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  1. Because if everyone was allowed to make up their own definitions then rational disagreement would be impossible.
  2. Here's why your comment is incorrect. There's a climate affecting phenomenon called El Nino, It occurs irregularly but when it does, an immense amount of heat is released from the Pacific and it boosts worldwide temperatures. In 2015-16 there was a massive El Nino. So naturally that year the temperature was greater than it otherwise would have been. And why in succeeding years the temperature was mostly less. By the way, he year 2020 was statistically tied with 2016 despite the fact that there was no El Nino. So the increases continue. The last time there was such powerful El Nino was in 1997-98. Again there was an anomalously high temperature followed by years when the temperature was less. ACC denialists claimed this was proof that the temperature rise had peaked. Yet in 2022, that average temperature for 1997, wouldn't even make it among the top ten. And this despite the fact that many of those top ten temperatures occurred during years when the La Nina phenomenon occurred. This phenomenon has the effect of lowering the average global temperature. There's also a thing called regression analysis which is used to determine trends that also disqualifies your assertion. But that's for another time.
  3. This is laughable. Why stop at 50,000?. Why not 100,000? You don't get to be an authority of one. An honest link would show what official figures judge to be the income ceiling for the poor. Or even a link to what recognized economic authorities judge that to be. Not the judgement of an anonymous member on aseannow.com.
  4. You originally claimed most of Lineker's salary was paid for by the poor, not by "many, many" whatever that means. In addition, you called on Chomper Higgott to define poor. Apparently, it's only incumbent upon others to back up what they claim but not yourself. "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
  5. You made the claim. It's incumbent upon you to back it up. Once again, a reminder: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
  6. Really, it's mainly the poor who pay for licenses? You have any facts to support that? Apparently you need repeat reminding of what the landing page of the World Forum says: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." What's more, Lineker's pay was 1.35 million pounds. Total BBC expenditures in 2022 were almost 3 billion pounds. A full BBC license is 159 pounds per annum. So, those pensioners' contribution to Lineker would come to 0.7 pence per annum. And, of course, many pensioners pay reduced or no fees. So they would contribute an even more exiguous amount. And this is a household fee. So if 2 or more are contributing to the cost, it would come to at most half of 0.7 pence per annum. Shocking! You've got nothing.
  7. Before I go on to address your latest reply, I think it's time to point out your intellectual dishonesty. Honoroble people admit their mistakes, When yours are pointed out, you simply ignore that. Here's the first one I showed was false: "They've also stated in previous reports, in their scientific summaries, not their political summaries, that there is low confidence that extreme weather events such as floods, droughts and hurricanes, are increasing on a global scale." The IPCC report I linked to shows that to be another falsehood. I also showed your claim about flooding in Western Australia to be false. Namely this one "This latest flood is claimed by the media to be a 'one in a hundred year flood'. If this is true, then the logical conclusion is that one hundred years ago, when CO2 levels were much lower, there was an equally bad, or worse flood, which means that the flood is not necessarilly a consequence of anthropogenic CO2 emissions." In fact, the worst flood in WA history was the one that took place in early 2023. It really makes for an exercise in futility when one of the parties in a disagreement refuse to acknowledge their errors.
  8. No, it doesn't show another side of the story. If it truly showed another side of the story, it would provide alternate footage of the incidents that the prosecution used against Chansley. Airing something irrelevant is not showing "another side of the story".
  9. When you write the kind of drivel I'm replying to, do you actually understand what it is you're doing? You're the party who created the strawman precedent by connecting a BBC sport commentator's high salary to the plight of the poor. It is to laugh.
  10. What an empty cheap shot. Biden has confronted the Chinese far. far more strongly than any previous administration since Richard Nixon's tenure. I guess you must be desperate to find any grounds for criticism.
  11. You're seriously claiming it's lefties who have made life for the poor worse? Crocodile tears much?
  12. I wonder if those regions are going to start actual rebellions against this particular injustice.
  13. Actually, the IPCC has a record of being overly conservative in its projections which consistently get revised upwards as each report is issued. In fact, your information is way out of date. I suspect that's because you get your information, or rather your misinformation, from denialist websites. At any rate here are a few quotes from Chapter 11 of the latest IPCC report which addresses the issues of climate and weather extremes. Because of the rules limiting quotes, for a more thorough examination follow the link at the bottom: "It is an established fact that human-induced greenhouse gas emissions have led to an increased frequency and/or intensity of some weather and climate extremes since pre-industrial time, in particular for temperature extremes." "Human influence, in particular greenhouse gas emissions, is likely the main driver of the observed global-scale intensification of heavy precipitation over land regions" "Human-induced climate change has contributed to increases in agricultural and ecological droughts in some regions due to evapotranspiration increases (medium confidence)" https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/chapter/chapter-11/ Got it?
  14. As I noted previously, two can play the cherry picking game. Kimberley floods: 'the worst flooding Western Australia has ever seen' – video Communities in the Kimberley in Western Australia are reeling from the largest flooding event in the state's history, which has wreaked havoc in the region. The Fitzroy River peaked at 15.81 metres, about 1.8 metres above the previous record. Emergency evacuations continued on Thursday as the Fitzroy's flood peak bore down on tiny Noonkanbah. https://tvpworld.com/65537026/western-australia-struggles-amid-worst-flooding-in-its-history Got it?
  15. Once again, I'm going to show that you got it wrong and let's see if, once again, you're going to ignore my correction. Here is the definition of a hundred year flood: "A 100-year flood is a flood event that has a 1 in 100 chance (1% probability) of being equaled or exceeded in any given year." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/100-year_flood The US Geological Survey also offers an explanation: "Instead of the term "100-year flood" a hydrologist would rather describe this extreme hydrologic event as a flood having a 100-year recurrence interval. What this means is described in detail below, but a short explanation is that, according to historical data about rainfall and stream stage, the probability of Soandso River reaching a stage of 20 feet is once in 100 years. In other words, a flood of that magnitude has a 1 percent chance of happening in any year." https://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/100-year-flood Got it?
  16. Well, Jesus did have this to say about holding gold and similar commodities: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. https://www.bible.com/bible/314/MAT.6.19-21.TLV I'm taking that as a "NO".
  17. And when Jesus comes, I'll be glad that I have already acknowledged him as my personal savior. Those predictions of collapse of the financial system have been around since the United States effectively abandoned the gold standard in the 30's and utterly abandoned it in the 70's. What kind of shelf life should such predictions enjoy before they are judged to be bogus? Ever?
  18. And this has what to do with the fact that the early the scientific formulations that predicted global warning in the mid 70's continue to be born out? And why should any serious person cite what the media claim about record floods as some sort of disproof of the science? And what is rationally indisputable is that Australia's mean temperature has risen by 1.4 degrees Celsius over the past 110 years. And your link looks like just another attempt at cherry-picking. Or is all of Australia contained in the Brisbane-Ipswich areas What about, say, Western Australia?
  19. Silicon Valley Bank paid bonuses to employees hours before shutdown, government seizure Employees of Silicon Valley Bank got their annual bonuses just hours before the California bank’s shutdown was announced Friday. The shutdown came on the second Friday of March, historically when the company issued yearly bonuses. Sources said the bonuses were for work done in 2022 and had already been in process before the collapse, NBC News reported. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-silicon-valley-bank-gives-bonuses-before-shutdown-20230312-mtaxes5chjgyvcagxefra3n6au-story.html
  20. "The majority of the Capitol’s 658 single-pane windows were quietly upgraded during a 2017-19 renovation of the historic building. The original wooden frames and glass were covered with a second metal frame containing bomb-resistant glass. But planners skipped about a dozen ground-floor windows, including some located in doors, because they were deemed to be low risk in the event of implosion, largely due to their discreet or shielded location, or because the building couldn’t structurally handle the load of the heavier frames." https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2021-10-04/jan-6-rioters-exploited-little-known-capitol-weak-spots-a-handful-of-unreinforced-windows
  21. Well, one good thing that will come out of this is that it will undermine support for any loosening of regulations to accommodate crypto.
  22. So far, they show no sign of contrition or a rethink. Palawan fishers report continuing Chinese harassment https://globalnation.inquirer.net/209877/palawan-fishers-report-continuing-chinese-harassment The Philippines accuses a Chinese ship of aiming a laser at a Filipino boat crew https://www.npr.org/2023/02/13/1156475789/the-philippines-accuses-a-chinese-ship-of-aiming-a-laser-at-a-filipino-boat-crew
  23. "Illegitmate" can have many meanings. Clinton did not claim that there was massive voter fraud and had the votes been honestly counted she would have won. Remember that Trump claimed that not only did he win the electoral college, but that he also won the popular vote in that election. So he was crying fraud even in an election he won.
  24. Actually, quite false. Chinese aggressive stance in the South China sea has alienated its neighbors and made them much more receptive to US overtures. And India is alarmed by China's aggression on the Sino Indian border. Your comments are way out of date..
  25. And this has what relevance to climate change theory? The predictions of global warming have stood the test of time. It's the naysayers who have repeatedly been proven wrong.
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