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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 30-days border runs now only 15 days

    BANGKOK: -- In order to limit the amount of foreigners using "back-to-back" border runs, Thai Immigration has issued a new regulation regarding the 30 days tourist exemption.

    Effective immediately, travellers without visa will get only 15 days of stay if they are arriving via a land border checkpoint from a neigboring country.

    Passengers arriving via an international airport will obtain a 30 days stay, and for them there is no change.

    Travellers with Malaysian passports will obtain a 30 days stay.

    This police order number 778/2551 is today confirmed by Royal Thai Police, Immigration Bureau, in Bangkok.

    -- thaivisa.com 2008-12-04

    Attached: Royal Thai Police order (Thai language)


    After the decline in bookings, the decline of the economy, the decline of the political standing, the decline on the opinions about Thailand of lots of people outside Thailand, the decline of the ideas and feelings about the friendliness of the Thai people, this is exactly what Thailand needs.

    Poor Thai people.

    Me, I just rented an apartment in Manilla, no problem, permission to stay for 10 years easily available if 10,000 US Dollar in an account in PH when the permission is asked for. After that, use the money. Re-entry permits? What? No 10,000 Dollar? Permission to stay for one year, easy renewable.

    If it gets any worse, Byebye!

    So sorry.

  2. Police asked to press terrorism charges against PAD leaders

    BANGKOK: -- A progovernment group led by Dr Weng Tochirakarn Wednesday lodged a complaint with crime suppression police calling on them to press terrorism charges against the People's Alliance for Democracy for besieging Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang airports, resulting in great damage to the country's economy.

    Weng and Dr Sant Hattirat, and Prateep Ungsomtham Hata accused 12 PAD leaders of committing terrorism from November 25 to December 3. They named Sondhi Limthongkul, Somkiat Pongpaiboon, Pipop Thongchai, Suriyasai Katasila, Panthep Puapongpan, Samran Rodpet, Sirichai Maingarm, Sawit Kaewwan, Saranyoo Wongkrachang and Maleerat Kaewka.

    Weng said the 12 committed a serious crime in breach of Article 135/1 (2) for causing grave damage to the public transport system and infrastructure, causing unrest and terror among the public.

    -- The Nation 2008-12-03

    And of course, all at PPP, TRT and so on is so clean.

    Including the terrorist training they received from a certain Army general.

    Killing people, throwing bombs & grenades, peanuts.

    And lo and behold, threatening with a civil war, that is nothing.

    What a sorry mess, what a sorry figures.

  3. I have just heard this from a Thai in the office that they are opening fire on the PAD protesters...

    My own view is they have it coming, it is not as if they were not warned !!! .. i hope this makes them think twice about accepting 700 THB a risking their lives for a couple of Thais that cannot accept they didnt make it to power!

    "I hope innocent people are not hurt"

    You are quite mad to think that innocent people will not be hurt.

    "They have it coming, it is not as if they were not warned"

    You want to see Thai people killed by other Thai people?

    Is that what you want?

    You realise this might get out of hand?

    Outright war?

  4. It seems like the missus is going ahead and buyig another one of these government houses so we might need some tradesmen to sort out the inevitable !

    Likely requirements:

    Tiler - floors and potentially walls in kitchen and bathroom.

    Electrician - addition of more electrical outlets, earthing of system and putting in lights / fans / shower heater etc.

    Plumber - Potential additional shower room, plumbing for washing machine etc.

    General builder - can do other things of course but car port, concreting and kitchen seem the first requirements. Potential extension.

    Not sure if all will get done, I doubt it but until I see what state the place is in, I can't see how much needs to be done.

    All I know in this area is the cowboys who did one for her mothers western guy / husband who was royally ripped off all over building his house.

    Thanks for any help.


    English speaking most helpful as missus knows bugger all about anything like this.

    Buri Ram is to far away from Khon Kaen, I guess, for my builder, who would not dare to rip you off, because he is in my control.

    However, if you have a complete plan what has to be done, a place where he might spend the nights, and can find an electrician, we can talk again.

    Everything else he can do.

    He does not speak English, but I guess your wife does, so translation service available.

    And he is good!

    My email [email protected]


  5. If there is a coup, I've heard that there is going to be a civil war against the red and yellows, and according to a radio speech in northern thailand, there saying the army will have to shoot us down.

    The yellow team are killing Thailands international rep, making the country turn into bankruptcy.

    When there is another election, they will win again, causing the yellow team to come out and play again, so this is going to happen till someone destroys the PAD.

    In any other countries, people can protest in peace, but when they start running around damaging things, and think they own the joint, then the police riot squad will disperce tear gas etc. This type of mutany is classed as treason, penalty by severe prison sentences or death in some countries.

    All investers have pulled out of Thailand, and the busy christmas season, is now more of a ghost town, every where is dead.

    And it will take several years to repair.

    The yellow team is killing Thailands reputation?


  6. Why can't the army restore the law without taking over the government? Isn't that what would happen in any other country? I guess a coup was what the PAD has been looking for since the beginning. The next thing to question would be who is behind the PAD and why do they want a military dictatorship? Do they want it to be permanent? Are they staging a military dictatorship as a transition to something else? If so, what transition? Questions, questions and no answers to post on a public forum I suppose. Sad times for Thailand.

    In any given democratic country the army is there for defending the country from attacks from outside.

    Inside the country the government of the day can order the police to restore order.

    However, what if the police is not really in the mood?

    What if the police agrees with the protesters?

    What if the police and army have a kind of standoffish thing going on?

    What if the army agrees with PPP or PAD?

    Problems, problems, problems.....

    Everybody seems to know for certain that the Government was chosen by the people.


    The Government was formed by parties that had a kind of majority in the last poll.

    That is, they did not get most votes!

    So, maybe the PAD is right in protesting this Government.

    Or maybe the PPP is right?

  7. Let me clearly state that I don't support the politics of either side. My comments below stem from a political process analysis, not from an ideological preference.

    It is clear that the reason the protests erupted is because the shadow PM in Hong Kong and his party express the following view of democracy:

    "We received the most votes, so therefore we can do whatever we want until the next election and are only responsible to those who supported our election. Everyone else lost and therefore has no voice"

    This was evident when the shadow PM made his Freudian slip some time ago and let it be known that provinces that voted for him would receive government services ahead of any that hadn't.

    It's further evident from when the Cooking PM was removed and replaced by the single man who could ignite the most outrage in the opposition - the brother-in-law of the shadow PM. It demonstrates a total disregard for compromise or negotiation, even when handed a convenient and face-saving excuse to open a door for discussion.

    The result is that whatever group has objections and would like input into the governing process has but one option- to take to the streets. I don't think it is useful to condemn any such group for using their only option, and using it very effectively.

    Instead we should be asking why the government could not have created a forum in which the disenfranchised could not be accommodated? In the end, it is the government's job to govern the country responsibly. Instead, the government takes the view that it must RULE the country (as opposed to govern it), and the result is the disenfranchisement of a segment of the population that has the knowledge and power to do something about it.

    I would compare the methods and demography (not the politics) of the current protesters to the American rebels at the beginning of the revolution - for example, at the Boston Tea Party. The source of the insurrection is not the protesters, but rather an attempt by the government to rule without moral authority rather than govern with responsibility for the good of the country.

    VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!!

    A government should be there for all the people!

  8. i think what they have show the world is in thailand Mob rule can take over the govement and stop the country.

    Somchai should have put an end to this the 1st day they blockaded the gov house. It never showed have been allowed to escalate .

    Interesting that the PM (& Defence minister) seems unable to call for military flights to move himself & the cabinet around

    They have not taken control of the planes only the airports.

    What amazes me is the stupdity of 50% of posters on this forum**flame removed**

    What amazes me greatly is that there are always people thinking others stupid.

    Thinking is not a problem, but saying or writing means that you are out of arguments.

    Besides, it states very clearly, that you try to stop the arguments flowing because you think you know all!

    Very rude, and you have no idea about the "rules" for having a discussion.

    Maybe the Government should have reacted differently?

    But what would have happened then?

    Real escalation probably, and not the escalation you are talking about.

  9. For a new airport I have to say that I think "Swampy" is very badly designed, although I have never had a problem finding toilets there is a distinct lack of signage which means walking round a corner only to find that you are headed for the wrong gate (why not put the signs before the intersection???)!

    Also I have had to walk 20 minutes just to find a bottle of water... plenty of expensive duty free goods but NO WATER?. This is pretty disgraceful when you are no longer allowed to bring water through the gates. Another problem is the airconditioning which seems to be either freezing cold in bits or boiling hot in others... so when you are boiling hot without water, trying and failing to find the correct gate, NOT a good experience!

    Also agree with the comments about catcing a bus to the plane (<deleted>) and the first sight visitors see on arrival (not good).

    The check in bit is beautifully designed and could not be easier but everything beyond this needs some serious work and much better planning.

    Agreed there are much worse airports in Asia but they have not just been built at huge expense.

    Same reason as why Thai drivers switch on the indicators after going around the corner and look in the mirrors or over their shouldres after turning the corner, which is called the Thai way.

  10. Kabul International is about the suckiest I've gone through though (you don't want to even venture near the toilets, even if they have running water at the time).

    Thats the first time I have ever heard of that word,if it is one? :o


    For information and learning purposes only. :D

    Urban Dictionary Definition:

    1. Suckiest

    The highest level of sucking

    Suckiest beats suckier any day.

    From the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:


    Main Entry: sucky

    Pronunciation: \ˈsə-kē\

    Function: adjective

    Inflected Form(s): suck·i·er; suck·i·est

    Date: 1984

    It seems the consensus is that Swampy is not the "suckiest" (worst) airport internationally, and I would find it hard to believe that there is an International Airport elsewhere in Thailand, that can handle the same number of flights/passengers, and is better than Swampy.


    Not found in Oxford concise dictionary

    Not found in Oxford on line english dictionary

    Not found in Cambridge American English dictionary

    Not found in Cambridge English dictionary

    Result: <deleted>

  11. How is it that the Bus's owner Sirada Boonme, 26 refuses to provide the names of the 4 thieves in her employ..Shouldn't she be arrested for hindering a police investigation?

    Giving the names of Thai offenders to the police because of a robbery of only farang would be a enormous loss of face!

  12. the unarmed police just shooted at a bus.

    I just can't believe that the government is not doing anything after they had no problems killing people last time.

    The police ended a hijacking with reasonable use of force and with no loss of life, and you seem to be implying that this is a bad thing . How much koolaid did you drink?

    Maybe they should have given the bus a police escort through parliment.

    OK, lets try again....

    How can an unarmed policeman shoot?

    Or is the police telling a lie, again?


    do you really expect ALL police in Bangkok to be unarmed? the police at the parlaiment are unarmed, the police elsewhere are not unarmed (and i am sure the criminals amonst the PAD are armed.

    Do you think everyone should just give in to the criminals? do you think they shoulkd be given the freedom to continue with their criminal activities?


    Well.....The Police and the government are the good one and PAD are criminals....is your opinion?

    I can only hope you are still young and will learn when you are older.

    i am a 41 year old ex policeman from the UK, I am well educated with a law degree, not much left to learn about idiots to be fair, at no point did i say the police and government are the good ones, the governmet are however elected and the police despite all their faults are stuck in the middle, the PAD however are criminals as can be seen by their actions and their pathetic attempts at fooling the public. the sad thing is that some people buy into their 'peaceful protest' propoganda whilst missing the bad they are doing to the country

    The police is stuck in the middle????????


    If you are an ex-policeman you should know that there are NO honest politicians, you cannot trust politicians, they always lie, are only in it for the money or for power, etcetera, etcetera ad infinitum.

    The PAD are criminals?

    OK, so the bomb-throwers are the good ones?

    Yes, very logical indeed.

    Unarmed and shooting at a bus?

    Ah, right, there was some gun on the ground, picked it up, and it discharged, automatic like!

    So sorry!

    A Government is NOT elected, but formed of members or followers of a party or parties having had most votes.

    However, a Government should be there for the good of all the people, not only for the people that voted for the parties that formed the Government.

    Or for people that are working officials of those parties.

    If a Government ignores a very big part of the voters, who did not vote for you, and are not governing the country in the way mentioned before, well, expect trouble.

    If a government seems to be busy with only one thing, changing the charter, well expect more trouble.

    Being a policeman or soldier makes you, by nature of the job, less critical of the ones who are in power.

    And sometimes forget that policemen and soldiers are paid by ALL the taxpayers.

    NOT only the taxpayers that voted for the politicians in power.

    Not being critical about your own job, and how you do that job, is a mistake most make.

    I know!

  13. I know speaking nicely is very important in Thailand. I've just listened to a PAD spokesman and also to a Government spokewoman live, haven't got a clue what they are talking about. Don't usually comment on 'Thai Politics' as its drilled into us that its not falangs buisiness.

    the wife translated for me and it would seem clear that the PAD guy ain't speaking nicely and that he is trying to rally his troops into a frenzy. Fighting frenzy I would say, using someone who we cannot mention as a weapon. He appears to be fanatical and ain't going nowhere until he gets his way. The goverment spokeswoman was speaking nicely, I don't think there's a cat in hells chance of a peaceful resolution unless someone influential steps in to prevent the impending bloodbath.

    My wife translated for me!

    Strange, my wife told me that the PPP-man was talking war, and the PAD-man talking peace.

    Or something like that.

    I guess the translation is bent into the political preferences of the translator.

    Or something like that.

    Don't comment on Thai politics might be the best advice.

    Indeed it is not our business, although I fear the end result might be not so comfortable for us.

    If it was not such a sordid, tragic business, it would be hilarious.

    Because nobody seems to understand where it is really all about.

    That said, I guess I think I have an inkling of a feeling where it might all be about.

    Or maybe I am wrong.

  14. Hi,

    I have been looking around for a school in N. Ratchasima where a foreigner can learn the Thai language.

    There are a few "private school's" were a foreigner can get a "steam course" in the Thai language.

    But almost all of these "private school's" are pretty expensive and the course is nothing else than a copy of books which anybody can buy in a bookshop.

    No way to continue and make progress after their course.

    Real Thai classes like a Thai kid learns in school are not available to foreigners unless they want to travel every day to Bangkok or Pattaya.

    The school where my daughter is learning, one of the best in N. Ratchasima, is willing to organize a Thai course for foreigners if there would be enough people willing to enroll in a professional course to learn the Thai language.

    The teacher(s) would be all Thai with an acceptable knowledge of English.

    The course will be at least 1 year at a ratio of 1 hour a day, but will be finally planned if there is enough demand.

    For foreigners who are planning to get a the Thai residence, this is a one of a lifetime opportunity to get skilled in the Thai language. Writing, speaking and reading.

    In order to get this project of the ground, I will need to present to the school the names of foreigners who are interested in following this course.

    Therefore, I would like to ask the foreigners and ThaiVisa members who are willing to enroll in this project to write their name and post it in this thread or PM me personally.


    I would be interested, very much.

    But, so sorry, I live in Khon Kaen.

    And that is a wee bit far away.

  15. I want to wish all those involved in the tourism business the best of luck. I think there will be some tough times ahead.

    If tourists are treated well and fairly, they will return. The rip-offs that occur are a real downer and a definite turn off for most people.

    You can pamper tourists till they melt, but in Europe the bookings for Thailand are way down.

    Understandable, if you just lost your job, or are in fear of loosing your job, if the financial burden becomes too much, if you cannot get a loan for the holidays, and so on.

    People are getting careful.

  16. Do you still have to bring a copy of a utility bill to prove your address ?

    Yes you do. They made it quite clear back in July when I reported that next time, proof of address would be required and they issued a small notification slip to that effect - so there is no doubt that this is a requirement at Pattaya immigration.

    I took along my yellow book and a few utility bills to show them. The officer told me that next time just bring a copy of my yellow book, and she also said that the utility bill with my name and address on it was fine. A friend told me that he just showed his Thai driving licence.

    If you have a Thai ID number, quote that number on the TM47


  17. I am due for the 90 days reporting next week. A friend just did that in Pattaya and he was asked to produce a rent receipt to his name or the lease or a telephone bill. Is that a new requirement?

    It appears to be a requirement in Pattaya only. They want some proof of address.

    It is not a requirement!

    However, it is to the discretion of the officer to be certain. (?!)

    Probably once upon a time, an enlightened spirit found this the next hilarious piece of paperwork to ask for.

    So be it.

    You remember John Cleese's "how to irritate people"?

    Alternative, send your 90-day report to Bangkok.

    Registered mail, TM47, copies of your passport and permission/visa, return SAE envelope + 10B stamp.

    That is it.

  18. Just been playing some Irish folk music to the missus who was left most unimpressed and found it quite depressing. For the sake of comparison, anybody know where I can download the latest Thai folk (southern, Isaan, whatever) wonders from online? Whatever I download I'll donate 50 satang to the cause to protect against copyright theft.

    Why, in heavens name, would you download Thai music?

    I assure you,if you have heard one, you have heard all of them.

    But I guess, for Thai ears, used to the shit they call music to swoon by, sometimes called white noise, anything else only slightly sounding like real music is mind shattering.

    Only Thai is good, farang is bad!

    And why should you donate 50 satang to music they basically stole from the west?

    Suitably changed to Thai ears, of course.

  19. Declaring him PNG & deporting him would suit me.

    Locking him up in a Thai prison would suit me.

    OK, locking you up in a Thai prison would suit me very much, thank you.


    Because I would like that.


    Yes, as stupid as your remark.

    As you can read, this man was suspected of a killing, and set free because there was no proof at all that he was indeed guilty of killing the girl.

    He is NOT convicted of any crime, why lock him up in a Thai prison?

    Just because Peter de Vries THINKS he did kill the girl?

    Just because public opinion in the US is enough to condemn someone?

    Just because this guy flees to Thailand because wants to escape that stupid &lt;deleted&gt; de Vries?

    He is in Thailand, which only shows the Dutch authorities had no grounds to withdraw his passport.

    Why in Thailand?

    Why not?

    Like all his remarks, statements and fantasies, Joran only shows he is a compulsive liar.


    Oh yes, very much.

    But guilty without judging?


    Is he an example of the kind of tourists I am happy with?


    But, his father is a judge, quite rich, probably rather influential.

    You see?

  20. You probably need at least a page and half to do another border run. If you have a full page for the a visa to wherever you go and space for the exit and entry stamps I can't see it being a problem to do another border run.

    You may be able to get a 7 day extension at immigration if you show them you have a full passport and have to get a new one.

    The embassy can't do anything to stop the overstay only getting an extension at immigration can do that.

    You might ask the Embassy to supply you with a letter stating you applied for a new passport.

    Reason, passport full.

    That is enough to get the overstay waived.

    Ask for a business passport, those have double the pages as a standard passport.

  21. Hi,

    Just wanted to tell you guys something that happened today which i cannot understand and which has left me in a state of shock considering everything that has ever been said on TV and in the press, etc.

    I have a friend, American national, 62 years old who has been here for the past 3 and a half months - 60 days of it legally on a walk in 30 days x 2 and the rest (40 days) on overstay due, in part to losing his passport and money. He has no money whatsoever and nowhere to stay so has been sleeping rough for the past 5 days, I had been taking care of his hotel but everything has to come to an end right!?. He has no family members in the US that are able to send him any money so this morning (Monday) he went to the US embassy who gave him a paper stating his name, passport number, etc and as he was "homeless" and broke they told him where the immigration (Suan Plu) headquarters were and advised him to go down there to report himself as being on overstay and at least he would have somewhere to be until he gets some money together - yesterday I gave him 500 baht in order to get something to eat, to clean himself a bit, to use for transport down to the embassy/immigration, etc and to have something to tide him over for food, etc. whilst I tried to sort out something to get him out and go back to the US.

    He went in to the immigration at 11am, or so he thought and was explaining his situation to the officer on the desk but after all that, was told that "this is police station, immigration next door" so he thanked them and left to go next door. He then went to immigration and saw a female officer on the desk and explained to her his situation and told her he was 40 days overstay, her response? "Yes, and......"?? he answered well, "I am here to surrender myself as I have overstayed for 40 days", she replied "so what do you want me to do about it"? he said "well, are you not going to arrest me as i have overstayed for 40 days"? she replied, "no, no problem, you have passport"? he replied that he didnt and explained it slower this time thinking that she must not have understood him and what he was saying and told her that he had no passport, only the letter from the embassy giving his pp number, etc. which he then showed her. She took a look at it and said, "if any police stop you show them this letter and that is ok, no problem". He asked "but what about the overstay problem, I have no money to pay so are you not going to arrest me"?, her reply, "no problem, come back when you have passport and money and then pay for overstay and we will give you new visa"!!

    He is obviously in a state of shock, seems the overstaying crime is no longer a heinous crime any more and people are free to do whatever they want!

    Anyone else encountered anything like this at all or is it a first, it truly is a first for me. I have never seen or heard anything like this in the 14 years that i have been here.

    TIT is an understatement!!!



  22. Just as long as they're not golden!

    So is anyone going to explain this pun?

    I had a few good laughs.

    And really, the "labbit" and "wabbit" were the best.

    However, I do not like those carrot eaters at all.

    One day I tried to grab a rabbit, missed a rabbit hole, and managed to hit a nasty boulder.

    Bumped my head, ended up with 19 stitches from brow to halfway my hair.

    Spent 6 days in hospital, and the best part, my insurance did not pay out because.......eh, don't know.

    Cost me 4600 Euro.

    You might say, the bloody animal won!

    F*cking labbits

    Yes, I know it is not related to the thread!

    But I have something against rabbits

    So sorry

  23. I've had an EVA Air gold card for the last few years, but as I don't fly so often now, I am being downgraded to silver. On another forum, someone posted that EVA have recently changed their policy (in the last 2 months perhaps?) and still allow lounge access in Bangkok with a silver card, but they no longer allow it in Heathrow. I haven't been able to verify this on the original forum, so I am asking if anyone here knows if this is true or not?

    Thanks in advance for any info. :o

    This is called progress!

    Advertised as better service, better this and better that.

    In the meantime, service goes down the drain.

    But in the parlance of the marketeers, communicate to the customers that they get better service, repeat this lie many times, and people will start to believe.

    Besides, on the 747 there are 4 engines, I prefer 4 engines.

    If one breaks down there are still 3 left.

    On the 737, there are only 2.

    If one breaks down there is only 1 left.

    Only 50% OF THE POWER!!!!!

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