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  1. Are you familiar with the 10 Commandments? Doesn't look like it.
  2. Well, the an earlier incarnation of the Supreme Court would disagree with that assertion. Look up "unenumerated rights" in the 9th Amendment.
  3. Got any actual evidence to support your claim that Fauci committed crimes? I doubt it. Your nonsense about royalites for instance. By law, NIH researchers are allowed to receive royalties for research they do. Most of the royalties actually go directly to the government. https://www.science.org/content/article/bad-math-nih-researchers-didn-t-pocket-710-million-royalties-during-pandemic
  4. It was the Supreme Court conservatives, who, in the Citizens United decision, exponentially increased the power of the wealthiest to influence elections. Citizens United Explained The 2010 Supreme Court decision further tilted political influence toward wealthy donors and corporations. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/citizens-united-explained
  5. "The company’s sole product, Truth Social, debuted in early 2022 and has drawn comparatively few users away from existing social media giants such as X or Facebook. Trump Media last month reported a first-quarter net loss of nearly $328 million on revenues of about $771,000." https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/20/djt-trump-media-stock-price-today.html "In 2021, in fact, a typical stand-alone Chick-fil-A outside of the mall generated more than $8.1 million in revenues." https://www.restaurantbusinessonline.com/financing/average-unit-volumes-stand-alone-chick-fil-are-insane So, per quarter, the average stand-alone Chick-fil-A generates about 3 times as much revenue as does Truth Social. In their own differing ways, both these figures are truly remarkable.
  6. It managed to go even lower https://www.google.com/search?q=djt+latest+stock+price&oq=djt+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggCEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg5MgYIARBFGDsyBggCEEUYOzIGCAMQRRg7MgYIBBBFGDsyBggFEEUYPDIGCAYQRRg8MgYIBxBFGD3SAQg0MTY4ajBqN6gCCLACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  7. Well, if I have the time, I will go back and find your comments about the Israeli attacks on police escorts of trucks in february.
  8. From the landing page of the World News Forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." I'm waiting but I won't be holding my breath.
  9. No one should ever believe JNS on its says o alone. And the US official's words are significant because they run against the US stated support of Israel. Also, as I pointed out, on reflection I noted that the US diplomat said Israel wasn't currently engaged in activity to stop shipments. She didn't say anything about the effects of it's past activity on shipments. Which was very diplomatic of her.
  10. Israel faces the prospect of a long term engagement in Gaza which has already stretched its forces. Israeli army in urgent need of troops amid rising casualties in Gaza The head of the Israel Defence Forces said the army is facing troop shortages amid rising casualties in the war against Hamas in Gaza. Yet enlisting more troops is difficult due to rising public opposition to the war and an open conflict between Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his defence minister... "In terms of soldiers, tanks and quality of equipment everything is fine on paper for a short war. But in terms of a long war with Hezbollah, no, Israel isn't ready, and it's mainly about morale," said Omri Brinner, a Middle East analyst at the International Team for the Study of Security Verona (ITSS). https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/20240619-israeli-army-urgent-need-troops-amid-rising-casualties-in-gaza Now it's going to launch a major offensive against Gaza, too?
  11. You trust a claim from JNS? U.S. envoy says Israel has not shown evidence that Hamas is diverting UN aid in Gaza World Feb 17, 2024 1:55 PM EDT Israel has not presented specific evidence for its claim that Hamas is diverting U.N. aid, and its recent targeted killings of Gaza police commanders safeguarding truck convoys have made it “virtually impossible” to distribute the goods safely, a top U.S. envoy said in rare public criticism of Israel... David Satterfield, the Biden administration’s special Middle East envoy for humanitarian issues, said that with the departure of police escorts following Israeli strikes, criminal gangs are increasingly targeting the truck convoys carrying badly needed aid. He said the lawlessness as well as regular Israeli protests at entry points by those opposed to aid going into Gaza have disrupted delivery. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/u-s-envoy-says-israel-has-not-shown-evidence-that-hamas-is-diverting-un-aid-in-gaza
  12. And there's this which probably goes a long way to explain the current decline. In fact, this piece of news could prove terminal: "Trump joined TikTok in June, amassing millions of followers. A political action committee supporting Trump’s candidacy – the Make America Great Again Inc. – opened a TikTok account in May. “If TMTG disagrees with President Donald J. Trump about the scope of his obligation to use, or first post on, Truth Social, TMTG lacks any meaningful remedy with respect to such disagreement – which could have a material adverse effect on the business and/or operations of TMTG,” the company said in an amended registration statement." https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/06/18/djt-trump-media-stock-price-falling/74141641007/ In other words, Trump has no problem in screwing over all his supporters who have bought stock. And it clearly demonstrates his lack of faith in the company. Which lack, by the way, is entirely rational.
  13. The discussion is about famine. There is a huge problem in getting food supplies to distribution warehouses. That's because of a lack of security. Police are afraid to serve in Rafah because of the fear of Israeli strikes. People like you justified attacks on the police because "The Gaza Police are Hamas controlled." I don't think you understand what the discussion is about.
  14. Fighting off Houthis for months, US carrier in Red Sea may be running out of steam The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower is long overdue for a break from the longest-running naval battle since WWII, but experts worry effort to protect shipping could flounder without it. https://www.timesofisrael.com/fighting-off-houthis-for-months-us-carrier-in-red-sea-may-be-running-out-of-steam/
  15. Whatever the merits of your argument may or may not be, it is irrelevant to abortion as an election issue.
  16. As I pointed out, lots of misconceptions out there about Trump's responsibility for the issue so most voters may currently not see it as something political that depends on the outcome of the election. Let's wait and see what happens once the threat posed to abortion by a Trump reelection is made clear.
  17. Not surprising that you would label the abortion issue a sidetrack. The thing is, lots of voters still don't understand Trump's responsibility for appointing 3 of the 5 justices who overturned Roe. Despite Trump appointing three of the Supreme Court justices that were part of the majority that overturned the constitutional right to abortion established in Roe v. Wade, most voters don’t hold him responsible for rising abortion restrictions nationwide, according to the results of a new poll released Monday. The poll, conducted in December by the progressive think tank and polling firm Data for Progress, found that less than a quarter of voters overall (only 36 percent of Democrats—and, oddly, only 11 percent of Republicans) see Trump as “responsible for new bans or restrictions on abortions in states across the U.S.” So who do voters hold more responsible? Republicans in state office (33 percent), Republicans in Congress (34 percent), and the Supreme Court (50 percent). https://archive.ph/UpOC8 Once the campaign season is fully underway, wait until they get a load of this:
  18. The Gaza government is, or at least, was Hamas controlled. So naturally the police are ultimately ruled by Hamas. Does that make them terrorists by contagion? The Hamas govt also had garbage collectors, tax collectors, a postal workers. Are they also terrorists?
  19. Your takeaway is ridiculous. I took the article in which a relief agency official specifically cited 'much-diminished Hamas enforcers who cannot get control" as a major reason the aid can't get through. We know that the police are afraid to show up for fear of Israeli strikes. You'll note that the diplomat says there's no evidence that Israeli is trying to impede it. That's in the present tense. She does refer the effects of what Israel has done, namely the "much diminished Hamas enforcers", it's effect on the security and deliveries. If you care to go on being disingenuous, there's nothing I can do about jt.
  20. And the links are even easier to post. And it's not always the case that there are links or that the links lead to a credible source.
  21. It does say "much diminished Hamas enforcers". I think police number among them. And since we already know that police aren't patrolling for fear of Israeli strikes, what more do you need?
  22. This is from the article you linked to: “As the IDF has stepped back, various violent actors have stepped in, to the point where the much-diminished Hamas enforcers cannot get control of independent families and gangs,” Leaf says, adding that humanitarian workers are facing incredibly high risks and that the US is working with Israel to ameliorate some of these issues. Aid organizations have argued that Israel’s continued military operations are the reason for the distribution bottlenecks, with convoys routinely held up or turned back at IDF checkpoints throughout the Strip. Israel announced that it would be implementing daily localized pauses to allow more aid to be distributed earlier this week, but aid groups say they have yet to lead to improvements on the ground. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/senior-us-official-says-israel-not-behind-aid-distribution-woes-in-gaza/
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