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  1. It's not free. The landlord is paying for it. Another lowlife move from Musk.
  2. Those were probably just festive fireworks coming from the Russians.
  3. Actually, the notion that voters become more conservative as they grow older has always been greatly exaggerated. "Folk wisdom has long held that people become more politically conservative as they grow older, although several empirical studies suggest political attitudes are stable across time... Consistent with previous research but contrary to folk wisdom, our results indicate that political attitudes are remarkably stable over the long term. In contrast to previous research, however, we also find support for folk wisdom: on those occasions when political attitudes do shift across the life span, liberals are more likely to become conservatives than conservatives are to become liberals, suggesting that folk wisdom has some empirical basis even as it overstates the degree of change. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/706889
  4. So when oil prices go up it's Biden's fault and when they go down it's his fault.
  5. If your analysis made sense, then inflation should still be rising as the deficit goes ever higher. Is that the case? Not only is has inflation gone down, but it's heading lower. You ignore the temporary effects of the covid pandemic on prices. Now that those effects are receding so is inflation. The other major cause of inflation has been the war in Ukraine. That doesn't seem to merit much attention in your analyses.
  6. And now that oil prices have significantly declined again, what's your explanation for that? And there's this: U.S. Fuel Exports Broke Records In The First Half Of 2022 https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/US-Fuel-Exports-Broke-Records-In-The-First-Half-Of-2022.html
  7. Can you share with us what percentage of news reported by the media is devoted to Trump?
  8. Thanks. I once considered replacing on my own the battery of my ASUS laptop and was frightened when I saw what that would entail.
  9. Really? I think it will be a lot easier for an employee to leave and compete against a big business if the threat of a lawsuit isn't hanging over them.
  10. So far my experience has confirmed your assessment of the situation. Thanks.
  11. I'm looking for a site that will sell me a customized laptop. I would prefer an ASUS because they seem to be durable (my current one has lasted about 8 years despite constant use. it's dying now) but the Asus site doesn't seem to allow customization. I'm looking to at least 2TB SSD drive and 16B dram and other stuff. If that option doesn't exist, can someone recommend a good shop in Chiangmai that will accommodate what I want?
  12. I rather like this comment by Paul Krugman "And a substantial part of what has been going on in the House seems to be that some Republicans who expected to own the libs after a red wave election have acted out their disappointment by owning Kevin McCarthy instead." https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/05/opinion/america-kevin-mccarthy-great.html
  13. It turns out that the vote in favor of this was three to one. The loan opposition member was, of course, the only Republican on the commission.
  14. But they:re not. Instead, they view asylum seekers as a threat. Which tells us something about their motivations.
  15. Even before Lincoln became President, 7 Southern states had already seceded. So how can it rationally be claimed that Lincoln destroyed the Union?
  16. You're conflating 2 different issues. One is about illegal immigrants seeking asylum and the other is about restricting eligibility of EU citizens to work in the UK. Are you claiming that the UK has the asylum seeker situation under control. That is has improved since the UK left the EU?
  17. Another problem with this study is that on the one hand, it contends that there is an increased risk of serious adverse events. But it notes no apparent elevated risk in mortality. That alone marks its conclusions as being suspect.
  18. Ah yes. The infamous Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults "Scientists such as surgeon and cancer researcher David Gorski, biostatistician Jeffrey S. Morris, and nanomedicine expert Susan Oliver pointed out several issues in the study that indicated potential p-hacking. P-hacking (also known as data dredging or data snooping) is the manipulation of data analysis to make the results look statistically significant when they aren’t. The study by Fraiman et al. showed several signs suggesting that the authors had analyzed data in a manner that favored their hypothesis." https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/article-by-cardiologist-aseem-malhotra-made-unsupported-claims-about-benefits-risks-covid-19-vaccination/
  19. The usual objection. Effectiveness in preventing infection is one thing, protecting against serious illness, hospitalization, and deaths are another. The study you link to was about preventing infection. "Summary Among 51011 working-aged Cleveland Clinic employees, the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster was 30% effective in preventing infection, during the time when the virus strains dominant in the community were represented in the vaccine." https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.12.17.22283625v1#page
  20. This is actually huge news. One of the ways that businesses keep workers wages low and competition in check. As the article points out, this isn't about high tech theft. Hair stylists and sandwich makers have been victims of this practice. With practices like this allowed, it's no wonder that corporate profits are engrossing an ever high share of American GDP. It will be revealing to see what political figures oppose this proposed change.
  21. Accurate determination of mortality attributable to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is critical in allaying concerns about their safety...Among 6,928,359 doses administered, 138 deaths occurred within 30 days of vaccination; eight had a high probability (1.15/1,000,000 doses), 15 had intermediate probability (2.38/1,000,000 doses), and 112 had low probability or no association with vaccination. The death rate among those with high probability of relationship to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was 0.34/100,000 unique vaccine recipients, while death rate among those with either high or intermediate probability of relationship to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was 0.98/100,000 unique vaccine recipients. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-35653-z
  22. I don't know about your reasons, but I do know about the reasons offered by the likes of Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg. And they weren't touting sacrifices. Anyway, as the older portion of the electorate that voted overwhelmingly in favor of Brexit is retired permanently, and the younger generations who were robbed of so many opportunities come into their own, it's practically inevitable that Brexit will be reversed.
  23. Fair enough. My mistake. But the fact is, it's a lot harder now than it was before Brexit.
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