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  1. This isn't physics or chemistry. The result of Ukraine's attack on Russian ships isn't preordained. If it turns out that the end result is no more shipments of grain from Ukraine, the fault is Russia's.
  2. No, they didn't realize that. But only for the negligible reason that Russian warships don't accompany Ukrainian vessels carrying grain: "Under the agreement, Ukrainian naval vessels will escort the ships carrying the grain. Russia will not attack the warships, or any port infrastructure. Turkey and the UN will inspect the cargo ships to make sure they are not being used as a front to smuggle anything else, such as weapons." https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/87576
  3. I still don't see what that has to do with the fact that if China's zero-covid policies continue, the return of Chinese tourists to Thailand could be years or decades away.
  4. Well, each round of gallium-aluminium generates only 0.54% of its weight in hydrogen. Then it has to be recycled to be used again. That takes energy. So it could be less efficient than electrolysis based production of hydrogen.
  5. Given that Xi's policy seems to be that foreign travel will resume only after Covid is eradicated in China, that could be decades away,
  6. You only asked a question based on no evidence at all? So transparent. It is to laugh.
  7. Can you point to where in the report it identifies these people as amateur experimentalists? Stop making things up.
  8. Currently, 20 states have EV registration fees, ranging from $50 to $200. In states that have higher gas taxes, the $73 national average may not be the appropriate point of comparison. For example, California has an EV fee of $100, but its gas tax system means that EV drivers are not in fact paying more than comparable conventional vehicle drivers. Still, the $200 annual fee in Georgia and West Virginia is far above the annual gas tax paid by the driver of a new conventional vehicle. https://pluginamerica.org/policy/ev-road-usage-fees/#:~:text=EVs do pay taxes that,and higher municipal excise taxes.
  9. But your explanation was false and I pointed out why. You offered no counter-analysis.
  10. Can you share with me what political office Nancy Pelosi's daughter holds? I promise that I will never vote for her. And the same goes for Paul Pelosi. Those 2 should be run out of office.
  11. Hmmm....it seems that there is one extremely prominent Republican who hasn't condemned the attack. Can't think of that person's name at the moment. You got any idea who that might be?
  12. Or maybe he watched the Superbowl. Jim Lamon, the Republican candidate for Senate who came in second in the primary with 28% of the vote, actually had a Superbowl ad which showed him shooting Biden, Pelosi, and Senator Mark Kelly lookalikes. Especially vile in Kelly's case since his wife was actually shot in the head by a mass murderer. https://sports.yahoo.com/gop-sen-candidate-shoots-biden-095807465.html 28% of Arizona Republicans voting in the primary actually chose this guy!
  13. And yet when challenged, you offer no reasoned defense of your statement. Anyway, I guess this is your way of conceding.
  14. You mean not 100% of their choices were correct? Shocking!
  15. You just can't admit that Gweiloman's choice was a profitable one.. And I conceded nothing to you. Only that even if I were to accept your understanding of the situation, Gweiloman's choice makes financial sense.
  16. Nonsense. Germany began importing Russian gas in 1970, before climate change was even an issue. The motivation was the belief that commerce would lead to peaceful relations between the West and Russia. Actually, it wasn't Russia but the Soviet Union. Have you already forgotten the cold war. The German phrase used to justify this commerce was Wandel durch Handel. Peace through trade
  17. There should be nothing difficult in understanding that something is probably a possibility is not the same thing as something is probable. In fact, it's self evident and shouldn't need explaining at all.
  18. fortunately at least on one side there aren't a whole lot of loons alleging Republicans arranged some kind of conspiracy when they were attacked. . And, Obama did reach out and express his sympathy for the assault on Republican in the shooting incident. I don't think he deserves any special commendation for this. It's just what any halfway decent person prominent in the political world would do..
  19. "they probably realised it would be a possibility" is not the same thing as saying something is probable. In this your latest version, a possibility would be just one outcome among a range of others. Not the most likely outcome. Not at all the same thing as saying something is probable. Give it up already. You're just tying yourself up in knots that you leave for me to unravel..
  20. That's the case now, but it won't be for the future. Already rare earth mines are being developed outside of China. As for the better option being used...you think there was a committee and they decided let's go with batteries instead of hydrogen? At the time, hydrogen seemed a far less promising choice. There have since been some major development and hydrogen may well end up winning out. Developments are way ahead predictions. Much like the case with solar, wind, and batteries. Certainly there's a of promise in hydrogen being used to store excess wind and solar power.
  21. Apparently, in your world, "probably" is just decorative and carries no meaning.
  22. Well, it's called defending your comments. Addressing what you previously wrote is obviously not the same as talking to yourself. But clearly you can't reconcile what you wrote earlier with what you have written later. They are, in fact, mutually contradictory. The only thing consistent between these 2 comments is that they both reveal a certain glee in the fate of Twitter employees. And there's this Twitter employees grill CEO Parag Agrawal over fears of post-Musk exodus This article is more than 5 months old Workers raise questions about job security and advertising concerns as executives brace for billionaire’s takeover https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/apr/29/twitter-employees-elon-musk-parag-agrawal
  23. You sure you want to go with that? You have a problem with a concept called the future? As EV's and renewables' shares of their respective market increases and ICE declines, you're claiming that this will make no difference to what would be the case were there no EV's?
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