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  1. The chain of ownership is fully recorded, But not the names or other means of identifying the owners.
  2. By your criterion, there's no difference between a "store of value" and an "investment". That doesn't make sense.
  3. How is something that fluctuates so widely in value "good only as a store of value"?
  4. "Haters gonna hate is an informal way to express consolation, voice encouragement, or dismiss criticism. The phrase implies that criticism says more about the critic, or “hater,” than the person being criticized, i.e., that they are making judgements out of jealousy or their own negativity." https://www.google.com/search?q=haters+gonna+hate&oq=haters+gonna+hate&aqs=chrome..69i57.3341j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  5. https://www.google.com/search?q=conbase+stock+graph&sxsrf=ALiCzsZxFZ1DQV1waSKv_ezP3DUu24140A%3A1652865499614&ei=27mEYqeUJZKiptQPrPe4wAc&ved=0ahUKEwjn7dzn2-j3AhUSkYkEHaw7DngQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=conbase+stock+graph&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCQgAEA0QRhD6ATIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBQgAEIYDOgcIABBHELADOgoIABCxAxCDARAKOgcIABCxAxAKOgQIABAKOgQIABANSgQIQRgASgQIRhgAUI0HWNoRYLcWaAFwAXgAgAH4AogB-xCSAQMzLTaYAQCgAQHIAQjAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz
  6. Only someone emotionally invested in crypto could possibly believe that a mild comment like mine was somehow rooted in hate. The fact that you offer only a comment about my alleged emotional state and offer no fact-based rebuttal to my comment only confirms that what you're really engaged in is the psychological phenomenon known as "projection."
  7. What is the point of crypto? Crypto is a solution in search of a problem — or problems. https://www.vox.com/the-goods/23071245/bitcoin-price-crypto-ethereum-nfts-defi-stablecoin
  8. Seems very strange to place a significant portion of one's cash in such a high risk investment in order to save on transfer fees.
  9. On a Russian Talk Show, Retired Colonel Stuns Colleagues by Saying Invasion Isn't Going Well A military analyst on one of Russian state television’s most popular networks left his fellow panelists in stunned silence Monday when he said that the conflict in Ukraine was deteriorating for Russia, giving the kind of honest assessment that is virtually banished from the official airwaves. “The situation for us will clearly get worse,” Mikhail M. Khodaryonok, a retired colonel and a conservative columnist on military affairs, said during the “60 Minutes” talk-show program on the Rossiya network... The problems that Khodaryonok referred to, sometimes obliquely, included low morale, the array of Western countries aligned against Russia and the amount of fighters and matériel that Ukraine was assembling. https://news.yahoo.com/russian-talk-show-retired-colonel-184207547.html
  10. It's a statement that many people innocent of knowledge derive great comfort from since, to their way of thinking, it puts them on a level footing with those who actually know something about a particular field of study.
  11. Actually, as I learned in high school biology class, plants actually do emit CO2, mostly at night. But on balance, they consume more than they produce. Anyway, CO2 isn't the only greenhouse gas. Methane is actually a far more potent greenhouse gas, and as Muhendis noted above, "Rotting underwater vegetation is the major contributor to the release of methane."
  12. An article from Nov 17, 2021 The world is worried Putin is about to invade Ukraine https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/17/the-world-is-worried-putin-is-about-to-invade-ukraine-heres-why.html
  13. Actually, that's happening. https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Coronavirus/Zero-COVID-policy-forces-European-companies-to-consider-China-exit https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2022/4/25/pearl-has-lost-its-shine-shanghai-expats-eye-the-exit https://www.arabianbusiness.com/abnews/461839-yes-manufacturing-really-is-leaving-china-authorities-are-scrambling-to-slow-down-the-exodus Maybe businesses also are finally realizing the downside of doing business in a country ruled by a dictator. Policies can change on the turn of a dime. No matter how irrational that turn may be.
  14. It makes no sense to say that Putin made a deal with Erdogan. If that was the case, then why did Putin climb down from his previous bellicose position? After all, his bluff couldn't be called if he and Erdogan actually made a deal to keep Finland and Sweden from joining NATO.
  15. Did you miss this part of the article? "The defence ministry is drawing up a report on security options that include joint military exercises with NATO countries and "backfilling" munitions, Paelvi Pulli, head of security policy at the Swiss defence ministry told Reuters." Where does it say that the joint exercises are going to be about defending Switzerland's borders? Which of its neighbors does Switzerland fear pose a military threat to its sovereignty? France? Germany? Italy? Austria? Lichtenstein?
  16. Quite a climbdown... Putin says Sweden and Finland joining NATO and breaking with decades of neutrality is fine after all. ‘No problems’ Russian president Vladimir Putin once said that any more countries on Russia’s doorstep joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) constituted a threat to Russia, and would provoke “military and political consequences.” In fact, Putin warned last year that NATO expanding its military infrastructure eastward into Ukraine would be a “red line” for Russia and perceived as a direct threat. But three months into a Ukraine invasion that’s not going according to plan, and after two other countries close to Russia announced that they are joining NATO, Putin appears to be softening his tone, and resigning himself to the fact that NATO’s eastward expansion is happening anyway. https://fortune.com/2022/05/16/sweden-finland-join-nato-putin-no-threat-russia/
  17. It's not a sure thing. From the article: “From June 1 to mid- and late June, as long as risks of a rebound in infections are controlled, we will fully implement epidemic prevention and control, normalise management and fully restore normal production and life in the city,” she said."
  18. Here are couple of links to articles that explain how devastating the new howitzers and artillery shells being provided by Nato members will be to the Russians. I don't see how they can stand up to this kind of firepower. One interesting factoid: the US will be providing a total of 183,000 artillery shells to the Ukrainians. Ukraine’s New Heavy Artillery Will Cause Russia a World of Pain As Western countries ship increasingly heavy arms to a beleaguered Ukraine, one of the most important transfers so far is an arsenal’s worth of field howitzers. Unlike the Ukrainian army’s existing big guns, these artillery pieces come in NATO calibers and are the key to unlocking the West’s precision-guided artillery technology. The tech, which includes GPS-guided artillery shells and tank-hunting munitions, could make Ukraine’s cannon-cockers exponentially more powerful. https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a39841070/ukrainian-army-field-howitzers/ The king of battle’ — How US artillery in the hands of Ukrainians may reshape the war with Russia he 90 M777 howitzers that the United States is providing to Ukraine will not only make it more difficult for the Russians to move out in the open but the guns could also support a future Ukrainian offensive to reclaim Russian-occupied parts of their country, experts told Task & Purpose. bout 70 of the 155 mm guns along with roughly 70,000 artillery rounds have been transferred to Ukraine so far, a senior defense official told reporters on Monday. More than 200 Ukrainian troops are expected to be trained on how to operate the howitzers by the end of Monday with another 50 Ukrainian service members scheduled to begin training later this week. https://taskandpurpose.com/analysis/us-military-artillery-ukraine-russia-war/
  19. Actually, I think your outlook is way too pessimistic (or way too optimistic for supporters of Russia), This guy says 90 days at most. And he acknowledged is could be a lot less. As I've remarked, once U.S. artillery is fully incorpated into the Ukrainian armed forces, that should make a huge difference. The US howitzer is accurate to within 2 meters throughout its range. And given the intelligence that's available to the Ukrainians about Russian positions, I think the Russians will be made short work of. I'd bet that a panicked retreat is in the offing.
  20. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2022/05/10/americans-concerns-about-war-in-ukraine-wider-conflict-possible-u-s-russia-clash/
  21. Fox News Poll: Most think what happens in Ukraine matters to life in U.S. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fox-news-poll-most-think-what-happens-ukraine-matters-life-u-s
  22. You're a 14 percenter. Big majority of Americans back sanctions on Russia, aid to Ukraine, poll finds https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/05/02/poll-ukraine-support-biden/
  23. Ridiculous. By your criterion, there are virtually no Black people in America since virtually all carry at least some European DNA. https://psmag.com/news/how-slavery-changed-the-dna-of-african-americans
  24. Support for the Ukrainian venture may be unraveling in Russia. Even among the most enthusiastic supporters. RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN ASSESSMENT, MAY 14 The Ukrainian destruction of significant elements of a Russian motorized rifle brigade that tried to cross a pontoon bridge over the Siverskyi Donets River on May 11 has shocked prominent Russian milbloggers. Those bloggers have begun commenting on the incompetence of the Russian military to their hundreds of thousands of followers. The attempted river crossing showed a stunning lack of tactical sense as satellite images show (destroyed) Russian vehicles tightly bunched up at both ends of the (destroyed) bridge, clearly allowing Ukrainian artillerymen to kill hundreds and destroy scores of vehicles with concentrated strikes. https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-14
  25. The following could well just be disinformation designed to spook an allegedly ill and failing Putin. But we can live in hope: Putin coup is underway and 'impossible to stop,' says Ukraine's military intelligence chief A coup to overthrow Russian President Vladimir Putin is underway, according to Ukraine's military intelligence chief. The coup is "impossible to stop," Major General Kyrylo Budanov told Sky News. The Russian leader is in "a very bad psychological and physical condition," Budanov said. https://www.businessinsider.com/putin-coup-underway-impossible-to-stop-ukraine-military-intel-2022-5
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