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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 39 minutes ago, connda said:

    As far as I know that are no Western countries forcing Thai expats to check in with their Immigration services every 90 days.  Quid pro quo. 
    What is it with Thai elites that they are so fearful of foreigners?  Their response is indicative of psychopathy manifesting as acute paranoia.  Even talk of GPS wristband for tourists in the halls of power. "If you no watch farang they do no good to Thai people.  Bad farang behind every tree.  If not watch they jump out and get you!!!"
    The folk at the top need therapy in order to bring them into the 21st century.

    The question is, what etnicity the powerful are, and what is the difference with, for example, China?

  2. 29 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:




    After coming here for 15 years, and acquiring a wife, child and house here, 7 years ago I made the decision to come and live here. I fully intend, God willing, to end my days here. When I die they can burn me, I don't mind as long as someone says a Requiem for me!


    I like living here, in a comfortable if not lavish home, with my wife and teenage daughter, three dogs and two cats. I enjoy my part time job teaching English, and think that through it I contribute to the society in which I live. I like the country and the people of the country, much of their culture, the climate, and their often happy go lucky approach to life.


    I am very critical of those who currently govern this country. I am critical of the way they seized power when it became clear that their favoured party was on the way to losing the last proper election, I am critical of the self serving, venal, xenophobic and cynically self perpetuating regime that they put in place. I am critical of the way in which they have institutionalised corruption, turned it into a political tool, and of how they casually plunder the country, caring not at all whether they are seen or not.


    I am very critical at the moment of the utter shambles which they have made of facing the greatest challenge to this country in the last 50 years, a shambles which I believe is a direct result of the characteristics and behaviour which I outlined in the previous paragraph. A shambles, which with others, is adversely affecting the future prospects of this country and it's people.


    My criticism does not mean that I wish to abandon my wife and child, home, job and life here to return to a lonely old age in the UK. I will continue to live here, and where appropriate voice my views on this forum.


    By the way, if you think I am critical of this government and it's performance, you ought to hear what teenagers and young people are saying!

    You are here for some years now, but obviously you forgot the track record of governments lead by the Thaksin faction.

    War against drugs, agreement that black money was good, the rice fiasco, threats of breaking up the country, threats of forming an army, rise of the xenophobic ideas fuelled by T's words, the complete grinding to a halt of the country, and the real threat if a civil war, etc, etc, etc.

    No, I don't like coups, and I love what is left of democratic ideas.

    But most certainly Thaksin c.s. used democratic means to reach his own goals.

    Remember his shady land deals, his telecom deals costing the country a huge amount of money?

    I do remember.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Thalueng said:

    Bank letter not older than 7 days before extension/renewal of visa, and copy of bank book on the day. There must be a transaction (deposit or withdrawal) on the day so that the actual balance of your account will show, and of course you need to print the book after the transaction.

    Most if not all immigration offices have a copy machine service. Do not copy documents yourself, have them copied there, it's not expensive and the staff doing the copying know which pages need to be copied how many times for which type of visa.

    And what about if you have no bankbook?

    Account without bankbook?

  4. On 4/24/2021 at 11:48 PM, BenDeCosta said:

    Usually my bill is 700-900 baht per month. This month it was 2300, admittedly we have been using the a/c a bit more because it's the hot season, but even so I was shocked. Now it's more expensive that my electric bill in the UK, which was around £40 a month. 

    Last time in Holland I paid for electricity and gas €350 per month, and that was 15 years ago.

    This month the electric bill was 6100 baht, around 165 euro.

    A lot, you say, but running airco is not cheap.

    The rest of the year the bills are in the 3000 baht range.

    I refuse to melt away slowly.

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    • Haha 1
  5. On 4/14/2021 at 6:13 PM, BenDeCosta said:


    That's nuts, more than ten times the price in the UK. I'll just have to be conservative when using it. How can something that costs 50 baht in the UK end up costing 500-600 baht in Thailand?

    Import duties, transport, taxes, VAT, extra profit paid by Farang, etc.

    But, a pot of 170 grams costing 139 baht at Lazada isn't 600 baht, is it.

    Or a tin of 113 grams of powdered Colman's for 189 baht doesn't break the bank also.

  6. 2 hours ago, scorecard said:

    This is why landlords should ask for big deposits, and a good reason to not refund the deposit until there's proof of payment of all bills, all damage etc.


    Been there done that, and the foreign tenants the worst at leaving the house filthy dirty, furniture, walls, or disappeared, pool damaged and bills not paid. 


    Foreigners are the worst?

    I have very different experiences.

  7. 1 hour ago, ChrisKC said:

    Am I right that some people think the law about land ownership for foreigners is a bureaucratic one? I don"t think so. It is about the abuse there (could) would be in buying property simply to sell it on to another foreigner at a substantially higher price. This is arising from the property prices in the West being very much greater than in Thailand. One sells their property in USA for example,  at the going rate, say $500,000. This capital will allow two similar Thai properties to be purchased and sold on with a profit of say, $100,000, to two other foreigners who will still get something better than an equivalent price back home.


    This scenario artificially creates a rise in property prices that begins to exclude Thai people


    I am in favour of land ownership in Thailand but with conditions that prevent the above.

    You describe very well how Chinese business interests operate.

  8. On 1/10/2021 at 7:52 AM, Natai Beach said:

    The shower thing is fairly normal. 

    farangs are infamous for being shower shy in Thailand. Don’t be lazy, keep yourself clean. Farangs have a more pungent body odor than can be quite offensive. 

    The lack of affection is normal when a woman just isn’t into you anymore. You have been away, she might have found a more skillful and cleaner lover. 

    Are you giving her orgasms everytime? You might want to work on your technique. 

    Farang can have a pungent pong that can be offensive?


    Ever smelled a Thai after having eaten dishes with spicy food and/or garlic.

    The smell is really awful.

    The farang I know shower twice a day, at least, while many Thai I know only shower if it is not too cool.




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