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  1. Except that Musk was lying. The journalists he suspended weren't doxxing him. They were not reporting on his location. (Even Jack Sweeney who was reporting on the location of his jet wasn't doxxing him. His tweet just automatically posted the location of Musk's jet based on publicly available information. Doxxing is about revealing private information) Once again: Musk is lying.
  2. Actually, the history of the Euro shows that it wasn't until well after the financial crisis that it started creating bonds to borrow money. During the crisis the EU kept very strict limits on how many Euros each member of the Eurozone could create. That resulted in years of grinding disinflation for the poorer southern nations. Of course, this also reveals the basic flaw of having a currency union without a fiscal union. If Greece or Portugal or whatever country was having a financial crisis had their own currency, they probably would have experienced high inflation. That in turn would make their economies more competitive against others. Inflation hurts but it's a lot quicker than disinflation or deflation. The way the Euro works now is that it's actually a form of subsidy to the wealthier nations since it keeps their costs artificially lower than they would be if they had their own currency.
  3. I pointed out that 7 billion is a very very very small number in relation to the EU economy. It's a very very very small number even in relation even to just the German economy. How could it have an inflationary impact?
  4. You have to look and see the other posts of MickManus. Basically, he's been trying to make this discussion about the members who post rather than the issues. This is just another sad attempt of his to deflect away from the issue of why the UK is in such deep trouble.
  5. Trump committed attempted murder of the Constitution. Is it your belief that whatever doesn't kill the Constitution makes it stronger?
  6. So what? If that gave you any special insight into the situation then we should expect to find nearly universal agreement about your evaluation with all those living in the UK. Clearly, that's not the case. You're just one tiny little piece of the UK populace. I could just as easily argue that distance affords one the opportunity to take a wider and dispassionate view. Of course, that would be just as much B.S. as the basis of your claim.
  7. Rather it's like one person out of 67 million reporting his or her personal experience of Brexit. If all, or most of the citizens of the UK subscribed to your experience, you might have at least something approaching half a point. The only independent evidence we have on that issue are the polls. And they certainly don't back you.
  8. The beginning of the end? Tesla’s Third Largest Shareholder Calls For the Ouster of Elon Musk as CEO KoGuan Leo, an Indonesian billionaire and the third-largest individual shareholder of Tesla, is calling for the electric carmaker’s CEO, Elon Musk, to step down as much of his attention is focused on Twitter lately. “Elon abandoned Tesla and Tesla has no working CEO,” Leo tweeted on Dec. 14. “Tesla needs and deserves to have working full-time CEO.” https://observer.com/2022/12/koguan-leo-tesla-shareholder-oust-elon-musk/
  9. Thanks for the rant. I guess ranting saves you the problem of looking at facts. The journalists Musk suspended didn't commit doxxing. Not even by the standards of your new definition of the term. They're just reporters whose reporting he has apparently taken offense at.
  10. Weiss was one of the 2 journalists Musk released the Twitter files to? I would say that her criticism now of Musk's actions would make her the exact opposite of a hypocrite. Do you understand what hypocrisy means?
  11. Yes, those martyrs who bravely refused to protect the weak and vulnerable from contagion. It's a heartbreaker.
  12. Maybe I was being unfair in my previous post. I mean what about those liberal media sources scaring progressives with reports about how dangerous the covid vaccine was? How many extra tens of thousands of them died unnecessarily because of the conspiratorial allegations made by those loons. Just disgraceful..oh wait a minute. That was right-wingers dying in disproportionately large numbers because of misreporting by the right wing media.
  13. So what? 1 fraction of explicit subsidies are small. Why focus on that?
  14. What's far, far worse is how those liberal media sources go on and on about election fraud despite the lack of evidence. Can you believe that they even supported Trump and his team in their effort to overturn the 2000 elections. Why even mention the other stuff when the liberals back that kind of dangerous nonsense....oh wait a minute. That's not them..that's you and yours...
  15. And listen to the rightwingers who have no problem with censorship when it's directed at people they don't agree with. So much for your alleged principles.
  16. And the same people who advocated for unrestricted speech, have no problem with Musk restricting speech for those they oppose. Hypocrites much?
  17. If fossil fuels are so cost effective, why are they massively subsidized? Size of Fossil Fuel Subsidies Globally, fossil fuel subsidies are were $5.9 trillion or 6.8 percent of GDP in 2020 and are expected to increase to 7.4 percent of GDP in 2025 as the share of fuel consumption in emerging markets (where price gaps are generally larger) continues to climb. Just 8 percent of the 2020 subsidy reflects undercharging for supply costs (explicit subsidies) and 92 percent for undercharging for environmental costs and foregone consumption taxes (implicit subsidies). https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/climate-change/energy-subsidies
  18. Got a link for that? Not that it's actually relevant to the current situation where there is now plenty of data.
  19. If you sell a harmful product, that means you're liable. A well established principle in law.
  20. You manage to completely ignore the new evidence of the study I cited above. Clearly, covid was being massively underreported. And while it is true that many African nations do have a good preventative system of health care due to experiences with Ebola among others, the reporting systems are mostly poor to nonexistent. From the article: "Published in the journal BMJ Open, the study found that nearly 90 percent of deceased individuals at a crowded morgue in Lusaka, Zambia were infected with COVID-19 during peak transmission periods between July 2020-June 2021—and only 10 percent of these individuals tested positive for COVID while alive... “It is always challenging to know whether someone died with COVID or died from COVID,” says Dr. Gill, who has studied a wide range of infectious diseases, particularly pediatric illnesses, and vaccines in the US and abroad. “What we can say is that a majority of the deceased presented with some constellation of respiratory symptoms on top of the positive PCR test.”" https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/974330
  21. Well, according to this statistics was not widely taught in public schools back then: http://jse.amstat.org/v22n2/scheaffer.pdf
  22. For one thing, the effects of pollution on health. Oil companies don't pay for that: https://theicct.org/new-study-quantifies-the-global-health-impacts-of-vehicle-exhaust/
  23. And just for the record, in most locales it costs a lot more than 10$ to produce a barrel of oil. And where in the world is a barrel of oil sold for $300. And since when are royaltes taxes? It's true that major oil companies have perpetrated big txx dodges by persuading verious governments to classify royalties as taxes. But when a company pays royalties to a private land owner, is that a tax? Royalties are not taxes.
  24. It's entirely irrelevant what a barrel of oil costs to produce. Were the issue different, it might be relevant what it sells for. And even what it sells for. And even what the refined products such as gasoline sell for. ( The only taxes that are relevant are those paid out of the income of oil companies. The fact is it's consumers paying most of those taxes, not the oil companies. They just collect the money and pass it along to various governments. The massive amount of damage caused by oil companies is not paid for by them.
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