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  1. Not arrogance. My opinions are supported by the science which I frequently cite and always will if asked to. And I never use IMO to avoid having to back up my claims. You take refuge in IMO in order not to have to prove links to credible sites. Really, you should use the acronym IMUI i.e In My Uninformed Opinion. If you think your sarcasm is funny, it's not my sense of humor that is questionable. Intelligently used sarcasm should be illuminating. What's the point of yours? Your comment about rising seas just reveals how little you know, It may well be that the sea hasn't risen at your beach. Other factors can come into play such as subsidence, That you think your beach is an adequate sample to make such a global judgement is further proof of your lack of understanding of how science works And that you reject the repeatedly confirmed finding of various satellites. just reveals how useless your judgements are. And how arrogant you are.
  2. How an Iranian-Backed Militia Ties Down U.S. Naval Forces in the Red Sea Though largely ineffective, the Houthi attacks have been able to disrupt shipping and keep the U.S. and its allies tied down, frustrating the Navy’s decades-old mission of keeping open the region’s critical sea lanes... U.S. officials worry that the conflict is simply not sustainable for the U.S. defense industrial base, already strained by the demands for weaponry from Ukraine and Israel. “Their supply of weapons from Iran is cheap and highly sustainable, but ours is expensive, our supply chains are crunched, and our logistics tails are long,” said Emily Harding of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “ https://archive.ph/MTVEc#selection-2571.0-2575.309
  3. You know someone's got nothing relevant to offer when they bring Diane Abbott into a conversation about a demonstration in New York.
  4. It lasts 10 years as a vaccine against tetanus. But the study, which is preliminary, indicates that its effectiveness against Parkinsons is much greater if you've been vaccinated in the last 2 years. "The researchers analysed the records of a large health provider in Israel to see if any kind of vaccines given in adulthood were linked with a raised or lower risk of Parkinson’s. They picked nearly 1500 people who had been diagnosed at between 45 and 75 years old, then compared them with a five-fold larger control group, selected to have similar characteristics as those with the condition. They found that 1.6 per cent of people with Parkinson’s had a record of having the tetanus vaccine before their diagnosis, compared with 3.2 per cent of those without the condition. The protective effect was also bigger in those who had the vaccine more recently, with no one developing Parkinson’s within two years of being immunised." https://archive.ph/FEg1d#selection-1009.0-1017.335
  5. Here you go It's an article in the New Scientist. At the bottom is a link. https://archive.ph/FEg1d
  6. Maybe in early childhood, but how many keep updated on it? In addition, as the article noted, those vaccinated within a couple of years reported no Parkinson's. Currently, the recommendation for a booster shot is once every 10 years.
  7. I'm sure that's your take. It's a pity that you don't explain why that's the case. In fact, I'm not OK with any murders anywhere. Are you? And just to forestall some objections here's the definition of murder I'm referencing: "the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another." https://www.google.com/search?q=murder+definition&oq=murder+definition&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDI2NTNqMGo3qAIIsAIB&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  8. An article in the Daily Mail reports on recent research that shows there is a negative correlation between tetanus vaccination and the onset of Parkinson's. In other words, if you've gotten a tetanus vaccination recently, you're less likely to come down with Parkinson's disease.About 50% less likely. In fact, no one who was vaccinated within 2 years had come down with Parkinson's at all. New research is underway to see of those afflicted with Parkinson's can experience some amelioration if they are vaccinated for tetanus. Of course, correlation isn't the same thing as causation, but if you've got Parkinson's what have you got to lose by trying? https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/parkinson-s-disease-could-be-treated-with-tetanus-jabs/ar-BB1nSDLE?ocid=BingNewsSearch
  9. "haven't been found out yet"? In other words, to your way of thinking, the lack of evidence actually is evidence.
  10. Worrisome as in how big a problem it is? The level of concern should be based on a calculus: namely how much in the way of resources should be devoted to the issue. Is it as worrisome as other kinds of far more frequent homicides committed in these nations? Should resources devoted to preventing far more numerous classes of homicides be diverted to this issue. Would additional funds requisitioned to deal with this issue save more lives if they were expended elsewhere? How "worrisome" do you find the plight of innocent victims of other kinds of homicide as compared to those committed by Islamists? Why is so much attention focused on this? Maybe you believe that emotionalism helps in evaluating and addressing issues. I don't.
  11. "in so many words" Your grasp of the English here is feeble. Minimal is not the opposite of maximum. And what exactly is the point of raising the issue of "maximum number of homicides"? Your comment makes no sense.
  12. According to your way of thinking, it's irrelevant whether or not the evidence supports the allegation. And to point that out is somehow off topic.
  13. How many homicides of any sort from any party are okay with you? Such a foolish question.
  14. Maybe that's because he isn't. https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacheverson/2023/08/17/heres-how-much-joe-biden-is-worth/
  15. I subscribe to the stance of the moderators rather than that of ignoramuses: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
  16. Given that Trump believes he has "every right to go after them", I wouldn't hope too much that his forgiveness will endure.
  17. Over the stretch of time mentioned in the article, Thomas earned 4.6 million in salary and received 4 million in gifts.
  18. Just a moment ago you were complaining of boredom. Now you're thanking me for being entertaining. You're welcome.
  19. Maybe you should be patrolling a fiction forum. I think you'd be a lot happier there.
  20. His backers seem unaware that his other three partners in fraud concerning Built the Wall have already been convicted. Bannon was only spared because Trump preemptively pardoned him. Now, he's facing those charges in state court. It doesn't look good for him.
  21. When will some people learn that contrary-to-fact arguments without very strong evidence to back them up are worthless?
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