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  1. I think you're confusing this medication with ivermectin. Or maybe hydroxychloroquine?
  2. As the article pointed out, if a new variant arises that is resistant to current vaccines, it would be useful.
  3. No. I looked at the link to the research It's "the off-patent drug ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05594-0
  4. Anyway, the fact that Trump ultimately did fire him, is supporting evidence enough.
  5. Well, clinical trials are going to be a lot more quickly completed because the drug has already been approved for other uses. And some people who get vaccinated still fall seriously il. And, of course, there are those afflicted with lemming genes who refuse to be vaccinated.
  6. No electricity, no gas pumps. 555555555555555555555555555
  7. He was fired just before the Trumps left the White House. Ultimately, Harleth was fired on Inauguration Day even before the Bidens officially moved into the White House, according to the New York Times.
  8. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210629/How-does-dexamethasone-therapy-in-COVID-19.aspx
  9. And you think the accountants of most rich people disavow their work for a client as Trump's accountants did?
  10. No single weather event is proof of anthropogenic climate change. It's about rates of change and frequency of severe events.
  11. How are yellow card useful in determing the effectiveness of the Chinese vaccines vs. other vaccines. What don't you get about the significance of the fact that chinese vaccines were never used in the UK? Yes, yellow cards can point to a possible problem. But in themselves are proof of nothing. And excess coronary deaths have been discussed both figuratively and literaally to death. As epidemiologist repeatedly point out, the risk of heart problems occurring is far greater from covid than from vaccinations with the exception of young men. And even then the risk is very small. You can look this stuff up, you know.
  12. Really? It's generic.. Obviously, what's going on here is that this runs contrary to the belief of some that Big Pharma is in control of the agenda. One of the most important medications used against covid are generic steroids. Not much money to be made there either.
  13. Cambridge scientists have shown that a widely-used drug to treat liver disease can prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection or reduce COVID-19 severity The drug has minimal side effects, is cheap, and should protect against future variants of SARS-CoV-2 Their unique study involved ‘mini-organs’, animal research, donated human organs, volunteers, and patients https://scitechdaily.com/off-patent-liver-disease-drug-could-stop-covid-19-and-protect-against-future-variants/
  14. It's just that you wrote "total dependence on Russia". Which is not the case. Germany didn't even get the majority of its energy from Russia. Just a foolish amount of it.
  15. Well, for one thing it's been featured very prominently that the UK wants to renege on parts of its Brexit deal with the EU. UK to rewrite Brexit deal on Northern Ireland; EU warns of action https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/6/13/uk-moves-to-rewrite-brexit-rules-eu-threatens-legal-action
  16. The surest mark of desperation in someone is when they make personal comments. As for being facetious, it's clear you thought that Musk had Twitter by the short and curlies on account of disclosing the percentage of bots would negatively effect advertising rates. Do you think Musk and his team overlooked that aspect of the affair? And that your insight could have rescued Musk from the consequences of his recklessness?
  17. According to the figures which I cited and which included EU members and non EU members, the total increase was 5.3 milllion. Including non immigrants the total increase was about 7.5 million. That's against over 2 million new housing units being built.
  18. Even if you did compile the evidence from this, it would still have no significance as applied to the UK population. But just presenting a link to a thread with uncompiled data doesn't even rise to the low standard you invoke. I'm certainly not going to take your word for it that this topic supports your contention and I'm not going to go to the trouble of compiling data to prove or disprove your point. This is just more trolling.
  19. Basically, the point you make is a good one. But it doesn't help your case when you make false statements like: "On the downside, the insane Merkel policy of total dependance on Russian energy is going to take a little more time to unravel in Europe"
  20. Who cares what you claim to have noticed? "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." Sound familiar? And now you're claiming that your poll actually will have some kind of sound evidentiary value? Give up the trolling already. It's just so tired and obvious.
  21. No it isn't. For lots of reasons. For starters, yellow cards aren't useful for determining causation, They are reports of events. Given the politicization of the covid-19 and the controversy, it's not surprising that there were more reports of adverse events. NOT adverse effects. But even if they could have evidentiary value, what kind of value could they have with data drawn from a population that never used them? Saying we need to get to the truth when we already have overwhelming evidence is just a way of trying to sound reasonable while pushing an agenda that is anything but. Astra Zeneca is a good vaccine but it had a higher rate of effects judged to be adverse than did the mRNA vaccines. Certainly, it was far better to be vaccinated with it than to go unvaccinated.
  22. From the article linked to by Bkk Brian "There are many more vaccinated people than there are unvaccinated people. And vaccinated and boosted people, on average, are older and more likely to have underlying health conditions that put them at risk for severe COVID outcomes.” That is why, Cox added, when the CDC statistics are adjusted to account for those differences between groups, “we still see that unvaccinated people are at a much greater risk of death and other severe outcomes than vaccinated and boosted people are.” https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-covid-casualties-vaccines-idUSL1N32R1UI
  23. First you claim your poll is going to tell us nothing, now you claim that it's those outside the UK. I have indulged you long enough. This is just one more way you engage in trolling by making things personal. Just like correlating those who rooted against the UK with being remainers. Give it up already. You're not fooling anybody.
  24. So you weren't blaming the rising price of housing on immigration?
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