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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Assuming that all the non-conservative members of the commons except the DUP votes for the agreement, then even if only 40 Tory MPs support the bill, I think that should be enough. And such a small number of Tory votes in favor doesn't seem likely.
  2. The reason "it's ok to be white" is offensive is the same reason that "all lives matter". There's a history behind those phrases and these phrases are an underhanded way of promoting the notion that black people in America don't still suffer from discrimination.
  3. The phrase "it's ok to be white" is born of the same resentment and self-pity that let to the phrase "all lives matter.". Often in this forum I see certain members making complaints about the unhappy lot of white people, particularly white males and how they're vilified.
  4. Well, the more one believes in the personhood of a fetus, the more they should be inclined to support that fetus getting proper care. Something which the state of Florida allegedly hasn't provided.
  5. If, in fact, his life was in danger, then he really didn't have much of a choice, did he? Are you saying it takes maturity to fire a gun in self defense? First you tried on that nonsense about 17 year olds in the armed services and now this? Give it up already.
  6. Great Point! The U.S. Army just gives them a gun and tells them 'You figure it out". It doesn't provide anything in the way of training. And it doesn't have NCO's to supervise them should they have the misfortune to find themselves in combat.
  7. Thanks for giving me permission to hold that opinion. And I certainly can't stop you from holding the position that it's OK for a minor to be an armed vigilante, if that's what you believe. But whether you believe it or not, It's obviously nuts.
  8. Well, since in your opinion age is irrelevant in the matter of someone carrying a gun, I don't put much faith in its soundness.
  9. Where in the USA was there segregation that disfavored white people?
  10. Did the jury decide that his behavior was reasonable and responsible? They decided that it was OK for 17 year old to be an armed vigilante? They acquitted him of murder on the grounds that he acted in self defense. They didn't decide that his behavior that night was reasonable and responsible.
  11. Legally, it doesn't matter. But anyone with a grain of sense would know that there should be no place for a 17 year old armed vigilante.
  12. I guess you and I will just have to disagree on whether or not it's OK for a minor to be an armed vigilante. I'm taking the crazy position that it's not But who knows?. Maybe more armed 17 year old kids ought to be recruited for vigilante duty.
  13. If he hadn't been there, it's dubious that anyone would have been killed. Sound judgement shouldn't be expected of a 17 year old. That's why auto insurance companies charge teenagers a lot higher premiums.
  14. 17 years old, a dropout, untrained in policing, Rittenhouse wass certainly doing something wrong by carrying a loaded weapon into a volatile situation. Because of a peculiarity in Wisconsin's law, namely that the gun has to have a barrel less than 16 inches for it to be illegal, he wasn't guilty of committing a crime. That doesn't mean it isn't wrong for an armed minor to have been there.
  15. I think in the case of Hungary, the odds are overwhelming that it's both.
  16. First off, if its done with the number of respondents Rasmussen , it's statistically invalid. That's because the sampling of subgroups is too small. More importantly, even if Rasmussen polled a large enough sample of black respondents, it reads like a clickbait question designed to elicit certain responses. A fairer way to do the poll would have been to ask 2 questions: Is it OK to be black? Is it OK to be white? But this is Rasmussen. And as their press release indicated, they have an axe to grind, or rather bait that needs clicking.
  17. So you wrote this why? "Sunak inherited a load of rubbish, starting with the duplicity of Teresa May's main 'negotiator' the now knighted Ollie Robbins." As I noted, a convenient scapegoat.
  18. Really? You mean they're all living in their modest little houses near the beach? In addition do you think most of the Thais living in village kilometers away were mostly locals? More foreigners moving in means more opportunities for Thais to find work.
  19. And this differs how from the Europeans, Americans, Canadians, and Australians who came before and are still coming?
  20. Civil servants make convenient scapegoats. Ya think what Robbins helped negotiate wasn't done with the approval of the PM?
  21. No, It's because the Russians remember what Stalingrad meant to the Germans that he cited it. Or do you believe that General Zhukov is commanding the Russian war effort from the grave?
  22. It seems unlikely that the EU will agree to eliminating the role of the European Court of Justice in adjudicating disagreements. I think Sunak has made that a sine qua non.
  23. OK. But saying that Nazi Genocide was white-on-white simply isn't true unless you believe that there is such a thing as being genuinely white. The Nazis believed that Jews and Gypsies were sub-human.
  24. How Did Jews Become White Folks? The American nation was founded and developed by the Nordic race, but if a few more million members of the Alpine, Mediterranean, and Semitic races are poured among us, the result must inevitably be a hybrid race of people as worthless and futile as the goodfor-nothing mongrels of Central America and Southeastern Europe https://nelsonssociology101.weebly.com/uploads/2/6/1/6/26165328/jews.pdf
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