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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. You mean if 2 men or 2 women, say, held hands and maybe even kissed, that wouldn't be a clue? https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/05/gay-couple-kicked-out-of-restaurant-for-being-gay.html https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/gay-couple-says-nyc-restaurant-kicked-them-out-because-their-n1255436 https://www.advocate.com/news/2021/8/04/married-gay-couple-allegedly-kicked-out-california-burger-king
  2. Yes you are. Interracial marriages were barred in the south until the 1960's. Even then, laws remained on the books for decades. You will be shocked to learn that the South was also practiced legally sanctioned segregation until the 1963 civil rights bill was passed. The Republican candidate for President in 1964 opposed that bill. Oddly enough, the South voted for him overwhelmingly and has continued mostly to vote Republican.
  3. Elon Musk smeared Twitter's former head of trust and safety by baselessly claiming he supports child sexualization The research paper is about Grindr, the location-based social networking app, targeted at LGBTQ+ people. In the excerpt Musk posted, Roth advocated for social platforms like Grindr to become safe spaces for queer youth under the age of 18. Roth wrote that Grindr is not "a safe and age-appropriate resource for teenagers," but since queer youth already use it, such platforms "should instead focus on crafting safety strategies that can accommodate a wide variety of use cases." https://news.yahoo.com/elon-musk-smeared-twitters-former-114621311.html
  4. Such nonsense. Trump lied about his courses. Judgement of whether a course has worth has nothing to do with lying. Trump's courses were fraudulent. As for James political party membership, how many states have non-partisan district attorneys? Maybe a few, but mostly not. So what's your point?
  5. Who is "we"? How does "we" meaningfully differ from the UK in this context?
  6. I already provided links to plenty of data that shows that in fact covid vaccines do reduce the transmission of the virus. Stop making things up.
  7. If his administration were a TV show, this episode would be characterized as "jumping the shark".
  8. Actually, storage batteries for power plants have made huge progress. There's a company called Form Energy, that essentially uses iron, which is very cheap, to store power. Other companies are doing that was well. Also, zinc, another cheap metal is being used for storage. Zinc-8 is one such company. A really interesting advance comes from Influit which has created a new kind of low cost flow battery. Currently, influit claims it can hold twice as much charge as a the best lithium batteries, but they say the next generation will be able to hold 4 times as much. With that kind of power, it can greatly increase the range of electric powered aircraft. It can also be used much the same way as fossil fuel is used. The charged liquid can be pumped into a container in a plane and when it's charge is relatively depleted, the liquid can be pumped out and replaced with freshly charged liquid. I used planes as an example because it would require a huge infrastructure investment to adopt it for EVs.
  9. Had you bothered to read the article, you would note that the engineer says it will happen gradually. Small things at first but slowly getting worse over time. Let's see where Twitter is at in 3 months.
  10. I guess it's necessary to remind you of what is written on the World News landing page: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." Where's your evidence? You've got nothing.
  11. I did answer that question. I pointed out that the data that you cite, if indeed it even qualifies as data, is contradicted by a sub-Saharan country that actually does record data carefully. There is a huge amount of data at this point on the covid vaccines. All protocols were observed. The reason vaccines used to take so long to develop is that the technology and the knowledge didn't exist back when. The entire genome of the covid-19 virus was deciphered almost immediately. This is what's known as progress.
  12. If you say it's a good thing for the UK to leave the EU, then you've brought whataboutism on yourself. Or do you think that remark should enjoy some kind of privileged immunity?
  13. I read that SBF was on anti-depressants and ADD medication. They can seriously affect one's judgement. In fact, even Tylenol (paracetamol or acetaminophen) can also encourage engaging in risky behavior. I guess there's no legal war of barring such people from being in control of such large amounts of cash. This doesn't excuse SBF but it might be in part an explanation.
  14. Not surprising. After all, Musk tried for months to wriggle out of his deal to buy Twitter. Not exactly an honorable person.
  15. You're the one who claimed that it was a good thing that the UK left the EU. You brought the UK into the discussion. Your misstep.
  16. Because there's no corruption among the members of the UK"s parliament. How oblivious can someone be?
  17. You mean calling only for disregarding only part of the Constitution doesn't make him look bad? It is to laugh.
  18. Mandatory vaccination policies have been in place in most developed nations for at least 100 years. Stop with the BS about fascism. And stop with the BS about "vaccines that were rushed through and can cause significant harm to certain individuals" There is at this point a huge amount of evidence proving that the benefits of covid-19 vaccination far outweigh the risks. There's a reason why there are Departments of Public Health throughout the world. And no, it's not part of some fascist plot to oppress free individuals. It's because there are lots of dangerous diseases out there that are transmissible. And you don't have the right to imperil others by spreading those diseases.
  19. This is a quote from the landing page of World News "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." Put up or....
  20. It's always the cheap and dishonest recourse of people like you. Ignorance based generalizations like the ones you posted about statistics. These results are either published in high level peer reviewed journals or by public health services. Stop telling falsehoods. Or come up with proof that the scientists are the ones who are lying.
  21. Did you actually read the article? There's one country in sub-Saharan Africa that has an extensive public health system that records most deaths. That country is South Africa. From the article: " And it’s clear from the data that Covid has killed a great many people in that country, far more than the reported virus deaths. Excess mortality data show that between May 2020 and September 2021, some 250,000 more people died from natural causes than was predicted for that time period, based on the pattern in previous years.Surges in death rates match those in Covid cases, suggesting the virus was the culprit. " https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/23/health/covid-africa-deaths.html Also, in that article it's noted that the average age of Sub saharan africans is 19. Whereas the average age of Europeans is 43 and of Americans 38. It's hardly the unambiguous evidence you assume it to be.
  22. Really? New research suggests COVID-19 vaccines can slow the spread of disease, even with Omicron https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/new-research-proves-covid-19-vaccines-can-slow-spread-disease-even-omicron Fully vaccinated less likely to pass COVID-19 to others https://www.osfhealthcare.org/blog/fully-vaccinated-less-likely-to-pass-covid-19-to-others/ One dose of COVID-19 vaccine can cut household transmission by up to half https://www.gov.uk/government/news/one-dose-of-covid-19-vaccine-can-cut-household-transmission-by-up-to-half
  23. In a way, you're right. Not all people are equal. For instance, the immunocompromised in hospitals don't have immune systems that are the equal of others. They need to be protected from the unvaccinated.
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