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  1. They'll find a way to blame the liberals on the Supreme Court. Or maybe start calling the 6 right wing justices CINO. Conservatives In Name Only.
  2. So, to your way of thinking, that means her testimony, because it's under oath, is trustworthy? She's a bald-faced liar in the documentary but in her testimony she's honest and frank? Does the adjective "self-serving" mean anything to you? It is to laugh.
  3. Well, I wouldn't be so sure about her telling the truth. Remember how she claimed to accept what Barr had said about the elections in November? That there was no evidence of fraud? Well, a reporter from the NY Times got to see actual footage dated mid December of her speaking in a documentary Ivanka Trump defended father's electoral challenge in documentary before reversal “I think that, as the president has said, every single vote needs to be counted and needs to be heard, and he campaigned for the voiceless,” she told a documentary crew, according to the New York Times. “And I think a lot of Americans feel very, very disenfranchised right now, and really, question the sanctity of our elections, and that’s not right. It’s not acceptable.” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/ivanka-trump-defended-father-challenging-election-documentary-maker
  4. Poll shopping much? No, most Americans don’t believe the 2020 election was fraudulent https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/02/viral-image/no-most-americans-dont-believe-2020-election-was-f/
  5. Is this Kevin McCarthy different from the one who voted to reject the electoral vote tally along with 146 other Republican representatives?
  6. Actually, McCarthy rejected the independent commission 2 months before he pulled members out of the jan 6 committee.
  7. The governor. But once in, they can't be removed for their entire 7 year term.
  8. Just to provide evidence to support Jingthing's refutation of your claim: Can I get a pardon from the governor or president? No, only the State Board of Pardons & Paroles grants pardons in Georgia. The President pardons convictions of federal offenses only. https://www.gjp.org/programs/criminal-records/faqs/faqs-pardons/
  9. Scott Ritter also claimed that the massacre of civilians in Bucha was carried out by the Ukrainian police. .
  10. I stand partially corrected. The head of the IMF was in the same room as Galinghouse but it wasn't anything like a meeting with her.. Galinghouse was on a panel and Christine Lagarde was in the audience. What's more this panel discussion was held over 3 years ago before Galinghouse's shady past was exposed and before the SEC brought a lawsuit against Ripple/XRP.
  11. The only reference I can find to any meeting between Brad Galinghouse and anyone at the IMF was this from over 3 years ago: "Nov 26, 2018 Fireside chat with Ripple’s CEO Brad Garlinghouse and IMF’s Deputy General Counsel Ross Leckow in a far-reaching discussion on the opportunities that ASEAN financial institutions have to take advantage of blockchain technology within the region's unique regulatory frameworks. Learn the ins and outs of how this game-changing technology will change the world of global payments as we know it today. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-BPbhQWlpw Ripple currently in the middle of a lawsuit with the SEC. The case doesn't seem to be going well for them. https://www.fxstreet.com/cryptocurrencies/news/sec-files-objection-to-ripples-motion-landing-a-blow-to-xrp-holders-202206200927
  12. Come to think of it they want a lot further up after Covid hit. But I guess since Khunla blames Obama for the deficits in the wake of the Great Recession, he'll agree it's only fair to blame Trump for the huge deficits incurred in the wake of Covid.
  13. Actually, the budget deficits went up under Trump due to the tax cut bill.
  14. Does it look to you that prices go up and down seasonally, too? https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/wheat Ya think there might be some connection between prices and supply?
  15. [Trump] doesn't get a pass because he believed what was moral took priority over what's legal. If he opposed the election of Biden on moral grounds, that doesn't excuse him from suffering the leqal consequence. People who practiced civil disobedience in opposition to segregation, understood that they were violating the law and faced legal consequences. They felt the sacrifice was justified. When has Trump ever demonstrated that he understands self-sacrifice?
  16. Maybe some of those witnesses, like Barr, would refuse to testify in public? Was Barr's testimony edited? And there nearly was an independent investigation convened like that of Watergate. House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy nixed that.
  17. But in the case of a bank robbery someone is pleasing ignorance of the law. And a very obvious law. In the case of Trump's election denialism, he's denying facts but that isn't illegal. He could well believe that he won. But in the case of certain acts, like conspiring to send fake electors to Congress, he was warned that it was illegal by attorneys. So he knew or absolutely should have known he was committing a crime. Courts don't look kindly on someone who ignores legal counsel.
  18. "He was born February 6, 1971 in Topeka, Kansas. Garlinghouse has a BA in economics from the University of Kansas and an MBA from Harvard Business School.[1][2] The whitewashing of unflattering details from this Wikipedia page was a subject of discussion by Financial Times in August 2020.[3]... On December 23, 2020, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a complaint alleging that Garlinghouse, Ripple Labs and Ripple Chairman Chris Larsen had committed multiple breaches of securities laws.[16][17]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brad_Garlinghouse If you want to see more about the removal of unflattering data about Galinghouse (not Garlichouse) just do a search in incognito mode or whatever the equivalent is in browsers other than Chrome of the following search term: "Who's been editing the Ripple CEO's Wikipedia page? ft.com"
  19. Maybe because wheat prices are sharply up? https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/wheat
  20. Also, there's the issue of Trump's lawyers telling him that some of the strategy he was pursuing in regards to the vote was illegal. It's not a valid defense to say Trump didn't believe his attorneys.
  21. Actually, for Brexit, the polls show it to be virtually a tie. It was the chattering class that got it wrong. In 2020 the polls prophesied a Biden win. And unless you believe that the election was stolen from Trump, they get that right. And don't you think it's a little early to be handicapping the 2024 elections?
  22. I don't see how anyone could ever have seriously proposed Bitcoin as a replacement for Government backed fiat currency. As I understand it, there is a limit on how many bitcoins can be mined. I believe the number is somewhere in the vicinity of 21,000,000. How could this possibly work as a currency?
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