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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Not apt at dealing with recursive sentences. I just read that scientists think that used to be an ability solely confined to humans, but apparently it looks like some other creatures can manage it to. Or did the typo "theyi" throw you off. That would be hard to figure out for you?
  2. Again truly comical coming from a supporter of someone who utters invective publicly almost daily.
  3. It's just so bizarre reading how supporters of a very prominent politician who traffics in invective almost whenever theyi speak, become so bitterly offended by the occasional lapses of others
  4. Ripping up a speech on one hand. Shepherding big legislative achievement through Congress on the other. You don't really have much of a sense of perspective, do you?
  5. Negative Nancy pushed through some very significant and big bills in this session of Congress. That's your idea of negativity?
  6. Actually, there were a few suggestions along that line in 2016. They were quickly and clearly debunked. Nothing at all like the persistent and widespread conspiracy theory so popular among Republicans. It's not enough that there are suggestions. It's who those suggestions are coming from and the evidence to support it. As has been noted, Giuliani and company even confessed that they didn't have the evidence to take to court. Of course, that wasn't what they claimed publicly.
  7. Can you please share with the world your teleportation technology so air travel will no longer be the way to convey human beings long distances in a short time?
  8. Zoom not practical for large groups like this where there will be lots of informal contact made.
  9. Hey, invoked the authority of a Defense Act to protect America from Canadian steel. So dangerous it's nearly radioactive.
  10. Not only do I deny it, but I have evidence to back it up. Here's what I wrote with solecism intact: "You really think that's a question the answer to which isn't self-evident? How clueless does someone have to be to in the 21st century to even ask that question?"
  11. But you were addressing someone else's characterization. Not mine. I got some news for you...I'm not responsible for what other people claim in this forum.
  12. You're the one who defended Trump in this context with your response that "It's not your job to keep America safe." Why did you post that? You really think that's a question the answer to which isn't self-evident? How clueless does someone have to be to in the 21st century to even ask that question?
  13. If you can explain nonsense to people as being true, it isn't their powers of understanding that are failing.
  14. As per usual, another denialist who doesnt' seem to grasp the significance of rates. As in the rate of change. So, when you put your money into a bank, it makes no difference to you what the interest rate is just as long as your money earns some interest?
  15. Yes, defending America from hurricanes via nuclear weapons has been a constant preoccupation of Presidents ever since a certain event in Hiroshima.
  16. The all-important Thailand-USA balance of trades issue rears its ugly head in the 2022 elections.
  17. Oh no. The all important Guam vote is in. For generations, political scientists have relied on the Guam vote to predict the outcome of the midterms. It's clear that "History will be in the making this midterm sending a strong rejection to the Dems."
  18. Because you can trust him to tell the truth?
  19. Well, given that there are several Republicans running for Secretary of State who claim that there was widespread voter fraud, even in the face of no valid evidence in their respective states, that seems to constitute a threat to democracy.
  20. Well, the US economy recovered a lot faster than the EU's.
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