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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Really? This is not unusual at all. People and corporations get sued all time for wrongful death. And the standard of evidence is different in a civil suit. A preponderance of evidence is sufficient to find for the plaintiff as opposed to being guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
  2. On the one hand we have an anonymous poster on aseannow.com. On the other, the medical examiner. How to decide in whom we should place our trust? Truly a dilemma.
  3. When has the Capitol been stormed and invaded before by insurrectionists? And it wasn't just about trespass, was it. They attempted to put a halt to the Constitutionally sanctioned transfer of power due to a false narrative promoted by a certain loser.
  4. Another case of I-don't-love-Trump-but... This is from the landing page of World News: " Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." So share with us valid links to approved sources that prove that "Jeff Bezos,... he's a democrat." "Amazon gets 30% of all sales" Soros is a communist undermining so many things it's pathetic "He actually is one that sponsored taxing Social Security." "Joe voted against the civil rights act." As the saying goes, "put up or...go away".
  5. This coming from the party who blamed Joe Biden for the state of the economy in 2020. You're not much for facts, are you? Marxists believe that the workers should control the means of production. Any evidence that the Democrats are for this?
  6. Actually, it won't be known until the next Presidential elections are held. But I imagine there will be plenty of reinforcements on hand and a President who is willing to use them.
  7. Where have you been the last 4 years? A special counsel gets appointed. One such person was John Durham who was appointed by William Barr. They were both skeptical of the Inspector General's report saying there was no corruption involved on the part of the Justice Dept in the investigation of Trump. So Durham spent about 3 years trying to dig up incriminating stuff on agents of the FBI and other employees of the Justice Dept. He came up virtually empty. He failed in 2 trials and succeeded in a third using the evidence provided by the Inspector General to convict a low level employee on a minor charge. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Durham
  8. I believe the same predictions were being made when William Barr became attorney general. And similar predictions were being made for the Durham investigation read the Justice department. Of course those predictions at least were based on the correct understanding that it's a justice department that pursues criminal investigations, not the legislative branch of government. You might try to get at least barely acquainted with the Constitution.
  9. Actually, the Marxist-Leninists in the MSM have been hiding from us the fact that Joe Biden was actually president in 2020
  10. As recently as 1856? Yes, this event was just a nothingburger.
  11. What's going to be even more ridiculous is when he realizes his error and then claims the responsibility for it wasn't Trump's. But most likely he'll just evaporate. He also got it wrong about oil. The decline of both occurred virtually simultaneously whereas he claimed as the dollar fell, the price of oil should rise.
  12. Anyway, he blamed the President for the GDP decline of 3.4% in 2020. He thought that was Biden. Trump was president in 2020.
  13. Seriously? Weren't you ever taught in school about dangling participles?
  14. So has the price of oil risen as the dollar has recently fallen? The dollar began its precipitous decline on Nov 4. Oddly enough, so did the price of oil. Here are crude oil prices
  15. "Now you can say Biden was not responsible for Covid. BUT HIS RESPONSE TO IT IS WHAT CRATERED THE ECONOMY. Real GDP FELL 3.4% in 2020. " Should I agree with you that the guy who was president in 2020 is responsible for that 3.4% drop? Because if did, that person would be Donald Trump.
  16. What's going on is essentially the same activity that Trump supporters engage in about the 2020 election. They don't say that the election was stolen. They just say that they have questions about it.
  17. Given how reduced the Speaker's powers are, I'd agree that he is a kind of leader. A cheerleader.
  18. Thank you for your reasoned support of a new debilitated McCarthy. Here are a couple ways Congress is going to help McCarthy to Make America Great Again Just one member is all it takes to call for a snap election on whether to vacate the office of the Speaker. So if McCarthy offends just 5 of these loons, out he goes. Any member can bring up an unlimited number of amendments to spending bills. Which means the Speaker has no power to actually get legislation approved as long as any member keeps on coming up with amendments. I can think of about 20 members of the House up for doing just that.
  19. And as part of the deal, all it takes is one member of Congress to vote on vacating the Speaker's seat. I'm sure that won't lead to any disruptions.
  20. When someone breaks a lease or, for that matter, any change in the status quo, it's obviously incumbent upon them (or their supporters) to provide evidence to justify it. It doesn't help in any case as far as justification goes, that this is far from the only lease he's broken. It certainly doesn't argue that Musk is a man of his word in that he attempted to squirm out of his agreement with Twitter and that he violated its terms of conduct as well.
  21. Actually, it's the people who support his antisocial behavior, like you, for example, who should be ashamed of themselves.
  22. So, at best, the landlord will have loaned Elon musk the money without their consent. It's still a lowlife move.
  23. If the state wants to make sure he serves hard time, he should be tried as a black adult.
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