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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Technically white? Since "white" as applied to humans isn't a scientifically valid classification, how could Jews technically be so? For most of the history of racism in Europe, Jews were widely regarded as a race apart.
  2. I think the Nazis would be quite offended by your claim that the genocide they inflicted on the Jews and Gypsies was white-on-white violence.
  3. So many reflexively pavlovian right wing tropes on display here Claiming that critics of Scott Adams believe they are "your intellectual and moral superiors" is just the kind of unproveable claim that the right wing consistently engages in. Are you a mind reader? And another claim of mind reading. "Second, they don't believe you are entitled to any of your own OPINIONS, unless they agree with them.' So some class of comments shouldn't be criticized, and if they are, that means you reject the right for others to hold them? Such nonsense. "Mao-inspired, post-modernist take on facts" Mao-inspired? Really, Because if there's one thing that the Chinese communist party and Mao himself believed is that ethical systems are just constructs with no connection to truth? How ignorant of the fanatically self-righteous Mao and Chinese communism does one have to be to make such a ridiculous claim.? "Two wrongs make a right". First off, Rasmussen presenting the poll as a valid survey of black Americans is false. It was a random survey (at least by Rasmussen's dubious methods) of all Americans. The problem is that while a poll of all members might have a margin of error of plus or minus 5%, a smaller subset, such as those of black Americans is far more likely to be wildly inaccurate. There is also Rasmussen's openly right wing political stance to consider. Here's the opening paragraph of their press release about their poll "Despite years of progressive activism, a majority of Americans still don’t buy into the “woke” narrative that white people have a monopoly on racism." https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/lifestyle/general_lifestyle/january_2023/not_woke_yet_most_voters_reject_anti_white_beliefs And how is it relevant to this issue that more humans died under communist extremism than under fascist extremism? If anything is proof of the Pavlovian nature of your comments, it's how you were triggered to veer into irrelevancy.. Your comments smack of lots of resentment and very little sense.
  4. What you failed to note was that the typhus epidemic killed thousands of Athenians, among them Pericles, their leader, during the early phase of the Peloponnesian war. Do you believe that if there has been a typhus vaccine available to the Athenians, the wise course would have been not to be vaccinated? And, by the way, it was Thucydides, not Herodotus, who reported on the Plague which occurred around 430 BC.
  5. Well, to be fair, there is a significant contingent of members who would make such a comment seriously.
  6. An injunction restrains someone from doing something. How does that apply in this case? Did Carlson have to an FOIA request?
  7. Here is a link to the original research on which the Guardian article is based.
  8. Thank you for your insightful and revealing critique of the article.
  9. I think his problem stems from a phenomenon noted by Stephen Colbert: "It's a well-known fact that reality has a liberal bias."
  10. And this is a first generation battery. The second generation battery is projected to have a range of about 200 miles. That's not much different from the range afforded by an LFP battery. And work on improving sodium batteries continues. Right now researchers are working on a sodium sulfide battery that will be more energy dense than lithium batteries.
  11. I hope it's the case that neither of you actually read the article. Otherwise you would know that your questions were accounted for in the article.
  12. You're the one who made the simplistic claim that Rittenhouse ' comment was anti-semitic His comment was stupid and repugnant enough without bringing anti-Semitism into it.
  13. You think the countries from which China is stealing land or to just stand by and let it happen?
  14. This is the youth who had illegal possession of a fireman and took it to a zone of civil unrest. He had no business being there. He was a high school dropout and a wannabe police officer.
  15. You can construe as much as you like. But there's no hard evidence to support your contention. On the other hand, there's plenty of evidence to support the fact that Rittenhouse's thought processes are seriously defective. And you did not at all address the fact that there are plenty of right wingers out there who are fans of Jewish demagogues like Mark Levin or of Jewish lowlifes like Steven Miller.
  16. But not pitiful like someone who offers an arbitrary judgement without reasoning to back it up.
  17. Given that China has engaged in bullying behavior over the possession of islands with the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwon, is it surprising that these countries might prefer having America on their side?
  18. Well, to be literal, he claimed that his prosecutors were funded by George Soros. Not sure someone like him is even knowledgeable enough to know that Soros is Jewish. And it's crazy enough without invoking anti-Semitism. I'm not denying that anti-Semitism accounts for a sizeble number of people who subscribe to Soros hatred, but not all. After all, there are loons who hate Soros but adore Mark Levin.
  19. Treating a general condition like "life" as analogous to the functioning of a legislative is obviously ridiculous. Does anyone really have to explain to you why that's the case?
  20. Because the care in question is primarily about the fetus/baby. They're not claiming that the care is in regards to any condition of hers except pregnancy. You definitely need to look up the meaning of "obvious".
  21. I believe that the style of Mad Mick's post could aptly be described as Tourettian.
  22. Why go back that far? Just look at the fiasco that was the Durham investigation. Right wingers were sure that it would bust open the machinations of the DEEP STATE against the Trump administration. It failed utterly to do that.
  23. ////Quoted post deleted//// And yet you have failed to mention this: Former Israeli prime minister rebuts claim, boosted by Russia, that the US blocked a Ukraine peace agreement: 'It's unsure there was any deal to be made' "In the interview, Bennett himself notes that it was not the US, France, or Germany that put an end to any peace talks. Rather, it was Russia slaughtering hundreds of civilians in a town outside the Ukrainian capital, a war crime discovered just about a month after the full-scale invasion began. "The Bucha massacre, once that happened, I said: 'It's over,'" Bennett recalled." https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-bennett-walks-back-claim-west-blocked-ukraine-russia-peace-deal-2023-2
  24. Thank you for your thoughtful analysis of the legal issues facing Donald Trump. Once again, you have conclusively demonstrated that you are definitely not an oblivious cheerleader for the former President.. At least, that's the view from Opposite World.
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