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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I did go to this page to see who the members of Johnson's expert panel were. Not one virologist or epidemiologics or medical statistician among them. https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/2021/10/media-advisory-sen-johnson-holds-expert-panel-on-federal-vaccine-mandates-and-vaccine-injuries
  2. You claim that any media source that reports information you disagree with is extremely biased. You don't actually even address the facts. I can't find the link to any article posted by you. And as I've pointed out, Ron Johnson clearly doesnt even understand why it's invalid to use the VAERS the way he did. Link me to something he or his "experts" put in writing so I can debunk it. I
  3. To the anti-vaccine crowd: Because you ignored the science, there was a higher rate of death among your cohort, than among those who got vaccinated. Is it really worth dying for your mistaken beliefs?
  4. Do you have any proof from anywhere the the BBC misstated the facts cited here? You're the one who apparently believed that an uptick in the deaths of infants could possibly suggest something suspect about the way covid is reported? Do you understand that the infants weren't vaccinated? So what's your point? The BBC articles pointed to 2 possiblities. One was covid infection. And the other was an overload at hospitals. What is your problem with that?
  5. You think that scientific journals are to be treated the same way as popular journalism?
  6. ANd a grand jury is the way to weigh scientific evidence?. Are they going to empanel a jury of 12 virologists and epidemiologists? You keep on coming up with nonsense. And more conspiracy theories about various media sources.
  7. Implications of Red State/Blue State Differences in COVID-19 Death Rates "For the pre-vaccine period using COVID deaths up to 4/19/2021, the death rate in red states was 1,680/million and in blue states was 1,714/million for a ratio of red state death rates to blue state rates of just under 1.0... For the period post-4/19/2021, COVID deaths decreased in blue states from 588/day pre-4/19/2021 to 373/day from 4/19-2/28/2022 while the number of deaths in red states increased from 769 per day to 840 per day over the same time periods. The change in deaths in blue states represents a 36.6% decrease and the change in red states represents a 9.4% increase, accounting for >222,000 excess deaths in red states (with larger total population) for the period from 3/1/2020 through 2/28/2022, or 305 excess deaths/day" https://www.fortunejournals.com/articles/implications-of-red-stateblue-state-differences-in-covid19-death-rates.html
  8. Another sign of a serial deflector is that instead of actually addressing specific points raised, they resort to generalized formulas and sayings to counter criticism. In other words, you've got nothing.
  9. Given the quality of the governments performance, I'd say they were relying on it to make policy decisions.
  10. Oops! Double negative. Should have read: "In the article Desantis claimed that it wasn't likely that the consensus among the various experts was arrived at independently."
  11. Actually, if you look at photos of public places in Beijing, you'll see that almost no one is out. Now the Chinese people are voluntarily restricting their own movements without the overkill measures previously imposed by the government. I suspect it will be a while before most Chinese travel overseas. The small number who are currently leaving are probably those who plan to stay outside of the country until they can get mRNA vaccinations and until the pandemic subsides.
  12. Another instance that further establishes your credentials as a serial deflector.
  13. If all, or most news was about Ukraine, you might have a point. But it isn't, so you don't. Keep in mind that it is by far the biggest land war in Europe for almost 80 years. So, naturally, it's going to be a major news item in Europe and allied nations. But it's far from being the only one.
  14. "Even at a horse market"? Really? You think that the case for a handshake is stronger when it comes to complicated issues than it is for simple basic transaction? Living in Oppositeworld much?
  15. Thanks for the correction. Although, there does seem to be a conflict between the written rules I have cited and some other rules.
  16. That is correct. Your license expires on your birthday. So if you renew it even a day after your birthday, the authorities count 5 more birthdays from that date.
  17. While there seems to be some wiggle room there, I looked up British immigration rules before Brexit was even voted on, and I came up with this: "Criminality grounds 9.4.1. An application for entry clearance, permission to enter or permission to stay must be refused where the applicant: (a) has been convicted of a criminal offence in the UK or overseas for which they have received a custodial sentence of 12 months or more; or (b) is a persistent offender who shows a particular disregard for the law; or (c) has committed a criminal offence, or offences, which caused serious harm. 9.4.2. Entry clearance or permission held by a person must be cancelled where the person: (a) has been convicted of a criminal offence in the UK or overseas for which they have received a custodial sentence of 12 months or more; or (b) is a persistent offender who shows a particular disregard for the law; or (c) has committed a criminal offence, or offences, which caused serious harm. 9.4.3. An application for entry clearance, permission to enter or permission to stay may be refused (where paragraph 9.4.2. and 9.4.4. do not apply) where the applicant: (a) has been convicted of a criminal offence in the UK or overseas for which they have received a custodial sentence of less than 12 months; or (b) has been convicted of a criminal offence in the UK or overseas for which they have received a non-custodial sentence, or received an out-of-court disposal that is recorded on their criminal record." https://www.gov.uk/guidance/immigration-rules/immigration-rules-part-9-grounds-for-refusal
  18. It looks like Trump missed the memo, too. After being loudly booed a few times at MAGA events after taking credit for the vaccines, Trump has since been silent on the issue.
  19. It's an equally good point that it was mostly only Covid that happened in the EU. Of course, there had to have been some effect from Brexit on the EU. The EU never denied that Brexit wasn't good for either the UK or the EU. But the effect on the EU is obviously far more diluted.
  20. If Covid was confined to the UK you'd have a better point.
  21. It is permitted to reject those with a criminal record seeking to gain entry into the Schengen zone. There was never a legal barrier to the UK either denying entry to such people or expelling them whether their crimes were committed inside or outside of the UK.
  22. In the article Desantis claimed that it wasn't likely that the consensus among the various experts wasn't arrived at independently. He posited some kind of undue influence or possibly a conspiracy. To his way of thinking it isn't possible that the facts led them there. Just like for hundreds of year virtually scientist accepted Newton's theory of gravitation because of some kind of plot. Morally speaking, those who, like Desantis, promote these lies are guilty of murder.
  23. It's a pity he put me on ignore. He still has so much to learn from me: "The western US state of Montana was the worst hit by the cold, with temperatures dropping to -50F (-45C)." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64096509
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