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  1. And what does Russia's "visit" to Ukraine tell us about its desire for peace?
  2. A very notorious gaffe. Michael Kinsley's definition: Kinsley gaffe: A truthful statement told accidentally, usually by a politician. U.S. LEGAL NEWS OCTOBER 17, 20195:16 PMUPDATED 3 YEARS AGO Trump administration broke law in withholding Ukraine aid, watchdog says as Senate prepares for impeachment trial Trump refused to release the funds to Ukraine at the same time he was pressuring that country’s new president to announce investigations of former Vice President Joe Biden and of Biden’s son Hunter, who had served on the board of a Ukraine gas company. Joe Biden is the current front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. The funds were only released after the block on the aid became publicly known, sparking the congressional probe which led to the Republican president’s impeachment by the Democratic-controlled House. The Trump administration broke the law by withholding congressionally approved military aid to Ukraine last summer “for a policy reason,” a top government watchdog said Thursday in a scathing report. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/16/trump-administration-broke-law-in-withholding-ukraine-aid.html White House acknowledges strings attached in Trump withholding Ukraine aid President Donald Trump’s withholding of $391 million in military aid to Ukraine was linked to his request that the Ukrainians look into a claim - debunked as a conspiracy theory - about the 2016 U.S. election, a senior presidential aide said on Thursday, the first time the White House acknowledged such a connection. This video file cannot be played. Trump and administration officials had denied for weeks that they had demanded a “quid pro quo” - a Latin phrase meaning a favor for a favor - for delivering the U.S. aid, a key part of a controversy that has triggered an impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives against the Republican president. But Mick Mulvaney, acting White House chief of staff, acknowledged in a briefing with reporters that the U.S. aid - already approved by Congress - was held up partly over Trump’s concerns about a Democratic National Committee (DNC) computer server alleged to be in Ukraine. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-whistleblower-idUSKBN1WW1BG
  3. They actually are trying. China has been attempting to create a yuan based system. The trouble is, who's going to trust the Chinese govt with the management of it? That's a difficult proposition to put over when a government is entirely subject to the whims of 1 person.
  4. In Afghanistan the warlords were locals. In Ukraine, they're not. So not a lot of support for the invaders. Allied aid to Ukraine should shorten the length of the Russians' misadventure.
  5. It can be both. And yours was. And to accuse RayC, of all people, of being out of his depth, indicates who's really drowning here.
  6. You made the claim. Back it up From the world news landing page: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
  7. What in that excerpt provides any evidence to support your contention that it cost 3.6 million to change the name?
  8. Actually, I got the facts wrong. I was thinking of the national debt. As for the claim of Biden supporters that the size of the deficit decreased...you're absolutely right. They could claim that. What makes such a claim so shameful is that it also happens to be true. And the deficits would be a lot less if not for the fact that Republicans unanimously opposed imposing any tax increases at all. Biden fans could also claim that the deficits under the previous administration grew ever larger. And once again, their claims would turn out to be true. More proof that reality has a liberal bias. (thank you Stephen Colbert)
  9. Vaccines have continuously been redefined as knowledge of them deepens. Originally vaccine meant the pus from cowpox. So I guess every change since is proof of what exactly? Vaccines were given special treatment because pharmaceutical companies refused to make them unless that were the case. As for that Atlantic article, it's clear that you didn't read it since it explains why the program exists. An explanation that is not favorable to what you claim. The subhead says it all: "A little-known deal protects drug companies in the U.S. from being sued—and feeds conspiracy theories in the process."
  10. Another body language expert. It's odd how their readings support their previously stated positions on the issue? Anyway, thank you for sharing with us your expertise.
  11. Can you back up your claim that the 3.6 million dollars being spent is for the name change?
  12. You mean if they had named it, say, the Hanugama trail, it would have cost nothing?
  13. Really? Biden fans claim that? Ya got any evidence to support that claim of yours? It's B.S.
  14. Yup. The conviction means is virtually insignificat to the Trump Organization...oh wait a minute... Judge to Trump: Stop Stonewalling Letitia James With ‘Frivolous’ Filings In his ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Donald Middlebrooks denied Trump’s appeal, writing: “The Trump Organization has already been found guilty by a New-York jury of several counts of tax fraud. To now impede a civil Enforcement Action by the New York Attorney General would be unprecedented and contrary to the interests of the people of New York.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/judge-to-trump-stop-stonewalling-letitia-james-with-frivolous-filings
  15. Have any epidemiologists claimed that any vaccines are 100% safe? Are any medications 100% safe? Being vaccinated against covid is safer than not being vaccinated against covid. Is not being vaccinated against covid safe?
  16. First off, as I pointed out, there are people who win 2 lotteries. Events like this are to be expected. They're rare, but actually virtually inevitable. What don't you understand about this? Also, as the author of that piece points out, the good that vaccines do far outweighs the harms. We have a huge amount of statistical data to support this. Once the populations were widely vaccinated, it was disproportionately the unvaccinated who were hospitalized and died. In the US a study was done comparing how the members of one political party which had a large anti vaccine contingent. fared against the party where vaccine support was much large. Those areas where votes were strongest for the anti-vaccination party had a mortality rate almost 3 times that of areas where the pro-vaccination party was strongest. I don't know what the situation is in Australia but in the USA there is the VAERS and the UK has the Yellow book or something like that. They are constantly combed by medical statisticians to see if there are correlations with the general population. Statistiticians don't deny that long term injury from vaccination can occur. But so what? That can be said of other vaccines as well. It's the rate of injury vs the injury and mortality rates of the unvaccinated that counts. Even this apparently afflicted doctor says as much. What don't you understand about that?
  17. Sure. My comeuppance is coming any day now. Just like Jesus. All you've got is empty gloating about the future.
  18. And you know that because Putin says so? What better background could one ask for from a truthteller like Putin than his previous employment in the KGB? It is to laugh. And it's not even true. Putin and the Russians have claimed that the entire leadership of the govt. of Ukraine is composed of Nazis.
  19. "Only once in the 1994–2014 period was a radical right-wing party elected to the parliament as an independent organization within the proportional part of the voting: Svoboda in 2012.[4] Since then even at the height of nationalist sentiment during and after Russia's annexation of Crimea and the Russo-Ukrainian War far-right parties have failed to gain enough votes to attain political representation.[4]".. "In the 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary election the coalition of Svoboda and the other extreme-right political parties in Ukraine―National Corps, the Governmental Initiative of Yarosh, and the Right Sector―won only 2.15% of the vote combined and failed to pass the 5% threshold." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right_politics_in_Ukraine#:~:text=In the 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary,to pass the 5% threshold.
  20. If I don't provide the answers it's because I live in the vain hope that one day you will acquaint yourself with the facts before posting.
  21. You offer absolutely no evidence to prove that VOA hasn't acted independently. All you offer is empty inferences. You've got nothing.
  22. More importantly, after 2014 a lot of these fascist far right just shuffled their memberships? How did the neo-fascists do in 2019 as opposed to 2014?
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