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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. If they do ban the morning after pill, they are also banning the only pharmaceutical treatment for a miscarriage. The other treatment is surgically identical to the procedure for an abortion.
  2. And the consequences of strict abortion laws are already being felt by women who miscarry. In Texas, abortion laws inhibit care for miscarriages As the Supreme Court appears poised to return abortion regulation to the states, recent experience in Texas illustrates that medical care for miscarriages and dangerous ectopic pregnancies would also be threatened if restrictions become more widespread. One Texas law passed last year lists several medications as abortion-inducing drugs and largely bars their use for abortion after the seventh week of pregnancy. But two of those drugs, misoprostol and mifepristone, are the only drugs recommended in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists guidelines for treating a patient after an early pregnancy loss. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/05/10/1097734167/in-texas-abortion-laws-inhibit-care-for-miscarriages The article goes on to say how the other treatment called a surgical uterine evacuation is procedurally identical to an abortion And here's a link to another article from a practicing ob-gyn doctor in Alabama which backs this up in horrifying detail. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/05/roe-dobbs-abortion-ban-reproductive-medicine-alabama.html Here's a link to a scholarly paper on the subject https://scholarlycommons.law.wlu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4405&context=wlulr
  3. So, are you claiming that whatever Boris Johnson does politically, he's doing it for the good of the UK? Or are you just making some empty generalization about the obligations of a PM?
  4. It was certainly strange that lots of his supporters maintained that since he won the no-confidence vote, his strength was undiminished. Even though history clearly shows that isn't the case. One even bet me that Johnson was going to be leading the Conservatives into the next election.
  5. And yet some claim this Supreme court does not have a majority of extreme right wingers.
  6. I didn't know that there were over 3 million people on the board of the Council. The table in their boardroom must be really really long.
  7. Lots of confused people here. Just because a Muslim Council takes a stand on a certain issue, that doesn't mean that all or most Muslims subscribe to it. I have yet to see where they are legaly authorized to speak for all Thai citizens who happen to be Muslims.
  8. So, all the people who were in number 10 once the door was shut never went out for the duration to mingle with the common folk? Is that how it worked? How spacious do you think number 10 is?
  9. A very convenient flip-flop from a judge who unequivocally stated his alleged opinion not long ago. And whether or not people change their opinions all the time is irrelevant. We're talking about judges. People who have been studying laws and ruling on them for much of their lives. You think that they flip-flop all the time. That is a ridiculous opinion.
  10. Well if your remark is valid, and you might want to find a better poster boy than Bernard Goetz, then I guess that means you agree with the reality that the widespread possession of handguns does not prevent crime.
  11. If anyone needs any more proof that Justice Kavanaugh is a liar here is a selection from notes taken during Susan Collins meeting with him where he assured her he wouldn't overturn Roe “Roe is 45 years old, it has been reaffirmed many times, lots of people care about it a great deal, and I’ve tried to demonstrate I understand real-world consequences,” he continued, according to the notes, adding: “I am a don’t-rock-the-boat kind of judge. I believe in stability and in the Team of Nine.” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/24/us/roe-kavanaugh-collins-notes.html
  12. Really? Is that because you share the view of the Putin and company that there is no such thing as "Ukrainians" or Ukrainian culture? That they are really Russians? In areas where Russians have taken over in the South, where most of the people are ethnic Ukrainians, the Russians are now forcing schools to teach in Russian. You think that's in the interest of Ukrainians?
  13. Well, for one thing, banning gay marriage is still a goal of of theirs. And Clarence Thomas has clearly targeted it. And of course, they fear that the Democrats will get an opportunity to appoint justices who will reverse the current decisions.
  14. One of them was actually raised up as a "handmaiden" in a bizarre Christian cult that is nominally Catholic.
  15. Actually, Clarence Thomas in his decision targeted the right to contraception as well. And also gay marriage. He's the gift to Democrats that keeps on giving. And of course you take no account of rape or the fact that contraception isn't 100% effective.
  16. I don't know what you think your anecdotes prove. I'll see your anecdotes and I'll raise you this: "Diaz is one of 360 suspects arrested so far during Operation Without a Trace, an ongoing crackdown launched nearly two years ago by Homeland Security Investigations and U.S. Customs and Border Protection to intercept illegal guns, said Joseph Lestrange, division chief of Homeland Security's Transnational Organized Crime. These agencies team with the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to investigate the financing, transportation, and communications methods of smuggling networks. "Agents launched 534 investigations, seized $29 million and intercepted more than 1,200 guns, 4,700 magazines for semi-automatic and automatic weapons and 700,000 rounds of ammunition headed to Mexico, Lestrange told The Courier Journal this month." https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/08/25/american-guns-help-arm-mexican-drug-cartels-including-cjng/5586129001/
  17. But the fact remains the the clause about the well regulated militia was judged to be relevant so the right to bear arms was far from being absolute. or nearly so.
  18. Once again the unsupported claim is made that the police turned a blind eye to the sexual abuse of children because of the ethnicity of the perpetrators. You have evidence that this is what motivated the SYP's failures?
  19. What you don't seem to know is that Trump's lawyers have been fighting fiercely not to produce evidence requested by State DA's and the Justice Dept. He also clams he has lost some of the requested evidence.
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