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  1. An employer has every right to protect his employees from potential harm. What does your argument about damage to 'others' who are not employees have to do with the right of employers to protect their employees from harm.
  2. "Argument from silence"...??? That's a new one on me. Care to share a source for that one? Anyway, even if there were such a thing in deductive logic, but has no place inductive logic. It's not all illegitimate to question a person's behavior or lack of it when we have such a long and extensive record to consult. Anyway, as pointed out, if there were such document. Twitter would be in huge trouble for claiming otherwise in its proxy statement to shareholders. While Musk may be arrogant enough to ignore the advice of counsel, I doubt that that management of Twitter would be so foolish.
  3. What does that have to do with fact the terminating employees for not getting vaccinated is justifiably work-related, whereas firing an employee for getting an abortion is not?
  4. First off you ignore the first trimester entirely. In fact Oklahoma is now making abortions illegal as soon as the egg is fertilized. As for what motives behind abortion opponents. I think a very good case could be made that it's about punishing women for having sex outside of marriage. After all, there's a strong correlation between those who oppose abortion and those who also oppose programs like WICS, the Women and Infant nutrition program. And several states have gone after Planned Parenthood but offer no effective replacement for its contraception services.
  5. Really? Not getting vaccinated potentially affects the welfare of other employees. How does getting an abortion affect their welfare? Does the phrase "work-related" mean anything to you?
  6. No one goes to jail for not getting vaccinated or helping people not get vaccinated (unless they forge vaccination certificates). But according to laws passed now in Texas, and I believe in Oklahoma, Missouri, and elsewhere, getting an abortion or assisting a woman to get an abortion is a crime. And by "assistance" I don't mean doctors and nurses, but anyone who offers any material assistance. In other words, mandatory punishment. And pregnant women are being forced to carry to term or face the legal wrath of the state. And of course, Texas previously authorized private citizens to sue women getting abortions and even those who in any way assist women to get an abortion. Is there anything comparable to that as regards vaccination?
  7. You don't understand how due diligence works. Before an agreement is signed, a separate due dligence agreement is created and signed No such document was created. In the proxy statement to Twitter shareholders "Mr. Musk did not ask to enter into a confidentiality agreement or seek from Twitter any non-public info regarding Twitter," Twitter said in its proxy statement. https://www.livemint.com/news/world/twitters-account-of-deal-shows-elon-musk-signing-without-asking-for-more-info-11652802170661.html If Twitter was lying about this, the SEC would be all over them. As would Musk.
  8. I decided to take a look at the video from project veritas. The clips taken from Martinez are so short as to render them completely untrustworthy. Often not clear whether it's something he's asserting or him characterizing what others say. This is typical for Project Veritas.
  9. Really? Musk who is notoriously thin-skinned, makes no comment at all about reports that he waived his right to due diligence? That seems plausible to you? And you made no mention at all of the elephant in the room, Tesla's collapsing share price, until I brought it up. As for saving free speech, I thought that's what Rumble...er.. Parler...er..Truth Social was going to do. What happened? Why is the acquisition of Twitter necessary to save free speech?
  10. Over and over again it's reported that he waived due diligence. Musk has not denied that ever. What does that tell you? But what's really shows how your prejudice incapacitates rational thinking on this subject, you completely ignore that fact that Musk's net worth has plummeted recently. Which makes it a lot more difficult for him to finance a takeover of Twitter. He would have to pledge a lot more shares. As for Project Veritas. It has been repeatedly show that it misleadingly edits videos to advance whatever agenda it's pushing. It's been successfully sued because of that. And anybody who thinks sending poop tweets constitutes some kind of victory for Musk...well, I guess that goes back to the issue of rationality. And as for Musk's honesty... https://slate.com/technology/2022/05/elon-musk-tesla-twitter-fables.html
  11. Now if only there were a way to have sex and not have children. What about some devices? Or maybe a pill? Who knows? Maybe one day such things will actually exist? But until then, your sentiments make perfect sense.
  12. Well, the same people who oppose abortion have managed to defund Planned Parenthood in several states because of its support of abortion. Planned Parenthood is the leading provider of contraceptive services in the USA. It's especially focused on providing services to women on low income.
  13. Except that Musk specifically waived his rights to due diligence. And the corporate law courts in Delaware, where Twitter is registered, demand a very high level of misreporting before a suitor like Musk would be allowed to renege. Legally, he's toast. But that doesn't mean that Twitter will pursue this case in court until Musk fulfills his pledge. .
  14. Sure. CNBC made this up and competitors like Fox just let it pass uncommented? How far removed from reality can someone be? Or how little intellectual decency might be a better question. I guess the socialists at Fox News also made up the info in thia article dated Jun 12, 2020? North Korea marks 2-year anniversary of Trump-Kim summit by vowing to build up military “Never again will we provide the U.S. chief executive with another package to be used for (political) achievements without receiving any returns,” he added. “Nothing is more hypocritical than an empty promise.” Ri claimed the past two years of diplomacy have only revealed that the U.S. continues to pursue “regime change” in Pyongyang and threatens the North with the prospects of a preemptive nuclear strike and “isolation and suffocation.” https://www.foxnews.com/world/north-korea-trump-kim-summit-anniversary-weapons Or this article dated dec 19, 2019? Trump a 'heedless and erratic old man,' North Korea says, after tweets about Kim Jong Un North Korea took aim at President Trump on Monday, dubbing him a "heedless and erratic old man," after he tweeted leader Kim Jong Un wouldn't want to "void his special relationship" with him or the U.S. by interfering in the 2020 election by acting "in a hostile way." The country won't cave to U.S. pressure because it has nothing to lose, Kim Yong Chol, a senior North Korean official and former nuclear negotiator, said in a statement. The North accused Trump of trying to buy time ahead of an end-of-year deadline set by Kim Jong Un for Washington to salvage nuclear talks. https://www.foxnews.com/world/north-korea-trump-erratic-old-man
  15. Do you understand that pregnancy is not contagious? That whether or not a woman has an abortion is not going to have an potential effect on the community at large? Which is not the case with not getting vaccinated.
  16. Another case of retrospective amnesia North Korea says it sees little reason to maintain Kim-Trump ties PUBLISHED THU, JUN 11 20208:55 PM ED North Korea sees little use maintaining a personal relationship between leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump if Washington sticks to hostile policies, state media reported on Friday — the two-year anniversary of the leaders’ first summit. Foreign Minister Ri Son Gwon said in retrospect the Trump administration appears to have been focusing on only scoring political points while seeking to isolate and suffocate North Korea, and threatening it with preemptive nuclear strikes and regime change. On Thursday, a State Department spokesperson told South Korea’s Yonhap news agency the United States remains committed to dialogue with North Korea, and is open to a “flexible approach to reach a balanced agreement.” https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/12/north-korea-says-it-sees-little-reason-to-maintain-kim-trump-ties.html
  17. Yes, Kim calling Trump a "heedless and erratic old man" because negotiations were going nowhere, was just proof of a further ripening of their friendship.
  18. Well, if appeasing a vicious dictator constitutes "a decent relationship" in your mind, so be it. But, as you may recall, all of the predictions and the characterizations of the negotiations with the North Koreans turned out to be fantasies. And you seem to be experiencing a very convenient memory loss in regards to how those negotiations ultimately played out:. North Korea insults Trump as 'heedless and erratic old man' as tension rises Pyongyang responds to tweets on denuclearization North Korea insulted Donald Trump again on Monday, calling him a “heedless and erratic old man” after he tweeted that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un would not want to abandon a special relationship between the two leaders and affect the US presidential election by resuming hostile acts. A senior North Korean official, former nuclear negotiator Kim Yong-chol, said in a statement his country would not cave in to US pressure because it has nothing to lose and accused the Trump administration of attempting to buy time ahead of an end-of-year deadline set by Kim for Washington to salvage nuclear talks. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/09/north-korea-insults-trump-heedless-erratic-old-man
  19. The Democrats voted 100% to support Ukraine. They also voted overwhelmingly to support the bill to aid small businesses. No Democrats voted against that bill It's the Republicans who have the prominent dissenters to aiding Ukraine. And it was the Republicans who voted overwhelmingly to block the bill to aid small businesses. https://thehill.com/news/senate/3494868-senate-blocks-48-billion-aid-package-for-restaurants-other-small-businesses/
  20. France sending ‘significant equipment’ to Ukraine to fight Russia France says it is transferring Caesar howitzers, Milan anti-tank missiles, and thousands of shells to Kyiv following Russia’s invasion. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/4/22/france-sending-heavy-weapons-significant-equipment-to-ukraine Finally! German MPs back heavy weapons for Ukraine in historic vote The German parliament on April 28 finally agreed to supply heavy weapons to Ukraine. Moreover, the decision was supported by an overwhelming majority of parliamentary deputies, with 586 voting for and just 100 against. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/finally-german-mps-back-heavy-weapons-for-ukraine-in-historic-vote/
  21. So much that's ridiculous here. For instance: "Moscow chose to give the region to the Ukraine SSR but not so that Ukraine could become independent and walk off with it forever." Can you please share with us what nations Moscow did envisage leaving the USSR? It's also useful to point out that before the industrial development of the region it was mainly ethnic Ukrainians who lived there. We know this because even today the rural areas are largely ethnic Ukrainians. Of course a fair number of those Ukrainians disappeared thanks to Stalin's forced collectivization of agriculture in the Ukraine. About 3 million perished from starvation. To be replaced by ethnic Russian immigrants As for Russia not destroying the region and how locals felt about the situation before the war... Dismal Russian Record in Occupied Eastern Ukraine Serves as Warning The areas, once engines of the Ukrainian economy, are now impoverished, depopulated enclaves that increasingly rely on Russian subsidies to survive. It’s what many fear could happen to the rest of the country if Vladimir Putin carries out a broader invasion. https://www.wsj.com/articles/dismal-russian-record-in-occupied-eastern-ukraine-serves-as-warning-11643988253
  22. It's not a matter of when it suits me. When the mention of the Trump adminstration is relevant, as it clearly is in this case, it is ok. You're the one who equated the US practices with those of Russia. Clearly not the case. The VOA reporting angered people in the Trump adminstration. They tried to undermine it. They failed. That is a hugely different from the situation in Russia vis a vis news media.
  23. Nonsense. When the Trump administration tried to turn the VOA into a propaganda vehicle, the staff fought back in the courts. And ultimately won. Can you imagine the staff of RT being able to defy the wishes of Vladimir Putin? To actually defeat him?
  24. Here's a place they're coming from. It's the Tesla giga battery plant in Nevada https://www.tesla.com/gigafactory Here's a list of both those that are planned or under construction in the USA & Canada: https://cleantechnica.com/2021/12/20/13-new-electric-vehicle-battery-factories-planned-in-usa-within-next-5-years-fact-of-the-week/ Here's another that didn't make that list https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/21/business/hyundai-georgia-ev-battery-plant/index.html and another https://seekingalpha.com/news/3809439-panasonic-to-build-huge-us-battery-plant-to-supply-tesla-nhk?gclid=CjwKCAjwyryUBhBSEiwAGN5OCJ6SkJ6OjiwKRfy5GmtxrDEzfIjBiocBdqSBcP0cdn229tMJYwW7ExoCJ1UQAvD_BwE&internal_promotion=true&utm_campaign=14926960698&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_term=128426001346^aud-1151607237535%3Adsa-1455881688143^^555764444371^^^g There's more where those came from, but I think this is enough to allay your fears. Aren't you relieved? You will also be delighted to learn that as part of the Biden's infrastructure bill, 3.1 billion dollars has been allocated to create ev battery plants. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/02/white-house-announces-3point1-billion-for-us-ev-battery-manufacturing-.html
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