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  1. With a lot of people don't seem to understand is that masks or a lot better at protecting others from the wearer they are for protecting the wearer from others.
  2. Wrong. This is a surgical mask: This is an N-95 mask( I-95 is the name of a highway in the USA.)
  3. You sure about that? Surgical masks reduce COVID-19 spread, large-scale study shows A large, randomized trial led by researchers at Stanford Medicine and Yale University has found that wearing a surgical face mask over the mouth and nose is an effective way to reduce the occurrence of COVID-19 in community settings. It also showed that relatively low-cost, targeted interventions to promote mask-wearing can significantly increase the use of face coverings in rural, low-income countries. Based on the results, the interventional model is being scaled up to reach tens of millions of people in Southeast Asia and Latin America over the next few months. https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2021/09/surgical-masks-covid-19.html
  4. Actually a not so interesting non lapse in logic. It seems an insuperable barrier for some people to understand about rates of transmission. Just because vaccines dont absolutely stop transmission, doesn't mean that they don't slow it. Of course, this goes to a broader question of scientific illiteracy. Anyone with even a modest acquaintance with modern science, knows that it's fueled by statistics. So it's not a question of Actually a not so interesting non lapse in logic. Anyone with even a modest acquaintance with modern science, knows that it's fueled by statistics to establish significance. This is the case in all fields of science.. So it's not a question of yes or no, black or white, 100% or 0%m or stopping or non-stopping but, in this case by what degree, if any vaccines inhibit transmission. A collaborative effort by the International Vaccine Center, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and WHO provided an exhaustive list of studies that addresses the question of vaccine effectiveness against various aspects of the Covid-19 Virus. One of those aspects addressed on page 12 of this study is vaccine effectiveness against reducing the transmission of infection. Here's a link to the study: https://view-hub.org/sites/default/files/2021-11/COVID19 VE Studies_Forest Plots.pdf It clearly demonstrates that covid-19 vaccines are effective in reducing transmission.
  5. I don't know about that. Measles is far more contagious than Delta, and if it weren't for vaccines would still be thriving, so to speak. And as a huge number of studies show, studies that the CDC has linked to, vaccination levels ares definitely a factor in the speed of transmission. As is transmissibility, the age structure of the affected population, population density, level of adoption of social distancing and masking, obesity levels. Probably other factors that I can't think of.
  6. You mean all the Jews had to do back when was to convert and they would have been accepted? That the Nazis never said that there was something innately wrong with them? And yet 6 million of them died rather than renounce their religious beliefs? Are the camps and showers already being built for the anti-vaxxers?
  7. And can we take it that since almost all studies have shown no such thing, that you accept them?
  8. Well, the person in question claimed that was case for all vaccines way back when. I was writing about the uselessness of engaging with someone alleging a personal history of some adverse effects of a vaccination since there is no objective way to confirm such information. I pointed out that rarely someone making such comment slips and there is an objective way to determine that his alleged personal history is a falsehood. But otherwise fruitless.
  9. What don't you understand about the fact the sungod said he was asymptomatic but decided to get tested to make sure he hadn't contract the virus that causes genital warts. . As I pointed out, there is no such diagnostic test. So, is his claim that he was tested believable? Some theologian once said "I believe because it is impossible." Maybe he should welcome you to the club.
  10. Such nonsense. As virtually all studies show, the vaccines slow the transmission. Not stop it but slow it. What's so hard to understand about that? And as receant sraeli studies show, a booster shot dramatically reinvigorates the immune system. No one knows for sure yet how long that booster protection will last. As for comparing infection rates in Indonesia and Netherlands, why would anyone bother to do a comparison based on what those respective governments report? I repeatedly tried to direct one party's attention to the explanation of why countries that have less public health resources at their disposal offer more unreliable statistics than those that do. You can't simply naively trust every governments reports. We see that in desperately poor nations, according to their statistics, Covid19 is at a very, very low level. They just don't have the facilities to report numbers accurately. I suggest for starters you go to https://covid19.healthdata.org/ which is maintained by IHME, to get an idea of how unreliable those figures can be. ourworldindata.org offers an excellent discussion of the issue. And the latest large study done by a team at Oxford, still in preprint, shows that vaccination levels do affect transmission.
  11. This comes straight from the agency that pays out:. "Since 1988, over 24,538 petitions have been filed with the VICP. Over that 30-year time period, 20,400 petitions have been adjudicated, with 8,439 of those determined to be compensable, while 11,961were dismissed. Total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $4.6 billion" https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hrsa/vaccine-compensation/data/vicpmonthlyreporttemplate 11-01-21.pdf
  12. There was a time when the same could be said for seat belts and motorcycle helmets. I guess a lot of bleating took place once that situation changed. And stop making up straw men. I never claimed that refusal to get vaccinated is a crime.
  13. I should also have noted that climate change is not the weather, you just can't look at or experience it on the spot. Whereas reports about bonobos are based on actual observations. As Groucho Marx once said, "Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?" I guess in your case it would be "Who you going to believe, me or their lying eyes?"
  14. Well, to take last things first, you are the one who cited seat belts and helmets, not me. Maybe you should have thought that through before posting. I think people who don't wear seat belts or helmets should be fined. And so should those who refuse to get vaccinated for no medically valid reason. As for smokers and drinkers, these are addictions and notoriously difficult to break. Since when is not getting vaccinated an addiction? As for exercise, it requires a frequent investment of time. . How much of a demand on one's time does a vaccination take? As of now, let's say once every 6 months.
  15. Well, they really can't travel to the past and get themselves unvaccinated. Let's see going forward how the rate of the uptake of vaccinations is affected. The covid-19 pandemic has helped popular the general anti-vaccine stance of fanatics like Robert Kennedy junior.
  16. It's really pointless to interrogate an anonymous person about the alleged details of their life, particularly when they are using it as evidence to support their position. It's rare that you get to objectively evaluate their evidence. Very occasionally you do. In one instance, not long ago, an American claimed that they couldn't get any compensation for a serious adverse reaction that one of their children experienced after being vaccinated. The reason being, they claimed, was the US law forbids suing vaccine companies.
  17. Actually those who don't wear seal belts in cars and crash helmets on bikes in many countries, including all of the developed ones, are committing a crime and get fined. So I guess you won't have a problem with fines being imposed on those who refuse to get vaccinated?
  18. "Kevin McNamara, chief executive of Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: "Dr Irfan Halim worked with us as a locum consultant for a year and was an invaluable member of the team looking after patients with Covid. "He selflessly dedicated himself to caring for his patients when they needed him the most during the pandemic. He will be sorely missed by those who worked with him, and by the whole organisation." https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-bristol-59353697
  19. And you would need a vanity press to publish them because they would be laughed away at any journal that was peer-reviewed and didn't accept payments from authors.
  20. Stop blowing smoke. All you need to know to make sense of that pie chart is to know what percentage of residents in Chiang Mai are fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated.
  21. Remember how strict the regulations were when Thailand had so few deaths? Ya think that there might be a connection? Also, Thailand may have had few deaths but not as few as the official statistics show This is from IMHE. One of the leading public health institutions in the world: https://covid19.healthdata.org/thailand?view=cumulative-deaths&tab=trend
  22. "even if it helps only a little." what about keeping the hospital occupancy rate down? anyway, the people who refuse to get vaxxed are clearly not thinking realistically. Whether that's because of their political alignment as is overwhelmingly the case in some countries and is quite apparent on thaivisa.com, or just fear because of rumormongering, I don't think reasoning gently with them is going to have much effect.
  23. Really bizarre. You dispute what what is settled science which is exactly what climate denialists do. The difference is that client denialist ifind a vanishingly small number of studies to confirm what they're doing or twist existing ones whereas, whereas all the studies of bonobos confirm if they engage in pan sexual behavior. This just shows how poor your arguments are that you have to resort to know-nothingism to defend them.
  24. Now that we know that you can spell gaslighting, clearly it's time for you to learn what it means.
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