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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Retail outlets of whatever stripe, gasoline/petrol stations included, collect sales taxes from consumers and relay them to governments. Those taxes do not come out of their income.
  2. It's a pretty safe bed that when someone comes up with an all-purpose non-specific reply like the following they've got nothing.
  3. Just to be clear. The taxes you are referring to are sales taxes. Not taxes paid by the petroleum industry. So I don't see why you've set that against the way that oil is effectively subsidized.
  4. And so many negative opportunities makes for so much schadenfreude.
  5. I just want you've got nothing one recourse is to make wholesale allegations about corruption. Another sign that you've got nothing is that you repeatedly try to make it personal. You've got nothing.
  6. Thank you for your reasoned and informative response. And if anything shows your ignorance of basic statistical principles, it's the fact that you cite as evidence the regret of most people around you.
  7. In themselves, self-reported data isn't pseudo-science. But drawing conclusions based on them certainly is. This kind of massive ignorance and bias explains why, in the USA, members of one main political persuasion experienced a far greater mortality rate from Covid than those of the other main persuasion.
  8. You seem to utterly miss the point again and again, It's the hypocrisy of Musk that's the issue. The same person who claimed to take over Twitter in the name of free speech is now actively suppressing it. That later batch of reporters who were cancelled have not been told why. They weren't even reporting on the location of Musk's jet. It's clear he didn't take over Twitter to protect speech but rather to enforce his views of what should be protected and what not. And, apparently, unwelcome reporting is one of those things he thinks should not be protected I would have no problem with that if Musk and his fanboys were honest about that. But clearly they are not. Your defense of Musk shows that it was never about free speech for you and other fellow travelers.
  9. Something you don't note is that it was European law enforcement that brought this case to light. Whereas in the UK, the unearthing of government corruption depends on the press.
  10. You mean he's being punished for not speaking out? Is that your idea of free speech? Compelling people to speak out on certain issues? Got any other issues you think Twitter members should be compelled to post on on pain of losing their membership?
  11. Brexit: Don't scrap EU rules, firms and unions say Business groups and unions are urging the government not to go ahead with plans to ditch a wide range of EU laws, warning the move could cause "confusion and disruption" in the UK. In a joint letter, groups including the Institute of Directors and the Trades Union Congress called on ministers to withdraw its Retained EU Law bill. They warned the bill would put vital protections at risk. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-63741465
  12. Jack Sweeney did not post any private address. The location of Musk's jet is public information as has already been pointed out to you. Also, as I noted, not all the suspensions had to do with posting the location of his jet.
  13. Elon Musk threatens legal action against founder of jet tracking app Elon Musk has banned the ElonJet tracker and its founder from Twitter. Now he says he’s also taking legal action against Jack Sweeney, creator of the app and a 19-year-old freshman at the University of Central Florida, for allegedly enabling harm to his family. Musk announced his intentions Wednesday evening as part of another announcement that the platform had permanently suspended the @ElonJet account, which tracked the flights of Musk’s private jet, as well as Sweeney’s personal account. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-threatens-legal-action-173156549.html Actually, the headline gets it a bit wrong. A threat would mean he will take action. According to Musk, it's already underway. Anyway, this is typical bullying behavior of the rich using their wealth to wield the law as a weapon. It ordinarily would work since the defendant wouldn't have the means to defend himself. But in this case, I'm sure he'll have no trouble getting all the financial support he needs to humiliate this nasty bully and his legally baseless case.
  14. Change his mind about what? He said he wouldn't ban the account posting his jet's location. How does a reportedly allegedly being unhinged affect the simple factual content of that account? Funny. So, you were okay with Twitter suspending and banning accounts it deemed dangerous. I don't recall you ever writing liks this in defense of twitter: " If these "journalists" do not like the rules that a private platform sets they can always go and start their own platform, can they not?" Hypocritical much?
  15. Well, for one thing, there is this: For another, not all the suspensions were about the location of his jet: 'Binder, a tech reporter at Mashable, said he was suspended after tweeting a screenshot from another suspended reporter, CNN’s O’Sullivan, of an LAPD statement. "I’ve been on it since 2008. I never got so much as a slap on the wrist because I always follow the rules," Binder said. https://finance.yahoo.com/twitter-suspends-journalists-covering-elon-010856604.html Here's what happened after Musk posted a poll offering Twitter members options about what action to take against these journalists: "When a plurality of respondents voted to restore the accounts immediately, he deleted the poll and started a new one with fewer options." https://finance.yahoo.com/twitter-suspends-journalists-covering-elon-010856604.html
  16. He just can't quit advocating government actions that violate the Constitution. Forcing a private organization not to regulate in any way it chooses speech that it hosts is a clear violation of the 1st Amendment.
  17. I remember when supporters of Brexit were gloating over how difficult it was going to be to make up for the loss of the UK's contribution to the EU. Actually, it's a tiny fraction of the GDP of these 3 nations.
  18. Once his father retired from the business, Trump never enjoyed success at anything other than at being a huckster and self-promoter. Before "The Apprentice" revived his fortunes, Trump was massively in debt thanks to his ineptitude as a negotiator. A series of bad deals wiped him out. Now it looks like even his gift for self-promotion has failed him.
  19. Excellent article in The Economist about the decline of the UK in relation to comparable countries: Britain’s economic record since 2007 ranks near the bottom among peer countries Many Western countries have had a rough time of it. But Britain has some specific maladies Shortly after becoming prime minister in 2007, Gordon Brown crowed that Britain had enjoyed “the longest uninterrupted period of economic growth in the history of our country”. In polling by Gallup that year, with the global financial crisis about to begin, 53% of respondents said that their lives were improving. This year just 28% agreed that life was getting better. https://www.economist.com/britain/2022/12/15/britains-economic-record-since-2007-ranks-near-the-bottom-among-peer-countries You can get 3 free articles per month simply by registering with the Economist.
  20. The "Nazi problem" as you call it was basically about the Azov regiment in Ukraine. There were no reports of the widespread appeal of Nazism in Ukraine that I can recall. In fact, political parties favored by the neo-Nazis fared very poorly in the last elections.
  21. Doesn't Tesla get a say in this? They don't have to agree to allow imports from China.
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