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  1. Trump could claim he cured cancer and Maga-ists would believe him.
  2. Ya think maybe that might be due to the facts that a)they don't have the same financial resources as do high income countries or countries with large economies b)because they are still developing they don't consume as much energy as do more economically developed nations?
  3. Truly a Trumpworthy comment. Why would anyone buy their names off of documents that have been released?
  4. Yours isn't the only clueless comment that blames the government and not rise in price of natural gas.
  5. What about deranged rightwingers citing Owasco?
  6. And if Phase 2 produces nothing and she announces a Phase 3, should we still be expecting some genuine revelations?
  7. So why the hype about a nothingburger?
  8. The Owasco nonsense again? For a total of a little over $4000? "Comer cited three “direct monthly payments to Joe Biden from Hunter Biden’s business entity” as evidence that Joe Biden profited from a deal Hunter Biden made with a Chinese energy company. But Hunter Biden’s attorney said the payments — which totaled a little over $4,000 — simply reflect Hunter Biden repaying his father, who bought him a truck while Hunter was in the throes of drug and alcohol addiction. That explanation appears to be corroborated by emails obtained from Hunter Biden’s laptop, as reported by the New York Post last year. Comer also referenced a $40,000 payment to Joe Biden from his brother, Jim. Comer called the payment “laundered China money,” but the check was labeled “loan repayment,” and a similar sum was transferred from a Joe Biden-tied account to his brother less than two months prior." https://www.factcheck.org/2023/12/gop-misleading-claims-in-biden-impeachment-investigation/ You are so gullible.
  9. Who lied and pretended it was Russian disinfo?
  10. Get your facts straight. They weren't paying Biden 10's of millions of dollars. But if you've got proof otherwise, back it up. And as for why they were paying Biden, you clearly have consigned Devon Archer to the memory hole. I remember when right wingers were so excited about the testimony that Hunter Biden's partner was going to give about Burisma. And how deflated they were when Archer testified that Biden told him that he lied to those executives. He claimed to the he had influence over his father but as he confessed to Archer, he had none. And while the amount he was paid may seem like a lot to you, though not 10s of millions, to those corrupt lowlifes it was peanuts.
  11. The real laptop denialists are those who reject the obvious fact that there's nothing in it that constitutes proof of Joe Biden's alleged crimes.
  12. Another party victim of the primitive belief in inherited guilt. Anyone working for Volkswagen today who supported the Third Reich back when?
  13. And if anyone needs further proof of what a nothingburger the release of the documents was, just read this article from Fox News Jeffrey Epstein contact list: AG Pam Bondi releases highly anticipated DOJ documents Documents include previously revealed flight logs The Justice Department released a new batch of Jeffrey Epstein files after Attorney General Pam Bondi said she was reviewing classified documents in the case – but it's not the client list... Many of the documents were already released during Ghislaine Maxwell's federal criminal trial, which landed her in prison for decades. They include flight logs, an evidence list, a contact book and a redacted "masseuse list" believed to refer to Epstein's victims ttps://www.foxnews.com/us/jeffrey-epstein-contact-list-ag-pam-bondi-releases-highly-anticipated-doj-documents
  14. ‘Epstein Files’ Release, Hyped by Pam Bondi, Falls Short of Expectations For days, Attorney General Pam Bondi had talked about releasing the “Epstein files,” supposedly secret documents the federal government has on some of the powerful men who were in the orbit of the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein. But the roughly 200 pages of documents that Ms. Bondi released on Thursday contained little new information pointing to wrongdoing by anyone other than Mr. Epstein, a registered sex offender who died in jail. The document dump largely consisted of flight logs for Mr. Epstein’s planes — long ago made public — and contact information for hundreds of associates, along with brief descriptions of items found at his residences. https://archive.ph/Q491P It's clear what happened. After hyping what was in the documents that were to be released, the reveal of the documents fell flat. So now Bondi is claiming that an unidentified source claims that there are thousands more documents. Let's see if those documents exist and, if so, what's in them. The conspiracy loons have been claiming that there's a client list even though none of the people involved in civil litigation against the Epstein estate have made that claim. It's amazing what how deranged the right wing has become. Remember Donald Trump leading the birther charge. I wonder how many of those posting here subscribed to that. Come to think of it, how many still subscribe to it. Then there the William Barr and John Durham tag team attempting to prove a deep state conspiracy in the Justice Dept. A probe that lasted 4 years and came up with nothing. And the stolen election nonsense. I believe Pam Bondi was deeply involved in that ludicrous failure. And what about Hunter Biden's laptop? There was actually nothing in there incriminating against Joe Biden. Which is probably why the people who held released it held onto it until the election was close to being held. And, of course all the investigations of Joe Biden's alleged involvement with Hunter Biden's schemes. That resulted in another 0 score for Team Trump.
  15. This idea must die: “Obesity is caused by lack of willpower” "In 1994, Professor Jeffrey Friedman discovered a hormone called leptin, which regulates our appetite via pathways in the brain. This paved the way for unravelling the system that regulates our appetite and weight. It was followed by our own work at the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science in 1997, where we showed that people who lacked leptin developed severe obesity." https://www.alumni.cam.ac.uk/magazine/issue-100/this-idea-must-die-“obesity-is-caused-by-lack-of-willpower”
  16. First of all, when a demand crisis looms, as was the case during the covid pandemic, not increasing the money supply most likely would have led to a depression, Second, what don't you understand about the fact that a tax cut, amounts to the same thing as an increase in the money supply?
  17. Unemployment has been holding steady. As for "layoffs have been going on for sometime..." Can you name a time in the history of the economy when layoffs weren't going on? The issue is have there been more layoffs than hires? And the answer is that there was a clear trend showing a net gain during the Biden administration: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PAYEMS
  18. Except of course that Trump's tax proposals will actually increase the national debt. Yet Republicans have been claiming for the last 45 years that slashing tax revenues actually cuts debt.
  19. Ads for Elon Musk’s "Swasticar" Go Viral as Tesla Crumbles "Goes from 0 to 1939 in 3 seconds," https://futurism.com/tesla-stocks-elon-musk-swasticar
  20. The last resort of those who need to evade the issue: make it personal.
  21. https://sharpsheets.io/blog/chick-fil-a-franchise-costs-profits/ In other words, the average store's revenue was more than twice as much as the whole of Truth Social.
  22. Here's the price of DJT on Mar 25, 2024, the day before trading was open to the public: $49.95 Given that today's price is $23.80, that's a drop of over 50% https://www.google.com/search? q=djt+price&oq=djt+price&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg70gEIMjU0NmowajmoAgCwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Here’s how the company performed in 2024 Earnings: Loss of $2.36 per share Revenue: $3.6 million The company’s revenue declined 12% year over year, according to its annual report. The company saw its net loss widen to $400.9 million from $58.2 million in 2023. https://www.cnbc.com/2025/02/14/trump-media-djt-earnings-report-2024.html
  23. Because right wingers are largely in favor of EVs? Living an alternate reality much?
  24. Patel also publicly claimed that Donald Trump had verbally declassified all the documents he eventually wound up with in Florida. That claim was met with great skepticism. Yet he refuses to disclose the substance of his testimony to the Grand Jury. What's he hiding?
  25. False False. This is from the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA) "Electric cars In January 2025, new battery-electric car sales grew by 34% to 124,341 units, capturing a 15% market share. Three of the four largest markets in the region, together accounting for 64% of all battery-electric car registrations, recorded robust double-digit gains: Germany (+53.5%), Belgium (+37.2%), and the Netherlands (+28.2%), while France saw a slight decline of -0.5%." https://www.acea.auto/files/Press_release_car_registrations_January_2025.pdf?utm_source=mailpoet So not only did Tesla sales fall sharply, but total sales of EVs grew by 34%.
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