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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. A Melbourne mother is stuck in Thailand charged with theft and facing time in a Phuket jail cell.

    Thirty-six-year-old Annice Smoel says: "I get very scared when I see police. I'm just trying to keep it together, so I can get home." Undercover police arrested Smoel in the early morning hours of May 3.

    Patong Police claim Smoel stole a bar mat from Phuket's Aussie Bar. Smoel spent the next day in a four-metre-by-four-metre cell with three other women.

    Police have confiscated Smoel's passport. Smoel says she is struggling with a severe language barrier and doesn't know what will happen next.

    She is facing between two and five years jail - and has not been given any food in the past four days according to her lawyer.

    3AW Breakfast is speaking to Smoel, her husband and lawyer now.

    And if true, another one for the popularity of Thailand?


  2. HI

    What do you use, and maybe what car do you drive

    I use gasoline 95 from Shell, a bit expensive 37B, but i don’t “trust” gasohol do you?


    I drive a Honda CRV 2003, quite happily on petrol 91.

    If your car is suitable to drive on gasohol, well, do so.

    If you do not know if that is the case, ask the dealer, preferably 2 or 3.

    Knowledge about this point seems to be a bit fragmented and not entirely on par with the official factory guidelines.

    So tread gently

    Most petrol cars in Thailand are (de)tuned for 91, anyway if there is a chip in the car, it will drive on 91.

    Shell is a good bet, most products are euro 3/4 or 4, like in Europe.

    Diesel cars or trucks will drive happily on all diesel supplied in Thailand.

    Most have a chip, so will tune the engine on the run for any quality of diesel.

    Again, Shell is Euro 3/4 or 4, best bet again.

    More miles or kilometers per litre or gallon for diesel, generally.

    Most diesel engines in Thai trucks or cars are the same as the ones supplied to European trucks/cars.

    Some are made in Europe (Ford, Mazda), some are made in Thailand, some in Japan, Korea, anywhere!

    Good luck

  3. the wonders of pattaya

    wonder if she enhoyed her german sausage :)

    The two quarreled while having sex so she bit him and he called friends to send him to the hospital.

    very bad move

    when I was at school Belgium and Germany were 2 different countries. Belgium is famous for chocolate, maybe she wanted to get to the soft centre

    Probably you did not pay enough attention?

    There were two Germanies, now there is one.

    There was, and is, one Belgium, comprising of Flanders and Wallon.

    Both are a shame.

    There should still be two Germanies, and two sovereign states in the land that now encompasses Belgium.

    So sad

  4. Tourism contributes 6% to Thailand's GDP.

    If tourism fell to ZERO, not a single visitor, no hotels, no meals, no soapies.

    It would only be down six percent. Get a grip.

    "Only 6%" - that is Billions of Baht - combine this with the decreases in the manufacturing sector and you are looking at serious problems for the economy

    Indeed, and please let us not forget the kind of people at the bottom end, so to say, eek a living out of the 6%

  5. Won't be surprise if this is true.

    He can built his dream kingdom there.

    When he was boss of Man City, he expect the players to 'wai' to him.

    Now, wonder what he will expect those working on the island do when they see him? :)

    A wai is an entirely polite Thai greeting. It is not subservient or fawning. Though you're trying to insinuate it is, and a folie de grandeur on his part.

    I hear Donald Trump is also averse to hand shaking. Given the amount of germs and bacteria transmitted when people wipe their bottoms then shake someone's hand, it seems like a smart move to avoid it !!!

    On the other hand there seem to be gradations in making a wai!

  6. it was, and still is, everywhere in the world, that prices are quoted before tax and fuel surcharges. Even when you are booking directly with an airline, first usually you are shown a bare fare and than the rest.

    maybe instead of booking through thai travel agents, you should check the european ones, as well as the airlines. Sometimes booking directly with the airline is cheaper than agent by a few k baht

    2 years ago NZ made it law to advertise the 'complete' price - taxes and fees included. It evens out the playing field.

    In a lot of countries, including all of Europe, advertised prices should be including ALL surcharges, or the total price payable excluding the handling fee of the agent where you book/buy your ticket.

    That means exactly what it means, the airline only is obliged to advertise the all-in price in the country where the ad is appearing in and where this law is applicable.

    Taxes are so high, because Governments and Airports charge so much.

    The fuel surcharge will go up when oil prices go up, and will not go down for various valid and invalid reasons when the oil prices go down.

    Booking through the internet a long before the travel date will make the ticket cheaper.

    Agents, understandably, most of the time will try to book you through an airline that gives the highest provision to them.

    And your wish to get the lowest price will sometimes, or most of the time, clash with the agents needs.

    Also, sometimes booking through an agent in another country (your home country?) is possible and can make your tickets very much cheaper.

    I was quoted for a return ticket from Bangkok to Dusseldorf of € 710, including by the airline itself from the office in Bangkok.

    The total price I paid to an agent in Holland for the same ticket on the same days was €541.

    Being an E-ticket, there was no problem in obtaining the ticket.

    Most of the time sending the tickets to you by mail might prove a worry.

    The journey went without any trouble at all.

    Shop around!

    There is a growing group of airlines that do not pay provision to agents any more, because of the growth of the internet and direct bookings being made by the customers, which means you will have to pay the provision to the agent by yourself, and that can be anything between 3% and 8%.

    And that is also the reason why E-tickets booked by yourself can be cheaper.

  7. Bring them on, guess they must be bore since the BOSS is on the quite side for now. :)

    The yellow side has shrugged off the reds as a spent force ever since the reds first formed. Complacency is a very dangerous thing, as we saw recently during the summit in Pattaya, and over Songkran. It would be nice to see an end to street violence, but the reds are probably just regrouping, and the problem is going to return in one form or another.

    A truce does not equal a peace deal. This colour coded problem comes and goes ever since the PAD took politics out onto the steet. Don't kid yourself into thinking that this problem will disappear by itself.

    Its the PAD that caused all of Thaksin's massive, unprecedented corruption, that precipitated all of these problems. Now I understand!!

    And - if Thaksin was so bad and universally hated - why not just beat him in an e-l-e-c-t-i-o-n. Peacefully, properly, and convincingly.

    Ah, but in the last election he got most votes.

    But not enough to go it alone. (maybe for the best)

    He needed other parties to get a majority to be able to form a government.

    Same as the democrats did to get a government together.

    And seeing the world being in the economic turmoil, they do rather well.

    No politician is doing things for you, the politician wants power!

    Rich people going into politics don't need the money, they go in for more power.

    Rich people in politics use the power they get to grab more money.


  8. Hi, My wife and I were married in Canada 4 years ago, but we never registered the marriage here because it seemed like a hassle. Now it seems that we need to get it registered here, so I got the Marriage registration from Canada, had it translated by a professional, and took it to the amphur.

    They said I need to get my embassy to stamp it with some kind of seal. But my Embassy says it needs to go to the Thai ministry of foreign affairs, but they say my embassy...

    So what am I really supposed to do? Does any have experience with this issue?

    Your marriage papers should have been legalised in Canada (Canadian Foreign affairs first and Thai embassy second)

    Legalisation of papers originating in any country can only be legalised in that country.

    Maybe the Amphur can help you, bring the Canadian (translated) marriage papers with you.

  9. Swiss tourist found strangled on Krabi beach

    KRABI: -- A female tourist from Switzerland was found strangled on a beach in this southern province Thursday.

    Police said the tourist was found dead on Noppharat Beach in Tambon Aonang of Muang district.

    She was found lying down with the strap of her handbag tied around her neck.

    She was identified as Edis Jungen, 30.

    Police said she checked into the Andaman Sunset Hotel on Tuesday and checked out on Wednesday.


    -- The Nation 2009-05-07

    And another case for the decline of the tourist income of Thailand

  10. Anything better for this story in English? It will probably come sooner or later.

    Another blow to tourism..........what was that song they were playing when the Titanic went down?


    Such tragic events happen not only in Thailand and I can not see why it is a blow for tourism.

    Crime takes place everywhere in the world.

    Point taken and you are right! But most people when in their own country understand the local social problems and the places not to go or to go....The unfortunate thing here is that this will be on the news world wide and Thailands name mentioned in the wrong light again so yes it will effect some peoples views of this country and whether to holiday here or not...Its about time there was a gun amnisty here with maybe a handover reward for illegal guns....maybe it would help save a few innocent lives..


  11. Anything better for this story in English? It will probably come sooner or later.

    Another blow to tourism..........what was that song they were playing when the Titanic went down?


    Such tragic events happen not only in Thailand and I can not see why it is a blow for tourism.

    Crime takes place everywhere in the world.

    Our lord gave you brains.

    Now be so kind to use the ability to think.

    All violence makes tourists think again.

    Seen the dialogues, comments, messages, news & all about Thailand, also in this here website, maybe one might start to think that the country of smiles is getting a wee bit less smiling?

    So sorry.

  12. Just a report about how I did get an “Extension of stay” (for 1 year) on a Non-Immigrant “O” visa. And on a more personal note I would like to say that the Immigration office of Pattaya seems to have improved very much. I had some unfriendly experiences there before but not anymore. Friendly staff that is doing what they should do. And mostly they do it with a smile.


  13. Just some reflections about Thai media and their reporting...

    Three days ago my wife's 34 years old relative was killed/murdered by a 47 year old neighbor. They both knew each other well. It all started when they during this weekend daytime sat and drank alcohol together. Suddenly one word went wrong from may wife's relative and the other guy went mad of anger and started to put up a fight. Not very uncommon in both Thailand and in the rest of the world. Anyway... My wife's relative then grabbed an empty bottle and smashed it halfway to use as a weapon and then said to the other guy to calm down and take it easy. Then the fellowship parted and everyone went back to their houses. After my wife's relative got inside his house, he felt a little bit bad about what happened and decided to pay a visit to the angered neighbor and ask for forgiveness about what he earlier said that made the neighbor upset. Well there he said to the angered neighbor that he was sorry about what he had said asked for forgiveness. -Never! The neighbor shouted and then attacked him with a larger knife and stabbed his chest and stomach seventeen times. It was so bad that some of the intestines started to come out from the wounds. Needless to say that my wife's relative died pretty quick. And as if that wasn't enough... As the body laid on the ground totally mutilated and lifeless, the neighbor then started to pull the pants of the victims body. It appears (cultural tradition?) that when a killer is taking the clothes of his murdered victim, it is solely to disgrace the murdered person even more before the public or people that will find the body.

    I remember from replies on Thaivisa news clippings (from Thai media), where there have been cases of murdered foreigners in Thailand... Some posters here wondered why, in almost all murder cases, the victim (farang) is found without clothes. So now you know the reason for that.


    The incident was reported in the paper media press. But the story was totally different from what actually happened (there were around 5-6 witnesses that can confirm what I wrote above). As it appeared in the press, the story was changed to the opposite. -The neighbor were just defending himself from my wife's relative who instead where about to kill the neighbor. The fact that the murdered didn't have any weapon of any kind, is also not mentioned. As soon as my wife and the relatives of hers saw the news, they knew directly why the story was changed. The figured out that the reason probably was because the murderers sister is married to a policeman.

    So, now you know why many (often westerners) murder victims are without clothes in the media pictures! In case you got burglars... cheat on your Thai wife... or marry a woman who only want's your insurance money... or don't need you after you have invested all your savings in properties that you don't own in your name... or... make your neighbor upset. Big chance that your naked body end up in the news.

    Life is cheap. Just another day i Thailand...

    Amen, Satu, Omein, Inshallah, whatever

  14. I remember reading some while ago that passengers were not allowed to book flights with Air asia by using somebody elses creditcard i.e. i cannot book a flight with my creditcard for my wife and daughter if i am not travelling.

    Does anyone know if this still applies ?

    I think Airasia is okay as you get a print out but not quite sure, best to check with them first

    Most of the time airlines with this rule, will accept a fotocopy of the creditcard.

    Maybe some email might help?

  15. My step-daughter asked me this question the other day and I told her I don't know the correct answer, but would ask. So does anyone who knows more about cars than myself, not too difficult, have any reliable answers. She also asked about petrol v. diesel. I told her that they both have advantages and disadvantages after reading the various past threads on the subject. The Honda she is interested in is the CRV and the Chevrolet the Captiva. I like the looks of the Captiva, but am not convinced about Chevrolet. She is interested in buying a new car as well, not second-hand. Thanks for any pointers/opinions.

    I drive an old style CRV.

    Splendid car, looks good, drives nicely, good cornering, and also, I presume, quite safe to drive, reliable!


    It is not very cheap to drive, uses about a litre of petrol for every 9-9,5 km.

    On LPG, 60 litres of LPG every 480 km.

    Not typical for my car alone, brother in law and friend of my wife drive the same type of Honda, same story.

    I think the new style Honda may use the same amount of petrol or LPG, or maybe even CNG.

    And I really do not like the new model, but that is personal.

    The Captiva seems to be ok, seems to be more frugal

    The differences between diesel and petrol engines are getting smaller and smaller.

    The only thing that ends the discussion is the more frugal ways of the diesel.

    Me, next car will be diesel.

  16. Thailand aint cheap like it used to be, especially if you are living from Sterling.....when gas prices went through the roof so did prices in the supermarkets...tuna up from 21 baht to 28 baht...bread 24 baht up to 36 baht are just two examples....factor that in with low exchange rates and cost of living has doubled in a year.....gas prices tumbled but food prices have stayed the same.....in order to atttract tourists, prices need to come down and the Baht devalued....


    Please take into account that the pound declined in general, globally.

    That is not the fault of the baht!

    Prices went up because of the oil prices, which is a trifle strange, and prices in supermarkets will never decline again.

    Why should they do that, you need food anyway, and getting lower prices is nearly impossible.

    However, I see a lot of moneysaving going around in Tesco, Big C and even Makro.

    So let us hope that one way or another the prices will go down.

    But TIT, and lowering prices seems to be a loss of face, so don´t pin your hopes on that.

    Better try to tone down your spendings, or change your lifestyle.

    Both are the only way to cope.

    Forget the notion that prices need to go down and/or the baht should be devalued.

    In your case, the pound is the biggest culprit, so tell your politicians to get the worth of the pound higher.

    And yes, I also lost money because of the financial crisis and the loss of value of the pound.

    However, I am paid in euros, so it is not to bad for me.

  17. 30% to 50% less bookings and occupancy?

    In Thailand?

    And that all on account of the unrest?

    So the unrest in Thailand is also the reason for the decline in bookings in the rest of Asia, Europe and Australia?

    The blame, for the biggest part is the economic decline so nicely loaded onto the world by the professional people like bankers and other so called financial specialists. (aka rip-artists)

    The people who grab, grab, and grab in a very obscene and near criminal way.

    Indeed, the unrest inThailand will not help, quite obvious.

    The banks don't help either by charging 150 baht for a withdrawal.

    Although the price of oil tumbled, the airlines still do nothing about prices, they cancel planes to get the occupancy high.

    But most Thai venues prefer empty rooms and no sales.

    Lower prices?

    No, prefer to go bust!

    It is indeed very difficult to understand in the business world that in times of decline, you have to go with the flow.

    Like one can do the other way around in better times.

    Some businesses know.

    They try to do something about the results of the crisis and try to cope.

    They will survive, hopefully.

  18. Lastly i will confirm again , the common sense way to avoid paying this 150 baht fee too often is stop taking out small amounts , withdraw as much as you can in one go. Simple economics eh?

    I use the ATM 20+ times per month and withdraw the maximum each time so it will still cost me over 3,000thb per month in charges in addition to what I already pay with my issuing bank.

    Simply unacceptable.

    I think this should be dealt with in another forum but its just not right for you to be using the ATM so many times. I don't see why you don't open a bank account like HSBC for example and get the money sent from the UK and then withdraw the cash in Thailand? Is this not possible for you? Certainly possible if you are in BKK. I do this when in BKK and it costs me NOTHING to send the money from the UK and NOTHING to withdraw it , although this does involve going into the branch itself..not possible for everyone i guess but works for me .

    Last time I sent some money from Natwest to KTB, I was charged 25 pounds by Natwest.

    Also the rate used by natwest for converting pounds in bahts was very bad.

    Sending pounds makes it a little better.

    But the charge remains 25 pounds

    When sending euros to natwest from Holland, Natwest charges me 7 pounds.

    Which is illegal by Euro rules.

    Dear brethren, the banks deliverd the financial crisis to the world, made a lot of people poorer, costing jobs, and more of the same.

    You think they learned?

  19. The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) yesterday announced a new campaign called "12 months, 7 Stars, 9 Suns" to boost domestic tourism all year round.

    Today, Tourism Minister Chumpol Silapa-archa will present a tourism rescue package that includes insurance coverage for foreign tourists and preventive measures against the flu.


    I see.

    So this is the right time for the banks to charge 150 baht for ATM-withdrawals.

    Of course, that will help very much too!

    And now is also the very right time for the immigration authorities to finish off the remainder of the tourists by changing the rules again.

    Making it, for example, near impossible to stay longer as 30 days, and shorter as 15 days.

    Maybe throw in a minimum spending per day?

    Of course to withdraw from the ATM in portions of maximum 5000 baht per withdrawal.

    Any more bright ideas, maybe?

    Any ideas, people?

  20. Perhaps Thailand is just trying to catch up with the US, in terms of insane gun violence.


    Only the US?

    Why only the US?

    Because the happen to have liberal gun laws?


    What about Germany, England, and so on and so on.......

    In short all the countries with restrictive gun laws!

    remember, and please do not forget ever: people are violent, people kill.

    And use tools to do that, any tools, legal or illegal.

    Most of the time, in countries with the most heavy gun laws, the illegal possession and availablilty of guns is blooming.

    For example the Netherlands, VERY restrictive gun laws indeed.

    Not even a slingshot is allowed, or somethoing that looks like a gun.

    But shooting incidents, killings with guns, illegal finds of guns, plenty.

    And it is thought that maybe as much as 3-4 million illegal guns, OR MORE, are possesed by the population.

    Violence is something to be found in very many people!

  21. I personally beleve a democracy works only in a high educated country, like in Europe US or Australia, etc. In third world countries is better to be in dictatorship, because peaple aren't educated enought to understand politics and economics.

    Would that be like the "highly educated" people in the west, the cream of the crop having taken up jobs in the financial sector over the past 20 years? Would that be like the democracy that allowed for 25 highly educated and extremely welathy hedge fund managers to pay off a certain Sen. Schumer from New York to insure that a certain glaring US tax loophole that affected only those 25 plus a few more was not closed? Or to keep it more regional and put it into some historical perspective, would that be like the "best and the brightest" back in the early 1960s who brought us the war in Vietnam?

    So excuse me if I fail to see a connection between education and democracy. What I see amongst the former PPP supporters, the redshirts, are some poor people who were given a few crumbs in exchange for their votes, a prominent feature of democracy, who are now facing an opposing faction that advocates taking away their votes and their few crumbs. What I see in Thailand is a group of what you call "educated people" who don't understand politics and democracy as well as the uneducated poor do, and whose only understanding of economics is just like those highly educated folks in the west, limited to the economics of me-me-me.

    So Stingray, step right up and don a yellow shirt and raise your right arm to Sondhi.

    Shame on you for attaching the rising of the right arm to Sondhi.

    And for the rest I think you live with your ideas in Atlantis.

  22. The army has not learned it lessons. You cannot win an uprising. Neither in the South, neither in Bangkok, neither in the North or North East. The army is big and slow, therefore the protestors can move quickly and strike wherever they want. if they want to disrupt the daily live they can do so. The army clear one crossing they take 4 crossings, when the army moves in, they move out, regroup and take new targets, huge armies have lost that way. There is not other solution than striking a deal which is acceptable for each and everyone.

    Maybe you should consider this:

    Any army can win from rabble, as long as the army has nothing to stop it; be it politics, press, or whatever.

    The only way that army can be hindered or stopped is by politics, press or whatever.

    And read for the whatever any moral, economical, suitable topic.

  23. Thanks to the replys so far. i am not to worried about slipping the BIB a few baht if i get pulled. My concern is, am i covered insurance wise?

    The red plate is a temporary numberplate, issued to the company that delivers you the car or motorbike.

    Temporary, because the official numberplate will only available to you after a certain period of time.

    If checked by the police, they can look up the register of red plates.

    No restrictions should be applied to the red plate, if the insurance is paid and valid for the car.

    If you have to pay somewhere for driving with a red plate, or getting another red plate, guess...............

    Yes, indeed, welcome to the club!

  24. If your going to go sailing your fancy rich yacht around dangerous seas close to the province of people starving with no money or possessions don't be surprised if your attacked!

    Its like walking through a ghetto wearing a Rolex! what do you expect?

    Really, soft rich white folk having 'an adventure' really should do more research and take more precautions.

    Of course its all very sad and my commiserations go out to the family etc etc etc...but really!...stick to a boating lake in Surrey loves.

    In Dutch we have a saying: HE IS TALKING OUT OF HIS NECK.

    Fits you!

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