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  1. Thanks for sharing with us your scientific illiteracy. Who claims that any medication or vaccine is 100% safe or effective.? Share with us the evidence. From the landing page of World News: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." So go ahead and share with us your source. And while you're looking for it (and that's going to take a long long time before you find it), contemplate this: It's about relative risk. What about that concept is so difficult for you to grasp?
  2. How about all the "entrepreneurs" from Big pharma whose vaccines failed? As for Katalin Karako, whose gender and nationality are apparently of concern to you, she has enjoyed an extremely distinguished scientific career.
  3. Before I had doubts but now that you've provided evidence.... Who could doubt the validity of "and so it shall be this time"?
  4. You're not the only one suffering from this misconception. The Chinese had plenty of time to import mRNA vaccines and see that the population got vaccinated. Then they could have relaxed controls. Had they done that, there wouldn't be this ongoing disaster now. Instead, for apparently nationalistic reasons, they refused to utilize the superior vaccines.
  5. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/irs-didnt-audit-trump-2-211245940.html Perhaps someone can copy this link and show it to thaibeachlovers. He has put me on ignore much to the detriment of his education.
  6. Sure. And it's definitely not a way of attacking Trump indirectly. After all, until he got booed a few times, Trump was not at all reluctant to claim credit for development of the vaccine. Ron DeSantis outflanks Trump on the right with his call for Covid vaccine probe One Trump adviser said Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' call for the investigation is a "shot across the bow" with 2024 implications. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/ron-desantis-outflanks-trump-call-covid-vaccine-probe-rcna61554 DeSantis reverses himself on coronavirus vaccines, moves to right of Trump In a potential wedge issue for the 2024 primary, DeSantis is attacking the life-saving covid shots he once praised and promoted https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/12/17/desantis-vaccine-reversal/
  7. Mickmanus previously claimed to have stopped using the Guardian as a source because it predominated the results being produced by Google searches. That sounded very believable.
  8. Which is why research published in the most highly rated scientific journals don't support your allegations? Because of some kind of conspiracy?
  9. Really? So only liberals use the products manufactured abroad? That doesn't leave a lot of automobiles for Coservative Britons to choose from. And the array of choices is shrinking. Or maybe you're reporting from an alternative universe?
  10. The claim is kind of undermined by this from the article: Ephrem Tekle Lemango, Unicef chief of immunisation, added: 'For three years, we have been sounding the alarm about the declining rates of vaccination and the increasing risk to children's health globally… The time for decisive action is now.' And this: Thursday, April 18, 2019 Decline in measles vaccination is causing a preventable global resurgence of the disease In 2000, measles was declared to be eliminated in the United States, when no sustained transmission of the virus was seen in this country for more than 12 months. Today, however, the United States and many other countries that had eliminated the disease are experiencing concerning outbreaks of measles because of declines in measles vaccine coverage. Without renewed focus on measles vaccination efforts, the disease may rebound in full force, according to a new commentary in the New England Journal of Medicine by infectious diseases experts at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, and the Penn State University College of Medicine’s Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/decline-measles-vaccination-causing-preventable-global-resurgence-disease And there's this: Survey finds growing opposition to school vaccine mandates for measles A growing number of parents oppose requirements for routine vaccinations against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) in order for children to attend school, according to a new survey released Friday by the Kaiser Family Foundation. The survey found 35 percent of parents of children under age 18 oppose school vaccine requirements, up from 23 percent in 2019... Much like with COVID-19 vaccines, the growing opposition stems largely from people who identify as Republican or lean Republican. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3777996-survey-finds-growing-opposition-to-school-vaccine-mandates-for-measles/
  11. Well, then, if you're going to assert OzSage's expertise, how do you explain this away? 9. Lack of urgency on boosters Two doses of vaccine provides minimal protection against Omicron and wanes rapidly against Delta. While the changes to Atagi guidelines for bringing forward the timing of boosters from “a minimum of three months” after 31 January are welcome, the lack of urgency in delivering boosters will allow both Delta and Omicron to spread. In Victoria, state-administered vaccines have fallen dramatically despite the need for urgent action. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/dec/30/the-ozsage-report-10-key-points-from-its-critique-of-australias-covid-response
  12. He says he's not a criminal but he fled criminal charges filed against him in Brazil.
  13. Right. The UK is renowned for its protection of workers' right and the conservatives have made that the linchpin in their program. They're just keeping it a secret for now.
  14. Well, if a journalist is to report what a scientist or scientists say, she had better quote that scientist or scientists. Otherwise it's not reporting, it's editorializing. And she clearly doesn't have the qualifications to do that. Yes, that's what Walensky said back when. But there's recent evidence that vaccination does reduce transmission. https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/new-research-proves-covid-19-vaccines-can-slow-spread-disease-even-omicron And Wallensky also said the vaccine is highly effective at preventing serious symptoms and death. And, of course there is massive and overwhelming evidence that vaccinations drastically reduce death rates. Do I really need to cite that evidence again? I'm not sure why you're citing Dr. Phelps as an authority on Covid. Is she a virologist or epidemiologist? But if you do accept her authority, then I'm also sure that you agree with her on the need for better masks.
  15. And maybe if the UK offered a minimum wage that was also a decent wage, they might have stayed in the UK.
  16. You're right, that doesn't make it right But the Republicans have a lot of experience not just in accepting blatant liars, but actually idolizing them.
  17. If the Tories were so concerned about workers' wages, they could raise the minimum wage. And enforce the payment of them.
  18. But all time in the world for a probe taken on political grounds?
  19. It's bad enough using a grand jury to make scientific judgements. But given the ridiculously biased comments of the governor, I think we have a pretty good idea of the quality of the case the State of Florida will make.
  20. Because they're opposed to invoking a grand jury to examine this issue, they're somehow terrified? Especially when the call for it is done by a governor who's obviously highly prejudiced? What's really scary is that there are apparently lots of people like you who think this is a rational statement re the healthcare community. "It's impossible to imagine that so many influential people came to this view on their own."
  21. Good to know that Reuters isn't the MSM. What are they finding? https://www.newswise.com/factcheck/the-newly-released-pfizer-documents-do-not-show-that-their-covid-19-vaccine-is-unsafe/?article_id=770451 And, as I recall, most of these documents actually have nothing at all to do with the research. Just a lot of invoices and typical corporate stuff. This was basically a nuisance suit. They could have just requested research and test result documents instead.
  22. Can you find any media evaluator that calls Axios extreme far left? I looked and I couldn't. But maybe you'll dig one up. Here are the first four that I found: https://www.allsides.com/news-source/axios https://adfontesmedia.com/axios-bias-and-reliability/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/axios/ https://www.biasly.com/sources/axios-bias-rating/ I thought you were referring to another article. One that might support what you are claiming. Anybody who expects someone to devote so much of their time to looking at a video, is asking for way too much. Get me a link in writing to what was claimed in it. As I've noted, his claim about the significance of VAERS reports is BS.
  23. You clearly don't have a clue as to how medical statistics work. Do you understand that "adverse events" have no significance at all without comparing them to actual rates of disease. That there are medical statisticans who job it is to comb the VAERS and look of actual correlations among the ill . There are reams of sophisticated mortality analysies that has been done about excess deaths. But, of course, if you claim that there is a reasonable possibility that these experts are liars and that the conclusions they draw from data are lies, what point is there in having an exchange with someone so clearly irrational?
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