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  1. They aren't trying to seal the videos. The videos were not going to be sealed. It's documents that were and that's the way it works. Not just for this committee's investigation. Follow this link to educate yourself: https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2022-12-30/jan-6-committee-documents-evidence
  2. Of course it's not fair. Why should Carlson get first dibs on the tapes and release his version first? We saw how effective getting there first was when William Barr lied about the Mueller report before Mueller got to comment on it. Even though Barr was castigated for his lies by the judge, his version stuck.. You may find this hard to accept, but there are those who believe that the Mueller report proved that there was nothing to allegations about Trump's cooperation with the Russians. That's what getting there first does. Carlson's version of the incident will enjoy a long head start even if others do get hold of the information.
  3. Whatever the merits of your claim about being " pushed to consume more, nd change more often things that should have lasted longer, and could have lasted much longer to keep the drive on the economy.", I don't see why this especially applies to EVs as opposed to ICE vehicles.
  4. Nor does it prohibit such intervention. But this is utterly irrelevant since it's individual countries who happen to be members of NATO that are providing aid to Ukraine. The aid is not being funneled through NATO.
  5. You miss the point. We know that the Carlson's and other commentators' opinions were lies.
  6. Well, that certainly does spare you the effort of having to acquire knowledge about whatever issues a politician is addressing.
  7. Here's a shocker: Trump claimed the 2020 election was stolen!
  8. Shame on her for not have the drive and grit to get herself born into a super wealthy family! What makes a middle class person think she even has the right to run for office?
  9. You missed the point. Fossil fuel companies aren't plowing back their revenue into exploration the way they used to because investors believe that the long-term outlook for fossil fuels is grim.
  10. It's a good thing that Rasmussen isn't a politically biased organization. "Republican-leaning pollster Rasmussen invoked a quote attributed to Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in a Twitter thread Sunday suggesting Vice President Pence could attempt to overturn the results of the presidential election... At that moment, the Presidency will be in his hands. And there is nothing stopping Pence, under the (plenary and unappealable) authority vested in him as President of the Senate, from declining to open and count the certificates from the six disputed states." https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/531830-rasmussen-quotes-stalin-in-discussing-us-election/ Here's a link to a discussion of how Rasmussen devises questions designed to get the answers they want: https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/2018-07/116034.pdf What whistleblowers? These are not whistleblowers. These are conspiracy mongers who have no first hand knowledge of what claim. Also, they are being funded by right wing organizations.
  11. False. As was noted because it's a State funeral, it's the State that pays You have any evidence that the Crown ultimately paid for her funeral, or her husband's funeral or her mother's funeral? Any? The queen’s funeral will be paid for by British taxpayers. The state will cover the huge price tag at a time when many in Britain are struggling to pay their bills and are bracing for a difficult winter. The British government has not yet disclosed how much Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral on Monday will cost, saying only that it would provide details “in due course.” But the price tag, which will involve elaborate processions, vigils and rituals, is expected to be significant and will be covered by the state. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/14/world/europe/queen-funeral-costs.html Who pays for a state funeral? State funerals are publicly funded. They fall under the responsibility of the Earl Marshall - currently Edward Fitzalan-Howard, the 18th Duke of Norfolk, who inherited the position in June 2002 - and the College of Arms. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2022/09/18/what-state-funeral-when-last-one-uk/
  12. So members of the party where the majority are conspiracy theory supporters and even Qanon commands sizeable support, is likely to behave well in the event of death of Joe Biden? On what basis did you make that judgement?
  13. You sure about that? "Unlike ceremonial funerals, like the ones held for Princess Diana in 1997 and the Queen Mother in 2002, state funerals are funded by (as the name suggests) the state. Princess Di’s funeral cost the equivalent of around $11 million, or between £3 and £5 million pounds at the time. The Queen Mother’s cost around $9 million (£5.4 million), with the majority of that money spent on security." https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/queen-elizabeths-state-funeral-cost-151922672.html
  14. Let me explain. On the one hand, you claim most people react in a dignified way in response to death.. On the other hand you make the claim that there will Dems will have a big celebratory party when Trump dies. Yet Donald Trump, the leader of the Republicans. made some rather nasty comments about the Colin Powell.when he died. And John McCain, also I forgot to include that one. In addition, what evidence do you have that Republicans will behave themselves should Biden die? Not only is their leader a foulmouthed so-and-so, but the accusations Republicans hurl at Biden could hardly be called temperate or indicative of a sober mien in response to his eventual death.
  15. Except, to your way of think, the Dems. "It Will be a big celebratory street party for the Dems when Trump dies ,' Because the Republican party is rife with dignified leaders starting right at the top: "Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction, be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media," Trump said in a statement. "Hope that happens to me someday. He was a classic RINO [Republican in Name Only], if even that, always being the first to attack other Republicans. https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2021-10-19/trumps-response-to-powells-death-lays-bare-the-politics-of-mourning
  16. What don't you understand about the fact that William Barr and John Durham Durham could find no evidence of any action inspired by animosity taken by the FBI or justice department against Trump.
  17. I guess if you consider being either a habitual liar or an ignoramus being great, she's the greatest.
  18. You sure about that? Cost of electricity vs. gasoline Here’s where EV owners win out. Going electric means you get to skip pricey trips to the pump, which is one of the biggest draws for making the switch. A 2018 study by the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute found that the average cost to fuel an electric car was $485 a year, compared to $1,117 for a gas-powered vehicle. A 2020 Consumer Reports study similarly showed that EV drivers tend to spend about 60 percent less each year on fuel costs compared to drivers of gas-powered cars. https://www.nrdc.org/stories/electric-vs-gas-it-cheaper-drive-ev Vast majority of EV batteries will outlast their vehicles: report A study of 21 electric vehicle models — and the introduction of an accompanying interactive tool — brings promising insights for real-world battery longevity New research released by Geotab measuring the battery life of 6,300 fleet and consumer electric vehicles has provided new insights regarding the lifespan of EV batteries. https://electricautonomy.ca/2019/12/17/vast-majority-of-ev-batteries-will-outlast-their-vehicles-report/ Electric Car Batteries Lasting Longer Than Predicted Delays Recycling Programs https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2022/08/01/electric-car-batteries-lasting-longer-than-predicted-delays-recycling-programs/?sh=4960eb1c5332
  19. This show how its easy to live in denial if you're right wing: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/03/business/media/fox-dominion-conservative-media.html
  20. Vast majority of EV batteries will outlast their vehicles: report A study of 21 electric vehicle models — and the introduction of an accompanying interactive tool — brings promising insights for real-world battery longevity New research released by Geotab measuring the battery life of 6,300 fleet and consumer electric vehicles has provided new insights regarding the lifespan of EV batteries. https://electricautonomy.ca/2019/12/17/vast-majority-of-ev-batteries-will-outlast-their-vehicles-report/ Electric Car Batteries Lasting Longer Than Predicted Delays Recycling Programs https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2022/08/01/electric-car-batteries-lasting-longer-than-predicted-delays-recycling-programs/?sh=4960eb1c5332
  21. Evidence? From the World Forum landing page: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
  22. I did find this but I doubt that's what you meant: Despite open threats from Russia, and possibly due to them, Finland has finally decided to join NATO, starting on May 15, 2022, the formal procedure for joining this military alliance. Moreover, some Finnish soldiers have openly ridiculed the Russians by inviting them to “… join 200,000 Russians who are already in Finland buried a few meters underground after your last attempt in 1939”. https://mezha.media/en/2022/05/17/underground-helsinki-is-one-of-the-reasons-why-finland-is-not-afraid-of-russia/
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