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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. Thailand: A country where anyone can be PM (and they don't even have to grow up)!

    I certainly didn't care much for Thaksin, but Abhisit isn't quite the shining star I thought he would be.

    It is rather shortsighted to declare after only a few months and while an economic crisis is raging around the world, including Thailand, to declare the incompetence of the prime minister and his Government.

    Everywhere around the world Governments don't really know what to do and are groping around in Pandora's box.

    Al in all, the Government of Mr Abhisit is not doing badly at all.

    Anyway, he does a better job as Mr Brown and Mr Sarkozy and Mrs Merkel in Europe.

    Even Mr Obama still has to prove his merit.

  2. When you said he "cheated, lied, and stole for himself, and killed many", why don't people bring him to account? Why is it only one land case is judged after almost 3 years? And what? Corruption? Where? Buyer and seller are both right. Land belongs to his wife. He's in jail 2 years for being her husband and PM at the same time? Do you know the whole world is laughing at Thailand for having such a long and detailed Constitution Law to knock political parties and PM easily? And written by those who made and supported a coup in order to knock him.

    Those who want to bring Khun Thaksin down say bad things about him but how many of these are true?

    Shame for those who used a coup and lies to knock Khun Thaksin. If they want to be PM, be politicians. If they want to win elections, love and care for majority of Thais, not only for noble people which are small % in Thailand. It's just that simple.

    What about many others who paint themselves to look good?

    Well said Koo :o

    You will find that the reason the fanatical rabid anti Thaksin posters on this forum hate K Thaksin so much is because they are so scared that he will give power to the poor people of Thailand.

    The anti Thaksin farangs hate him because it threatens the farangs little lifestyles they have in Thailand.

    What the farangs are really scared of is the thought that the poor people will be empowered and that will mean the end of cheep sex and cheep love.

    That is what it's all about with them.

    I personally believe he will return one day and carry on his good work.

    And then...

    Viva le revolution. :D

    You really think Mr T would give power to the poor people of Thailand?

    Are you serious?

    Maybe, just maybe, some farangs come from countries where you learn to take everything politico's do or say with a big bag of salt.

    Most of us are very aware of the fact that NEARLY ALL politicians are in there for the power, and sometimes also for the money.

    And maybe Mr T was very transparent in his deeds.

    Don't ever believe that when poor people get "power" that they will also get a better life.

    There are very many examples in the world where "power to the people" meant more poverty and repression.

    I am just a guest here, live here well, spend some money every year, and I have to admit, I like it here.

    I just look around, see what is happening, and I sincerely hope for the Thai people that Mr T does not come back.

    A clash between the two sides could easily result in a lot of trouble for the country and for the people.

    Good works done by Mr T, really?

    Revolution, have you ever been in one?

    You really want this for the Thai people?

    Rabid Anti Thaksin crowd on Thai Visa.

    No, just realistic people.

  3. I have just bought a car from a friend and changed the plates for new ones. The car is in my name and I have the blue book. However, the transfer was done on Feb 15th 2009. My road tax, however, has not been renewed for the year and I have to pay it again on June 15th 2009. This is when the tax ran out on the old number plate. Is this standard procedure when a transfer happens or have I been done??

    Thanks in advance.


    Had the same.

    Seems to be the remainder of the road tax is transferred to the new numberplate.

  4. Or could it be that the word has gone around that the BIB are either bribeable or inept so the Land of Smiles is a rather handy crime magnet in the sunshine?

    Thailand should tighten it's visa policies. If you have a criminal record you would find it extreemly hard to get into most western countries especially Australia. Maybe it is good for tourism to let all the scum bags of the world into Thailand. Look at places like Pattaya all the sexual deviates and peds gather there. No place for decent families to visit.

    I have an idea that a huge lot of expats in Pattaya don't like to be called sexual deviates or pedophiles by you.

    There are a lot of people that can be considered "normal" living in Pattaya.

    Whatever being normal might be.

    And, please be so kind to explain to me what decent families are?

    If you are a farang, married to a Thai woman, most of your "landsmen" will think of you as a sex crazed monster.

    Same same, ok?

  5. Its the same passport holders for exactly the same crime as we see in Europe. Its the African, Roumanian and Russian gangs we know oh so well.

    And do notice I use the word Passport holder and not nationals. Because we know very well in Europe that when somebody have an UK or French passport its not meaning that it is his country of birth.

    In belgium we have gangs who come across the border from Northern France to commit robberies and drug trafficking.

    And yes they have an French passport but their place of birth is Algeria or Morocco. I would not be surprise that most of the bandits holding an UK passport their birth country is Nigeria or some other ex British colony.

    Because obtaining the French, British, Dutch or belgian nationality is as easy as buying a newspaper.

    Maybe, just maybe you may be a wee bit right.

    However, please be so kind to refrain from telling the world that obtaining a passport from Belgium, France and The Netherlands is a doddle.

    I have no idea about France, nor do I want to know.

    I do know that because of the French speaking part of Belgium, obtaining a Belgium passport is just a case of going to Carrefour, spend € 50, and get a bonus in the form of a Belgium passport.

    Obtaining a Dutch passport was easy, a few years ago.

    Now, it is a hellish kind of torture, and expensive.

    Even a permission to stay in the country is a case of learning Dutch, learning about the country, doing an examination in the Embassy, and then after five years in the country, you may get a passport, for a price!

    Of course you can always become a fugitive.

    But then, your best chances are in Belgium, and maybe France.

  6. Perhaps members can help me out here. If a convicted mass murderer or a paedophile died, should we all pay our last respects? Does somebody whom we hold in total contempt suddenly become Mr. Wonderful in people's minds just because he curls his toes up? Was it wrong to wish the more murderous of our WW2 adversaries dead bearing in mind that we executed quite a few of them when the unpleasantness had finished?

    Can anybody explain to me why I should feel any compassion for members of the clan who profited from the activities of Tacky and his one time spouse to the detriment of the vast majority of the populace?

    :o:D :D

    Hear, hear!

  7. 11 injured in Thai bomb blasts

    Two bombs planted by suspected militants wounded 11 people today in Thailand's Muslim-majority far south, where a separatist insurgency is raging, officials said.

    In Narathiwat province, a bomb hidden on a motorcycle outside a food market exploded soon after dawn, injuring 10 people including two policemen who were guarding the busy gathering place, provincial authorities said.

    The explosives were triggered by mobile phone, police said, but no one was seriously wounded in the blast in Narathiwat's main town.

    Later in the same province, a member of the bomb squad was injured when a suspicious package police were inspecting blew up outside a coffee shop. It was also detonated by a mobile phone signal.

    More than 3,600 people have been killed and thousands more injured in five years of separatist violence in the provinces near the Malaysian border.

    Buddhist-majority Thailand annexed the mainly Muslim, ethnic Malay area in 1902, sparking decades of tension and mistrust.

    Source: AFP - 23 March 2009

    Where you see the Islam, you see violence and murder.

    Look on the globe, and check it out.

    I am sorry for the violence the world gets in the name of Islam.

    So very sorry for all the pain, the deaths, the destroying of people's life, the cultivation of hate.

  8. Just bought a Toyota 1UZ-FE which is a 4000cc V8 petrol engine used in the Lexus LS400 producing 265 BHP. The project is to fit this engine into a 2003 Toyota Hilux Double Cab Prerunner. The existing engine is a 2.5 D4D with an auto box.

    The original engine is fine, just underpowered. Total cost of the new V8 with gearbox, ECU and wiring loom was 25,000 baht from Chieng Kong, Bang Phli. They will also give me 30,000 baht for the old engine, so I'm already 5K in front. There were many engines in many different conditions, but I found a later model at a good price. They can start the engine for you on the deck so you can hear it running. This one looks OK and seems to run well.

    Being a "Prerunner" (2WD) model makes the whole thing much easier (hopefully).

    Anyway, should be a learning curve, this conversion is pretty common down under, and there's a wealth of info on lextreme and toymods.

    Should be underway in a couple of days, waiting for a space in the workshop. I'll update the thread with pics as it progresses.


    Hi there,

    I had several diesel engined vehicles, all with ECU.

    Several were rechipped, reprogrammed or whatever.

    The best one: A Landrover Defender TD5, reprogrammed chip and bigger intercooler, nearly 50% more power. (Scorpion Racing London, Bhp from 134 to 200; torque from 224 to 310 lb/ft

    Drove like a train, had to let it go when coming to Thailand, Thai customs would charge me nearly a cool million baht for importing it into Thailand.

    Extra bonus, when driven leisurely, a very frugal use of diesel, minus 10%.

    When using all the power for pulling a 3-ton trailer with 110-120 km/h, the mpg went back to the normal engine.

    I know, the sound of a V8 is bloody nice, but the sound of a well tuned diesel, be it 4-5-6- or 8 pot, not to spit on either.

    And I particularely love the sound of a 5-pot diesel, sounds like a drum!

    Very gratifying is the surprised looks on people's faces when all of a sudden a standard looking and sounding diesel powered truck barrels away at traffic lights.

    However, no advice from me, just some thoughts.

    Would love to see the results.

    Good luck with the conversion.


  9. If you're not working, typically you stay in side from 10am-4pm when the heat is most intense. Plenty of parks and lakes to go for exercise.

    Property cheap but get a house with a garden so you can grow some trees/ shrubs to keep the heat off the house, plenty of air-conditions also, have a car also otherwise getting about will by annoying.

    A car, in Khon Kaen, might not be such a good idea.

    Traffic can be horrendous 8-10 and 15-19.

    Take a Song Taew as soon as you know the routes.

    Otherwise take a tuk-tuk, arrange the price before getting in.

    40-60 baht is the going rate, the outside villages maybe 70-100 baht.

    Get friendly with a tuktuk driver, get his telephone number, and be certain of service, from him or one of his "friends".

    Motorbike is the best way to go to and fro in Khon Kaen.

    A car outside Khon Kaen can be handy, but bus services are there for nearly all destinations.

    Property to rent or buy is rather cheap indeed, for exercise find out about the mostly free or very cheap fitness clubs, including the one attached to the state hospital on Srichan Road. Including medical advice and control.

    The state hospital and the university hospital are good, get there in the afternoon, much quieter.

    And very cheap!

    Ratchapruek Medical Centre for the private patients and RAM Hospital for the more affluent customers.

    Same doctors as in the State and Uni hospital, by the way.

    Khon Kaen......the place for the people in the know!

  10. i've visited Khon Kaen about 5 times now and every time is more fun than the last. its such a great city, easily my favourite in Thailand and the world. so much fun stuff to do and the people are really nice. i had the time of my life a couple of nights ago with 3 young hottie college students!

    i'm thinking a lot about other places to live if i can get the hel_l out of Ko Phangan (beautiful scenery but a pain in the ass to live there).

    the downsides to living in Khon Kaen I see are:

    1) too far from Bangkok and the rest of Thailand, i want to be more centrally located

    2) too hot and dry in hot season, i like green and wet

    3) the countryside isn't much to look at, at least what i've seen. it all looks flat and featureless within 20-30 mins drive of the city.

    there isn't much I can do about 1 and 2 above but maybe i've missing something about the scenery. are there any scenic areas close to KK? mountains, rivers,?

    thx steve


    I know, I know, Khon Kaen is 450 km from Bangkok.

    Happily that stops a lot of visitors.

    6,5 hours by bus, 55 minutes by air, 10 hours by comfortable night train.

    From Khon Khon good connections by bus to Pattaya, to Chiang Mai, Vientiane, Suvarnibhumi, Si Saket or take your pick.

    Too hot?

    It can be hot in March and April, very hot, but it is dry heat, so much better to stand as wet heat, really!

    Green it is not around Khon Kaen, but wet it is becasue of th paddies.

    Not much to look at, the countryside.

    Go up to Loei and Nong Khai, some 170-200 km, the scenery around the Mekhong and the highlands is breathtaking.

    But I assure you, look around in the countryside around Khon kaen, and maybe you will be able to see the beauty that is there.

    The paddies and the people working on it can be breathtaking in early morning.

    Prices in Khon Kaen are very reasonable, and lower as in tourist infested regions.

    Get used to the idea that Khon Kaen althoughthe second city of Thailand, it is very different from the tourist towns

    And enjoy the real Thailand.

    Or maybe Isan style.

    Isan food is just fantastic, sometimes very spicy, but get used to it and you will eat very healthy indeed.

    Or order your food to be cooked less spicy, no problem.

    I live in Khon Kaen for 4 years now, and I will stay here.

    Visits to Bangkok, Pattaya on a regular basis are made, and always glad to be back home again.

    Think again, and try to see things in a different way, throw away the preconceived ideas about how beauty should be.

    And start living an leisure life!

    Take care

  11. What is the expected life-span of the ubiquitious blue PVC piping used for water and sewage?

    What happens when such life-span is reached and the piping is encased in concrete, such as in a floor or wall?

    What the life span might be, I have no idea.

    In Global House two qualities of blue water pipe are available, guess the best quality stays the best.

    I also know in a house we rent out, 14 years old, all of a sudden the water meter went beserk, in one month 84 m3.

    Normal was about 4-5 m3

    Most of the piping was inside the concrete or under the floor, finding the leak was impossible.

    New piping, the expensive quality, not inside the concrete.

    Maybe encasing the piping into concrete makes it less vulnerable maybe more vulnerable, who knows.

    However, the same material is used in The Netherlands for waste water.

    In my house in Gouda the PVC wastewater piping is there already for 30+ years, and no problem.

    So I guess PVC piping is ok, and there for quite a long time.

    Copper piping would be better, but I have no idea if available in Thailand.

  12. I am hoping to drive from Khon Kaen to Pattaya (shortly before Songkran).

    Anyone have suggestions for best route?


    We did this route a few months ago with 3 skylabs, from Udon Thani to Pattaya, very nice ride.

    From Khon Kaen take the A12 to Korat, near Korat keep to the left to follow the route to Bangkok.

    In Korat take the 304 to Pak Tong Chai-Wang Nam Khiao-Kabin Buri till Plaeng Yao.

    Mind, the 304 is not very well "advertised", just before the entrance to this road is a petrol station, take the service road.

    In Plaeng Yao take the 331 to Satahip/Rayong

    When nearing Ban Lamung pay attention for the secondary road to Pattaya, just after you crossed route 36.

    You will enter Pattaya, cross the railway line and next is Sukhumvit.

    There the choice is yours.

    The 304 is a nice route, and maybe they finished the roadworks by now.

    Mind, on this route are 3 fixed police checkpoints

    When going to visit friends in Pattaya, I always take this route.

    Total about 620 km


  13. Alfredo

    I was at the Ford Dealers in Nakhon Sawan last week and they gave me a price list.

    I am sorry but is in Thai and it looks as though there is 0% finance.

    Double cabs start from around 691,000 for a 2.5 turbo diesel up to 693,000 for the Wildtrak and on to 847,000 for the top of the range 3.0 turbo diesel.

    We have had a 2.5 turbo diesel since Dec 2001 with 183,000 on the clock and only minor repairs mainly due to the dents and scrapes. All my own doing as my wife is a better driver than me.

    If I could afford a new pickup in the current economic climate I would go for another Ford Ranger.

    I used a Toyota Hilux in PNG for 4 months and was less than impressed by it and also a Mitsubishi in New Zealand for a month and I don't like the look of them at all, and I found them not so comfortable either.

    The Ranger is designed in Germany, the engines come from Germany too.

    The inside dimensions of the Ranger are based on a standard European male.

    Dimensions of the Japan & Korean models are base on an international standard male, which is a smaller male.

    For most Caucasians the Ford feels more comfy because of the standard internal dimensions.

    The Ford engines are made for the Ranger, and the Thai-built Ranger is also imported into Germany, but only in 2,5 form

    So no problem with the quality.

    Besides, a 2,5 diesel is a very sweet running motor.

    The 3,0 is a wee bit rougher around the edges.

    But both are very dependable indeed.

  14. I am trying to find out about bus 999, Udon Thani - Khon Kaen - Korat - Suvarnibhumi. I know it departs around 20:30 from Udon, makes stops in Khon Kaen and Korat, and arrives in Swampy around 05:00. I also found out about the price B480. But that is it. Where can I buy tickets in Khon Kaen? What are the times for the return leg from Swampy to Khon Kaen. Where can I find a telephone number? Questions, questions, questions. Anyone who can shed some light? Thanks

  15. French man injured in alleged self-immolation in Khon Kaen

    KHON KAEN: -- A French man allegedly knocked his Thai girlfriend out and set her and himself on fire, police said.

    The man, identified only as Lawa, was severely burned before fire fighters could rescue him and his Thai girlfriend, Somjit Insee, 42, from their rented room in Muang district at 10 am.

    Somjit suffered burns only on her arms. She said she ran to hide in the toilet room.

    She claimed that that man, she met four months ago, knocked her out by banging her head into the floor. When she came to herself, he saw the man was pouring petrol over the floor and on himself and her. She said the man lit up the fire and she ran to hide in the toilet room.

    -- The Nation 2009-03-20

    Department of silly stories, department of unbelievable stories, or maybe even the next installment of the collected tales of the Grimm-brothers.

  16. the OP is just posting a news worthy article,whats all the fuss about.!

    the point the posters are making - and making quite clearly - is that these are unsubstantiated "facts" from a usually unrelaible source. we are not the judge and jury. wait for the real facts and don't support the promulgation of rumours.

    my point is "why choose this particular post to get all moralistic"there have been many topics where an article has been posted with unsubstantiated evidence,and not a murmer of dissent regarding proof in an article.

    If it was a Thai guy that had been killed and a Brit seriously injured, the Thai guy and the rest of the Thai population would have been tried, convicted and sentenced by now by the very people that now take the moralistic high ground cos it's a Farang.

    And in this case all the Thai tell each other that Farang are always making trouble.

    Because, as you know, Farang are the fountain of all ills.



    The big fridge given by the Government to keep the school milk cool and fresh for the pupils ended up in the room of the principal, and is used to keep cool the drinks for him and the other teachers, including assorted bottles of whisky

    The school milk is still served to the pupils warm and sometimes undrinkable because of the exposure to the heat.

    Free School Uniforms

    The Government decided to give the school uniforms for the pupils free.

    The first to make a choice were the teachers, probably for their own children, or maybe to sell to other people, who knows.

    So many uniforms were taken away by the first choice of the teachers that several pupils had no uniform at all.


    Several new 32” tv-sets were given to the school to be used as educational classroom help.

    The boxes were stored in the room of the principal for the weekend.

    The next Monday the sets were distributed to the classrooms.

    All were different, mostly small screen, old and obviously used.

    The empty boxes of the new 32” sets served the children very well for a few days in the playground of the school.


    A new computer was delivered to the school for getting the pupils in the highest groups to know IT better and to get to know the internet, which was not possible with the old computer.

    The old computer from the classroom disappeared, the new computer was stored in the box in the office of the principal, waiting for better days, probably.

    A few days later the principal was seen transporting a older computer from his car into his office, and next day into the classroom.

    A few days later the boxes with the new computer and the flatscreen were loaded into the car of the principal, never to be seen again.

    However, the pupils now were able to surf the internet, sort of.

    Clean water

    Many pupils in the school got ill from drinking water right out of the tap.

    After much trouble the Government decided to give a good water purifier to the school.

    The machine was delivered to the school in boxes, while the school had to pay for the installation out of their own funds, a technician was chartered, who loaded the machine into his truck, drove off, and came back later with a not too big box containing a smallish water purifier.

    The small purifier was installed in the room of the principal.

    The pupils still get ill from drinking tap water.


    After receiving complaints from parents about the milk and water, an inspection of the school was scheduled.

    The school was duly told to expect the inspection, including time.

    The inspector came, was received into the office of the principal, and had a drink, with icecubes.

    After a couple of hours the inspector was sent on it’s way, clutching an envelope.

    Nothing changed.


  18. For immigration purposes only, I have a one million baht bank acct., in my name only. I have also deposited 350,000 bt. in my wife's name only, all at Bangkok Bank, Carrefour branch.

    I was a widow, I'm 85 years old, so my future is limited. I have been married to a lovely Thai woman, 53 yrs old, not a

    stunner", but close, for three years now.

    I don't have anyone back in the U.S. that I want to leave it to, and since she has shown such devotion and cared for me so good I want to make sure she gets the bank account when I die. A gentleman acquaintence who works at Immigration advised me that if I had no problems qualifying, financially, for the retirement visa, (NI-I), not to bother changing to a marriage visa, because it was a pain in the ass for both me, and immigration.

    Can anyone help me. what are my options to make sure she can access my account after my death ? In California, where I lived, it's community property, so it AUTOMATICALLY goes to the wife, if there is one........ Thank you, ErnieK

    Hello there.

    This might become a case for two national laws.

    I had a Dutch testament which described that all my possessions OUTSIDE The Netherlands were for my wife.

    Everything inside The Netherlands was for my children from my first marriage.

    Had this Dutch will translated into Thai.

    Together with the wife off we went to the Amphur, made out a concept will for me and one for my wife.

    Had the Thai concepts translated into Dutch.

    Back to the Amphur where both Thai wills were deposited, including the Dutch will & translation.

    The Dutch translation of the Thai will & translation I deposited with a notary office as part of my original Dutch testament.

    I presume something like that can also be done under US/law,

    Take care

  19. but I have heard that the downside to registering my marriage to my Thai wife may jeopardize her ability to purchase and own land. We have been married 12 years (US marriage) and she currently owns land in Phuket that we bought 4 years ago. Is it true that Thai women married to farangs have land ownership restrictions?

    There are no restrictions whatsoever apart from the fact that you will have to sign a form at the land office saying that you have no rights to the land. She can own as much land as she wants.

    As far as I know, the form states that the money used for the buying of the land/building is from the Thai who buys the land and was not given to the Thai by a foreigner and said money did not come from abroad.

    If, and only if, the form would have stated that the farang has no rights whatsoever to the land, and not stipu;ating where the money comes from, it might be possible that because you have supplied the money you might claim the land if you want your money back.

    And by signing the form, you have no rights whatsoever.

  20. Hello. I am planning to go from Chiang Mai to Vientiene to get myself a tourist visa.

    I want to rent a car in CM, drive to Nong Khai, and park it there for 3 days while I am in Laos.

    Can anyone recommend a place?

    Can be for a fee, of course, looking for a safe place..



    Last time I parked my car on the grounds of the Immigration Police.

    The one you have to go for your extensions & all.

    No problem at all!

  21. Plea to moderators - Please make opening a bank account in thailand into a pinned topic!

    Just today we have not one but two new threads started about "what do I need to start a bank account" (here and in the business forum) ... to join the countless other pre-existing threads on the same topic.

    Doesn't anyone ever spend a few minutes either flicking through the old threads or doing a forum search before starting a new thread on this subject? All the info you need is there already

    But nope, each time we get the same "this guy in this bank said .." and then "oh, i went to that bank and they said <the other>. "Oh, that must have been a different brach then?", and on it goes.

    News flash: you don't need a work permit to open an account! Different staff in the same branch of the same bank will tell you different things about what is or isn't required. This has usually nothing to do with head office policy and everything to do with a lot of other things, including ignorance of what their own rules really are.

    Hence there is little point in saying to some newbie to go a specific bank at some location and you will be ok (i.e. because I was when I went there).

    Better advice is simply to walk along any street and try each bank you come to, you will almost certainly walk out with a passbook by about the third bank.

    TMB will, in principle, only open an account for a non-Thai if you have a work permit & all

    KTB, SCB, TB, Kasikorn, don't have this rule.

  22. My only daughter is 32 years old. I doubt they want me for child support payments. She makes more money than I do!.

    I wonder what kind of country the US is to take away a passport of a citizen and leaving that citizen abroad without any form of identity.

    Glad I am not a US citizen.

    Besides that, all the problems that country makes to get inside, I am not inclined to go there either.

    What a country.

    If I transfer money from my own country to Thailand, the F***** authorities of the f****** US get informed about that.

    Not of their g*dd*mn business.

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