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Posts posted by Petey11

  1. 4 hours ago, Purdey said:

    Are they all Burmese or Thai Burmese, because if they are Burmese nationals they can be sent back over the border.

    Became intrigued how Thai law works when I read:

    The police intended to visit each residence of the teenage members for questioning and to arrest those found guilty.

    No court proceedings needed?

    I thought normal procedure was suspicion, arrest, question, evidence, charge. You never know in Thailand if they are going to follow that procedure.

  2. 7 hours ago, anchadian said:

    Why are so many foreigners reported DUI when many Thais are never reported?

    Do they only catch foreigners?


    Another useless post.

    I was stupid enough to do it although only just over the limit, in court there were 14 of us, all the others were Thai, some received two week jail because not afford the fine. Most Thai I know think nothing of doing it.

  3. 2 hours ago, Jackbenimble said:

    Thais deal with death very differently than westerners do.......they assume the dead are crossing over to a better place and a new life which is something to celebrate whereas westerners consider it a tragic end to life and it's highly upsetting for us. Thai emergency services even take selfies with the dead.

    It's neither wrong or right.........it's just different. 

    Being in a position to help someone to NOT die and not doing it - choosing instead to film them drowning - is not a Thai thing, it's something that happens now all over the world and I blame social media. Our "click" driven society have lost touch with reality. 

    I was taken aback that Thais photo funerals. Went to my bro in law's funeral in UK and my Thai girlfriend asked if I could send her photos or video. Had to explain it's not the done thing in the UK to do that.

  4. Think everyone is different, regardless of nationality. From experience just coming out of a 4 year relationship, my girlfriend didn't express her feelings about things. Reason for breakup was silly but she said it was "the last time she was going to get hurt by something I said". After talking about there were several times  things were said by both in the past that "hurt" her feelings. I said that maybe if she had expressed her feelings at those times it wouldn't have ended up like it did. The classic men are not mind readers came up. If I was ever "hurt" by something she said or did, I let her know so she would think in the future.

  5. 8 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    From the name I'm assuming he's a fellow Brit.

    It's an accident that could happen to anyone, I managed to break my jaw falling of a bicycle, I was perfectly sober and wearing a helmet. My ancient pal broke his hip, after toppling his m/c over when he was stopped in his driveway. Also perfectly sober.


    Accidents happen all the time, all over the world, if you're lucky you get up and walk away.

    But sometimes the seriousness of the injury is out of all proportion to the accident.

    Quite agree. When I was training for my motorcycle licence one of the trainers told me he had come off at 60mph in a country lane, ended up in a field and walked away, couple of years later he come off at about 15mph over a speed hump and broke his leg. Pure luck how you fall.

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  6. 1 hour ago, dinsdale said:

    Just complete insanity. Please tell me they are not going for zero before opening everything. Lowered from lvl 4 to lvl 3. What a joke. Lvls should no longer exist and the whole lot should be opened. State of Emergency. Why? Not to do with Omicron that's for sure.

    100% if they want zero COVID they can get the figures to show that. You really believe there are only 6000k new infections. If they done proper community surveillance like UK they would know the true number. Same UK reporting only 7000k odd but ONS survey shows several million. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    These kind of allegations will not come as any surprise to anybody who has lived in Thailand or some time.

    Something has gone seriously wrong within Thai Society, and these kind of depraved things seem to be the normal nowadays.


    Probably find it's been going on for decades or more, it's just that with today's modern media more gets reported. Same in every country unfortunately. People have to report these crimes if they become aware of them. UK now I believe it is an offence to know about child abuse happening and not report it to the authorities.

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  8. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    Government spokesman Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana said on Monday that new daily COVID-19 cases were stable in many areas and tended to fall in some areas due to people’s cooperation with disease control measures.

    What he means is people's co-operation with not reporting positive ATK and resisting testing due to draconian isolation methods and no social fund to compensate for lack of work if isolating.

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