctic losses increased by ~70% in the past decade, and earlier volume gain by East Antarctic ice shelves ceased. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aaa0940
  15. When someone write "There were rumors that..." or "I heard that" or "People are saying that" it doesn't exactly buttress my faith in the truth of what is being alleged.
  16. I forgot to put a question mark at the end of the first sentence which changed the meaning by about 180 degrees. Here's how my comment should read This is true of the 4 annexed regions? Russia has claimed to annex them but what do the facts on the ground say?
  17. Belief that Jesus is on his way is not evidence that he's on his way no matter how sure such people are whoo believe it. And statements like this from you: There's a lot more unknown information out here somewhere, I'm sure. aren't evidence no matter how sure you are in your belief And believe it or not, there are still tens of millions of American voters who believe the election was stolen despite the utter lack of evidence. Crazy huh?
  18. And as repeatedly pointed out to you and apparently to no avail, so what? Why does video footage shot at at one time and location prove that someone didn't commit a crime recorded on video at another time and location?
  19. This is true of the 4 annexed regions. Russia has claimed to annex them but what do the facts on the ground say?
  20. The costs of administering the Medicare program have remained low over the years – less than 2 percent of program expenditures https://www.kff.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/7731-03.pdf
  21. Excess Administrative Costs Burden the U.S. Health Care System Even if all of, say Paul's allegations were valid, they would constitute about 1.5% of the 2019 pre-covid government budget. Much smaller if you use the 2020 covid budget as a basis which is what Paul's allegations refer to.
  22. If so, by a god who wants to ensure Trump's defeat. How did election denialists fare in the 2022 election?
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