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Posts posted by Petey11

  1. 1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    And a very unusual / strange development -- FOURTEEN COVID deaths reported for the day in the NE province of Roi Et (by far the most of any single province for the day).... compared to only five in the vastly larger and more populous province of Bangkok.


    Normally, for some time now, Bangkok has regularly seen double-digit daily COVID deaths and almost always has more than any other single province on any given day, as would be expected given its relative size/population.


    Likewise, I think it's pretty rare, at least thus far in this year's version of the pandemic, to have any other province besides Bangkok reporting double digit COVID deaths..  But we had that today in Roi Et of all places for some reason.


    Curiously, according to the MoPH daily fatality reports, Roi Et didn't have any COVID deaths yesterday, and only one the day before that.... Hmmmm......



    Could it be that COVID is starting to take its toll in those outlying northern provinces which have lower vaccination rates in the elderly?

  2. 4 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    PCR test positive cases, total of 19,982 official new infections. 101 official covid deaths recorded.


    Rapid tests positive cases, 10,997 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 30,979



    OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 10th April








    Thanks to Bkk for sharing these graphs daily but I have got to say they show the most unusual pattern of Omicron cases I think the world has seen. TIT.

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  3. 6 hours ago, law ling said:

    In some up-country towns, shots are not easy: I took someone to their second-shot appointment at their local hospital, and it took  four and a half hours.

    Think that's why UK vaccination roll out was successful, every shot I've had taken no more than 25 minutes from entry to exit. Get organized and make it easy for people to do and more may be inclined to get it.

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  4. 9 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    No driving licence, 200-400bh fine.

    Just think of it as a foreigner tax for driving in Thailand.

    If you'd had a d/l he would have just made up another offense.

    Must be lucky because never had that happen. Stopped numerous times in Chiang Mai, once no documents so fined, other times IDP, helmet, bike legal and was told thank you , on your way. Only times I've been fined in Patraya area was parking illegally, no helmet and , to my shame DUI.

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  5. 5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    The dreaded dropping Monday and Tuesday case numbers while the intubated and those in serious condition keeps growing.  Tomorrow the numbers will increase as they always do on a Wednesday.  It is such a sham what this country does as far as testing goes.  So tired of the BS they espouse as far as Covid and the reports, when the numbers drop like this, as to how well Thailand is doing with its control of Covid.  The only Control is the numbers that they control.  Why is it so important for them to be seen as the best in the world when it comes to this, well one word can describe that - Ego...........what a joke and mockery they have become to the rest of the world who even with ten times the cases has decided to truly live with Covid, have a few regulations still in place and have opened up.  However, Thailand has decided that, even though they have espoused Learning to live with Covid many times is doing anything but.  Ok Rant over.......

    I said same to the girlfriend, Thailand is becoming laughing stock. They have all these restrictions and rules pushed to the outside world but on reality most are been ignored. She went out to with her friends recently to a club. Went to take photo and was told by security cannot because it was so crowded and they worry if it's posted and tagged the authority will see they are not following COVID safe. Absolute joke. BIB know what's going on but turn a blind tea money eye.

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  6. 22 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    People seem to be thinking it is all a big nothing.  The deaths and over 500 on ventilators?

    Please everyone be careful and safe, it is not just a cold as many seem to profess.

    Spot on, just as other variants affected people differently, some with delta asymptomatic, others died from it. It's a lottery virus and IMO vaccination is the best chance you have to reduce the worst outcome if catching it. Figures from over the world relating to deaths of vaccinated and unvaccinated show this.

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