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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. If the Iran nuclear agreement was still in effect, this wouldn't be happening.
  2. And after arranging to buy more effective vaccines from the West, they decided not to. The motivation is obvious.
  3. Not doing too badly? In the beginning of the war, when Ukraine didn't have much in the way of weapons, it defeated the Russians utterly in their Western advance on Ukraine. They're sending virtually untrained soldiers to fight with inadequate equipment. I don't think the Russian armed forces command much respect anymore.
  4. The history of OPEC's oil policy after the invasion of Russia doesn't begin with the recent cut.
  5. You really don't understand why people or countries steal things? Let me clue you in. They steal things because they are worth money. So Ukrainians put all the labor into growing, harvesting and storing the grain, and then the Russian steal it and sell it. Is that clear now?
  6. Really? So OPEC+ has played only an inconsequential role in the rise of the price of oil?
  7. So, OPEC+ has played no part in the rise in fuel prices? You really want to go with that?
  8. It's a good thing that Republican elected officials haven't engaged in behavior that could encourage this sort of thing...oh wait a minute... Prominent conservatives share online disinformation about Paul Pelosi assault 'As members of Congress mull potential security enhancements following the Pelosi attack, the tone of Republican leaders’ responses is likely to draw continued scrutiny. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), chair of the House GOP campaign arm, fielded tough questions on national TV Sunday regarding a tweet he posted of himself firing a gun with the hashtag "#FirePelosi.”' https://www.politico.com/news/2022/10/31/conservatives-disinformation-paul-pelosi-assault-00064208
  9. Another sleazy thing Musk is up to. He's using Tesla employees to help him figure out what to do with Twitter. Unlike Twitter, Tesla is a public company. Musk doesn't own it. Now, maybe those Tesla employees were just lounging about doing nothing? Musk really isn't known for putting up with that kind of behavior. "According to internal records viewed by CNBC, employees from Musk's other companies are now authorized to work at Twitter. New Twitter owner Elon Musk has pulled more than 50 of his trusted Tesla employees, mostly software engineers from the Autopilot team, into his Twitter takeover, CNBC has learned." https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/elon-musk-pulled-50-tesla-employees-twitter-takeover-rcna54946 Musk is using his Tesla tech chiefs to help him inspect Twitter—and that could be misappropriating corporate assets Elon Musk is reportedly engaging Tesla software engineers to improve Twitter, diverting shareholder resources to help him with his own personal investment. Bringing in outside help highlights the raft of problems Musk is inheriting with Thursday’s purchase of a platform he first wanted, then didn’t want, and finally bought for $44 billion after a court left him no other choice. https://fortune.com/2022/10/28/elon-musk-twitter-acquisition-tesla-software-engineers-developers-code/
  10. After trying really hard for months to wriggle out of the deal that he had been warned against making? Who in their right mind waives due diligence? Only after it was apparent even to him that that his legal case had virtually no chance, that Chancery Court in Delaware wasn't going to be swayed by theatrics, did he finally go ahead with the deal. And the reason that sensible takeovers deals usually end up with a high premium is because of competition. Other potential buyers see the benefit and pile in. The company to be bought plays them against each other. Maybe you know of other companies that were competing against Musk, but I don't think anyone else does.
  11. Nonsense. That works for stocks where buyers think the stocks are underpriced relative to earnings, potential earning or possible sales of assets. But that's clearly not the case for either Twitter or Truth Social.
  12. Really? In California, a state dominated by Democrats, the dashcam footage of Paul Pelosi's DUI arrest was released. Try to keep in mind that conditions in the USA are vastly different than in police states like, say, China.
  13. Can you share with us his plans? As part of the takeover Twitter was saddled with 13 billion in debt. That's going to cost about 1 billion per year just to service. Major advertisers have threatened to leave if he opens up the floodgates to trolls. There's really nothing to stop others from leaving and going to another social media venue if the service turns into a hellscape. He seems very dependent on those whom he can least afford to alienate. Maybe some liberal billionaire will buy Truth Social or Parler to give refugees a haven.. Given how poorly those two social media ventures are faring, If they were up for sale they would fetch a very low price..
  14. I have no idea what the respective costs of these vehicles are. Could the level of sales be related to their cost?
  15. The fact is that Depape only attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer when the police showed up. In other words, after Pelosi made his phone call from the bathroom. Here's what the San Francisco Chief of Police said: "In a brief press conference, Scott said that officers arrived at the Pelosis' San Francisco home shortly before 2:30 a.m. local time to conduct a wellness check. Inside the house, they allegedly encountered Paul, 82, and the suspect both holding onto a hammer. Then, Scott said, "the suspect pulled the hammer away from Mr. Pelosi and violently assaulted him with it." https://www.yahoo.com/news/paul-pelosis-alleged-attacker-identified-184921540.html
  16. I don't know what you're on about. nauseus claimed that it was unlikely Depape was politically on the extreme right because there was no American flag flying somewhere on the bus where he lived. It's such a ridiculous cl comment that it really didn't need remarking upon but out of the goodness of my heart I did. It seems unlikely that his ex girlfriend has had much contact with him lately: "Taub spoke in an hour-long phone interview from the California Institution for Women in Corona (Riverside County), where she is serving time for attempting to abduct a 14-year-old boy in Berkeley with whom she had become obsessed." https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Ex-girlfriend-of-suspect-in-Paul-Pelosi-attack-17545968.php
  17. I got mugged once. Back then I thought it was just bad luck. But now thanks to the research of so many MAGA supporters, I realize that George Soros and the World Economic Forum were behind it.
  18. And it has only 80+ times the warming power of CO2.
  19. If you dislike a people based on their nationality, that would be bigotry. Usually it's accompanied by hate or at least distaste, but you may be an exception. As for Chinese staying at his place, is it common for those resident here to be living with tourists of any nationality?
  20. Well, I used google to do a search of Maga rallies. Not exactly a majority carrying American flags or even wearing American flag imagery. Your conclusion remains nonsensical.
  21. It's not the world that has to return to normal but ratherthe CCP. before Chinese tourists return. Unfortunately, this is the new normal for the CCP. Looks like it's going to be a very long wait as long as that zero covid policy is in effect.
  22. Well, if you want to go that ludicrous route, you should have noted that there was no Confederate flag in sight.
  23. Whoever it was I replied to asserted that the gas policy was due to the Greens. I pointed out that this was not so. Your argument that it turned into something done for private gain only reinforces my point.
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