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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Well given at 139 Republicans in the last Congress voted against certifying the election, I'm not sure that "normal" is the adjective I would use to describe most of those who voted from McCarthy.
  2. All but 2 of the lemmings... I mean Representatives...who voted against McCarthy are election denialists. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/01/03/mccarthy-defectors-election-deniers/
  3. Ukraine is doomed. Russia has triumphed. We know this because Michael Flynn says so.
  4. It's truly bizarre given that we know that Trump was in possession of documents without the approval of the National Archives that somebody could still maintain that there is no clear evidence against him.
  5. A Trump supporter who imagines he speaks for all Americans. Bizarre.
  6. Even if I concede that 500,000 yellow cards is a lot, so what? They don't mean anything without comparing them to actual illnesses. To see if there's a rise in various symptoms among the population for different adverse events.. If there isn't a statistically significant difference, then those yellow card reports can be ignored.
  7. Here's a video of some of capitol hill as they "amble in"into the capitol building.
  8. How would you know what's left out give your evident unfamiliarity with it?
  9. Russia First fans would certainly support your choice.
  10. You keep on pushing the same tired falsehoods over and over again. No, they DOJdid not find that he was as clean as a whistle. The Mueller report cited 10 grounds for which Trump could be criminally prosecuted were it not for the fact that the DOJ has a policy that a sitting President is immune from prosecution. In addition to which Trump employed a team of lawyers to hold other investigations at bay. Stop spreading falsehoods.
  11. Out of the 6 people named by Pattaya Spotter and SunnyinBangrak, all subscribe to lunatic conspiracy theories including that the 2020 election was stolen.
  12. Seems clear enough to me. Trump understood what his fan base was capable of and others didn't until it was too late.
  13. The quote from RayC establishes absolutely nothing about EU rules and in no way supports your contention.
  14. Really? So you just link to any text no matter of what size and claim that it's there? Where exactly is it? You must know. Otherwise you couldn't legitimately claim that it's there.
  15. I believe he found that factoid in The Journal of Because I Said So
  16. From the landing page of the World News Forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
  17. Covid is obviously not as severe in most other countries as it is now in China. The zero covid regime was actually way too effective for too long. So a lot more people have lost their resistance to the virus. In addition, the Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines were not as effective as any of the major western vaccines. Also, in China for some reason the elderly have a very low rate of vaccination. And they are the group most at risk from covid. China could have purchased more effective vaccines from the west. The leadership chose not to. This is what happens when scientists are overruled by political ideologues.
  18. Maybe he's one of those guys who not only believes a Trump staff member, but also thinks the fact that Trump actually did fire the usher just before Biden's inaugurations supports the contention that Trump was not happy with him.
  19. Actually, the conviction was overturned by the courts. And now it's Bolsonaro who's apparently fleeing. He's under criminal investigation by various law enforcement agencies in Brazil. So he's "vacationing" in Florida. Brazil court approves corruption investigation into Bolsonaro over vaccine deal https://www.euronews.com/2021/07/03/brazil-court-approves-corruption-investigation-into-bolsonaro-over-vaccine-deal
  20. Bolsonaro Contests Brazil Election Loss, Wants Votes Voided https://www.voanews.com/a/bolsonaro-contests-brazil-election-loss-wants-votes-voided/6846464.html
  21. Not only that. The FBI had plans to move out of their current building and into a new facility in Virginia. It just so happened that the building was very close to where Trump's hotel was located. A perfect spot for a competing hotel. Trump put the kibosh in the FBI's move. Trump Closely Involved In Killing FBI’s Move Out Of Washington, Emails Show President Donald Trump personally intervened to stop the FBI from moving its headquarters in Washington to the Maryland or Virginia suburbs, emails made public Thursday reveal. The decision that the bureau will not move will help the president’s bottom line by reducing competition for his flagship hotel property located in the Old Post Office building across the street from the current FBI building. The emails between officials at the General Services Administration, which oversees government-owned properties, and the FBI show that the decision to stop the long-running plan to move FBI headquarters to the suburbs and sell the sprawling, brutalist J. Edgar Hoover Building to developers for a mixed-use development came directly from the president. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-hotel-fbi-headquarters-pennsylvania-ave_n_5bc8a70de4b0a8f17eea199c
  22. He's a socialist who celebrates Trump's appointment of anti-labor pro-corporate Supreme Court justices.
  23. What is so hard to understand about yellow cards? After someone gets vaccinated, they or their health care provider can report any health incident that arises. These are reported as "adverse events". They are not reported as "adverse effects." People get ill all the time. Are all subsequent illnesses reported after a covid vaccination caused by that vaccination? That's where medical statisticians come in. They compare the rate of illness of those vaccinated to a baseline of what the rates of illness were before vaccinations began and also to the unvaccinated. If there's a discrepancy, it's their job to spot it. And why is it so hard for you to understand that since the Chinese vaccines were never used in the UK, yellow cards have absolutely no relevance in determining either the effectiveness of those vaccines or other consequences of being vaccinated with them?
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